The Endless Spire

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

Glade: 1504 words (+15) Completed post (+7) World Specific (+1) = 23 (double for event) = 46g

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Percy listened to her reassurance that she was alright, his expression only relaxing when she told him not to worry.

Worrying was in his nature. He couldn't help it, he always had some care or worry about his rather extensive adopted family, friends or even his blood relatives. Especially in this day and age. So much could go awry at any point of time. Any of them could be perfectly safe one moment, and the next, in the path of the next monster that would inevitably crop up. He hated to be the pessimist, especially since for the first time in a very, very long time things were looking up for those cursed with magic. But really, he couldn't help it. 

"It's... not unheard of." He answered tentatively, somehow getting the picture his knowledge on the matter wouldn't be appreciated if it were spread. He shifted his weight on his hooves, half tempted to sit. "Then again it wouldn't exactly surprise me if it happened more likely than anyone wants to let on. I can't imagine it'd be good for the public image of just about anyone associated with mages or magic." His smile soured and the corners of his eyes wrinkled in a less than enthusiastic expression. He shook his head. "If anything, I feel as though it'd only invigorate the witchfinders to crawl out of the woodwork and start hassling mages regardless of their affiliation or training." His ears wagged as he shook his head. "So much pressure will only make things worse." He heaved a dramatic sigh, his eyes slowly wandering back to Glade. 

"Apologies my friend. This topic breaks my already weary heart."

Percy pinned Glade with his golden gaze, his expression soft, but heavily burdened with a deep-seated weariness. "I... I know. Or I thought as much. You must forgive me. These last few days have made me wary towards all. It's funny what a few nights devoid of sleep can do to you." He cracked a little smile, trying to play off his wary nature as paranoia derived from too many sleepless nights. And in all honesty, it was partly the truth. 

He glanced away from her and back towards the tower. "So... what brings you here?" He asked, nodding his head towards the magnificent, fearful spiral of a tower that loomed over their conversation. "Did you come here by your own volition or was it by instruction... or since it is none of my business you needn't say. Though I am curious. I was instructed to head this way. I was just on my way to Namarast to rest my weary bones and someone found me in Mead to send me back this way." His smile returned and he even managed a low laugh. "As my mentor always said, 'don't get old.'"