Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 11 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 days ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Reunion || Chapter 1

It was a bright afternoon, a cold, chilly breeze softly wafting through the air... And on this very Friday in the middle of October, all the kids were stuck inside school, their minds practically absent from the teacher’s voice, which felt like it droned on and on... Some kids had their eyes focused on the outside windows, wondering when the school bells could finally ring, and allow them to be released from their seats...

BRIIIIIIIING!! And like that, the bells finally went off, as if on cue.



One girl, Taeka Evans, suddenly stood up in her chair, cheering loudly. “REUNION DAY, LETS GOOO!! LATER, SUCKERS!!” And with that, she screamed, bolting out of the classroom first, not caring at all about the weird looks and whispers she gained from a few of her fellow students. Today was a special day that Taeka and all her friends had planned for a while now, and she wasn’t gonna wait on this any longer... Taeka rushed down the school hallways as fast as she could, finally running out into the parking lot as she spotted her mother’s silver car... 

BEEP!! BEEEEP!! And was caught off guard by the car’s loud horn going off, the car rolling down its window...


...Only for Taeka to see her mother, and her little sister Lily, Lily leaning forward in the car seat with her hands inches away from the horn.

“Lily, please! Don’t touch the horn without my permission!” The mother scolded Lily.

“Heheh, sorry mom... I couldn’t help myself!” Lily giggled, earning a laugh from Taeka as well, as she hopped into the car next to Lily, the car finally driving off and away from the school.

“EEEEEK!! I’m so excited!!” Lily squeals happily.

“I know, me too! It’s been hard to focus all day! Mom, step on it!” Taeka says jokingly.

“Why are you girls in such a hurry?” Mrs. Evans says, laughing. “Has it really been that long since you’ve all hung out?”

“Yeah, it’s been a while since we’ve all hung out together... Almost a year in fact.” Lily frowns a bit, looking down. “Everyone’s been so busy with their own things now... I know Erik and Axel have been pretty busy with their studies...”

“Yeah, and... Ever since Blaine switched schools because of that... Incident...” Taeka winced. “We haven’t even seen him at all anymore. I mean, I’ve been able to hang out with Cora a lot at school and such, but... That’s about it...”

“Yeah, we’ve all been planning the perfect day for months now to hang out, and have the perfect reunion...” Lily says, smiling. “And I’m so excited! Mom, you know why Jake and his family left for Texas last night? The younger Digidestined kids are all having their own reunion as well...”

“My goodness, it’s amazing that you’re all able to hang out like this after so long.” Mrs. Evans says. “It is really sweet, makes me wish I had friends like that at my age... How long has it been, anyways? Since you’ve all met and adventured in the Digital World together?” She asks.

“Uhh... If you count our first adventure, it’s been 6 years...” Taeka says.

“Or 3 years if you count our second adventure, when Taeka also returned home...” Lily adds.

“Man, 6 whole years... I can’t believe it’s all flown by so fast!” Taeka says, staring out the window as memories of the Digital World flash in her eyes. “Back then, we were all just stupid kids, who had no idea what we were doing... And now most of us are legal adults!”

“You still act like a child sometimes though, Taeka...” Lily jokes.

“Yeah, you’re right...” Taeka chuckles.

“Alright girls... We’re here.” Mrs. Evans cuts through their conversation as the car finally stops, in a big parking lot in front of an even bigger building... Jackson’s Convention Center. A big building that was used to host many different events, such as sporting events, meetings, and parties, the parking lot being pretty filled up. 

“Here’s your room number... Your room should be on the second floor.” Mrs. Evans handed Lily a slip of paper, with a room number on it, which read: ‘Room 2012.’

“Call me when you two are done, alright? You girls have fun!” 

“Bye mom, see you later!” The two girls exited the car, waving goodbye as the car drove away, excitedly running up to the front door of the building. “Ooh, I’m so excited!” Taeka smiles widely. “I wonder who arrived first...”

“Hmm, if I had to guess...” Lily thinks for a moment. “I’d probably say Erik. I know how much he hates being late for anything.”

“You know me too well then.” The two suddenly hear a familiar voice, turning around to see someone step out from behind a pillar...


“ERIK!!” The two girls giggle happily, quickly running up to Erik and enveloping him in a group hug. “It’s so nice to see you two...” Erik says. “How’s it going?”

“We’re great! We both really missed you...” Taeka smiles, everyone letting go of their hug. 

“Come on, let’s go see the others!” Lily says. The three excitedly run into the building, walking down the long hallways as they passed by a bunch of sports rooms and such... 

Creeeeeaaaaakk... When they got closer to the the stairs though, they suddenly heard a nearby door slowly creaking open... The three exchanged confused looks, looking over at the door that opened, the room behind it being pitch black and empty. The three, all curious, slowly walked over to the door...



“AAAAHHHH!!” Only for Cora to suddenly jump out and scare them, the three fumbling back in shock. “Hee hee... I got you guys!” Cora giggled.

“Oh my gosh, Cora... You scared the life out of me!” Erik chuckles, everyone giving her a hug and greeting her. 

