The Endless Spire

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 11
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

Glade: 1504 words (+15) Completed post (+7) World Specific (+1) = 23 (double for event) = 46g

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Glade felt a cold chill stab her weary heart. Magic behaving oddly, but not corruption? How could he be sure? But certainly he would know, better than anyone - better than her. She wished the little ram greener pastures, as his trials certainly seemed to be wearing on him. Hopefully he had others in his life, to lean on with his burdens?

She nodded, maintaining her cool composure. "Not easy, indeed. But have strength." She attempted to be encouraging, and tried to give him a gentle smile. That he'd shared this with her was no small thing, and it warmed her that he'd trusted her with it.

She stamped a hoof towards the entrance. "Your promises... I take you at your word, and I'm glad of it. Be wary, Perseus, but trust in your own knowledge as well. Certainly, if you've been sent to uncover this tower's secrets... I wish you well. You're a good ram for the job, I think."