“Come on guys, let’s go up to our room! Cora, have you seen if the others are in there yet?” Lily asks.

“Not yet, um... I’ve just been waiting here the whole time...” Cora smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. “...So I could scare you guys, heh.”

Everyone quickly ran up the stairs, walking down the hallway, until they finally arrived at the room. When they opened the door, they all looked around, admiring the room... It was a pretty big room, with a couple of long tables surrounded by chairs, almost resembling an office-like meeting room. The other side of the room also had a small TV and a couch in front of it, and some counters that included a microwave and a mini fridge. The room was pretty packed with a lot of useful appliances, a place somebody could easily live in for a few days if they needed to.


“Heyy, guys...” Everyone also immediately spotted Axel, who was casually sitting on one of the chairs, sitting up as he waved at everyone. “Glad you could all make it!”

“AXEL!!” In a familiar fashion, everyone ran up to Axel, all hugging him as they all excitedly greeted him.


While everyone was talking to Axel, Blaine curiously approached the door, cautiously looking at everyone for a moment as he shyly and quietly stepped into the room...

“Oh my gosh... Everyone, BLAINE IS HERE!!” Taeka gasped and shouted, everyone suddenly running up to Blaine, everyone enveloping him in a tight group hug.

“Whoa, I... You guys are actually... Happy to see me?” Blaine muttered, seeming a bit surprised by everyone’s excitement.

“Are you kidding, Blaine? Of course we’re happy to see you...” Erik smiles warmly, tightly hugging Blaine.

“Yeah... It’s just so cool that we’re finally all together...” Lily says, everyone letting go of the group hug.

“Yeah... We’ve all gotten so busy lately, it’s almost impossible to hang out as a group anymore...” Axel says.

“I know... Come on, let’s all sit down and catch up!” Cora says.

BEEP!! Taeka suddenly gets a text alert on her phone, smiling when she reads the text. “Ooh, yes, perfect timing... The pizzas I ordered are here! Sit tight guys, I’ll be right back!”

“I’ll help you bring them in, Taeka...” Lily says, the two girls quickly leaving the room, everyone else sitting down on the tables.

“Wow, it’s so nice having us all back together again... As a group...” Cora smiles.

“I know, me too...” Erik smiles, thinking of something. “But... I do wish our Digimon could be here with us too...” He says. “It’d be nice to be with them, but without having to worry about all these life ending battles or whatever...” 

“Yeah, me too...” Axel says, everyone nodding in agreement. “It’d be nice if they could live in our world with us...”

“Blaine...” Erik suddenly turns to Blaine, smiling. “I’ve especially missed you, man! It’s been forever since we’ve talked... I’m sure you must be busy at your new school, making new friends or whatever...”

“Huh? Uh yeah, sure...” Blaine awkwardly responds, Erik winking at him as he pats Blaine on the shoulder. “We’ll talk later.”

“Everyone... THE PIZZAS HAVE ARRIVED!!” Taeka dramatically shouts as the two girls re-enter the room, Taeka holding four pizzas boxes, and Lily holding two big two liter soda bottles. “...LET’S DIG IN!!” Everyone settles down at the table, neatly distributing the pizza boxes all on the table. Everyone opens up the boxes, one being a cheese pizza, one pepperoni, one pineapple pizza, and one last smaller box stuffed with garlic bread.

“Ooh, pineapple pizza! I want it...” Erik happily grabs a slice, Axel doing the same.

“Dear god...” Blaine cringes. “People actually eat that shit?”

“I know, right? I actually bought that pineapple pizza as a joke...” Taeka says, smirking.

“Wow...” Lily chuckles. “I can’t believe I’ve been friends with some pineapple on pizza lovers all these years.”

“Hey, pineapples on pizza is great...” Axel says, smirking. “Don’t hate me for telling the truth!” Everyone laughs, Blaine and Lily grabbing some slices of cheese pizza, and Taeka grabbing a piece of the pepperoni.

“Oh my gosh, yes... GARLIC BREAD!!” Cora suddenly shouts, grabbing the whole box of garlic bread and scooting it next to her. “Mine... Nobody can have it...”

“Woah, Cora... Hogging all the garlic bread to yourself?” Axel chuckles. “How rude...”

“Oh my gosh, guys... I just thought of something I need to ask you all!!” Taeka suddenly blurts out, everyone curiously looking to her.

“It’s about... Relationships! I need to know this right now... Are any of you in a relationship right now?”

“.............” Taeka’s question was followed by absolute silence, Taeka becoming quickly baffled by this awkward response. “Wha... Really?” Taeka quickly then turns to Erik. “Erik... What about you? Do you have a girlfriend or whatever? I know you’re like, the chad of this group or whatever...”

“Me? Nah, I’m still taking a break from relationships...” Erik says. “Just trying to focus on my schoolwork is all...”

“Pfft, you ain’t one to judge, Taeka...” Blaine retorts. “What about you? You got a boyfriend?”

“...............” And, in a similar fashion, his answer was also met with silence.

“Hmm... That’s what I thought.”

“What, so we’re just virgin ass losers then?” Lily jokes.

“Pfft, seems like it.” Axel smirks.

“Eh, who needs sex anyways when you have garlic bread?” Cora says.

“Hell yeah... Cheers to garlic bread!” Taeka yells.


Many hours later...

Everyone continued talking and having fun, the time going by so fast that it quickly turned to nighttime.

“So, uh... Besides relationship stuff, what’s going on in everyone’s life?” Lily asks.

“Ooh, I’ve always been curious on what Blaine’s been doing at his new school!” Taeka says, everyone quickly turning to him. “Blaine, how’s that been going for you?” Taeka asks, Blaine awkwardly looking away.

“Um, it’s been fine... Pretty nice...” Blaine responds. “I just, you know, graduated recently...”

“Whoa, for real? That’s awesome, congrats, Blaine!” Axel says, everyone congratulating him.

“That’s really cool... What are you planning on doing next?” Erik asks.

“Err, I’m not sure yet... Haven’t figured that part out...” Blaine mumbles.

“Erik, what about you? I know you’ve been busy, being class president and all...” Lily says.

“Hm? Class president?” Blaine asks.

“Yeah, shortly after you transferred schools, Erik became class president...” Cora says. “And he’s been re-elected each year too!”

“Yeah, I’ve been so busy with that lately...” Erik says. “Being class president takes up a lot of my time.”

“Oh, I would know.” Axel says. “Especially since I started working as his assistant this year...”

“Man, we’re all so boring...” Lily jokes, leaning back in her chair. “I bet Jake’s having a lot of fun with the other Digidestined right now back in Texas. They’re all having their reunion at Hoshi’s family restaurant...”

“Well, almost everyone... Remember that little girl, Blaire?” Erik says. “And that Demondestined, Russell... I hope they’re ok. We never knew where they lived, so we couldn’t keep in contact with them...”

“Man, I remember those Demondestined...” Lily says. “...Those other guys were the worst!”

“Oh, I’d know...” Cora grumbles, frowning. “Screw Rosalie, I’m glad she moved back to Italy after all that...”

“It does make me wonder what they’re all up to now...” Erik says. “I hope they all got the mental help they needed...”

“That goes double for that one nutty girl, Lila...” Taeka adds in.

“Remember Alec? That poor kid had to watch his brother die...”Lily says.

“God, that was horrible...” Axel mumbles. “I hope he’s ok. I know he was evil, but nobody deserves to go through something like that...”

“I wish we could’ve stayed in contact with Blaire. She was a sweet little girl...” Lily says.

“Yeah... Remember how attached she was to Blaine?” Erik says, chuckling. “It’s like the two could’ve been siblings or something...Right, Blaine?” Erik turns to Blaine, who wasn’t focused on the conversation at all, standing by the window as he stared outside.

“Yo, Blaine! You alright? You’ve been staring out that window for a while now...” Taeka suddenly, finally grabbing his attention.

“Huh? Sorry, I keep hearing these noises outside... Almost like there’s some fight going on down there...” Blaine says.

“Isn’t there like, an alleyway down there?” Cora asks.

CLANG!! CLANK!! Everyone suddenly hears a loud banging noise, sounding like a bunch of garbage cans being thrown around. Everyone exchanges confused looks, running up to the window and looking around, but it was too dark to see anything.

“Must be some kind of trouble going on down there! Maybe I should check it out...” Taeka says.

“I don’t know Taeka, it sounds pretty dangerous...” Erik says, frowning. “Going down there, alone? What if there’s some dangerous gang fight going on down there?”

“Don’t worry about me, guys! I’ve got this!” Taeka winks, smiling confidently. “I’ve dealt with worse...”

“Alright, but you should atleast bring a weapon with you...” Axel says. 

“Ah, you’re right...” Taeka quickly searches through her pockets, but comes up empty handed. “Any of you guys got something I can protect myself with?”

“Here.” Without hesitation, Blaine pulls out a small pocket knife, handing it to Taeka. “Just like, scream or whistle or something if you need backup.”

“Whoa, alright... Thanks! Don’t worry guys, I’ll make this quick.” And with that, Taeka quickly left the room, running downstairs and out of the building. Hearing the loud clanking noises get louder, Taeka took a deep, nervous breath, slowly tiptoeing into the dark alleyway, the pocket knife’s blade held outward. “W-who’s out there? Whoever it is, d-don’t come any closer!” Taeka tried to sound threatening, but completely failed with the clearly nervous shake in her voice and hands. “Are you a raccoon or something? Because I’m crazy! I have no problem fist fighting a raccoon if I need to!”

“.........” Everything suddenly went dead silent, Taeka freezing and trying to look around.

‘Ugh, it’s so dark out here... I should’ve brought my phone with.’ Taeka thought to herself, looking behind herself, where the only source of light outside was a faraway street light...


“AAAAAAGHH!!” Suddenly, a raccoon jumps out from the darkness, screeching loudly as Taeka runs away from it, down the alleyway next to the street light. Taeka backed away as the raccoon ran off into another direction, Taeka nervously down the alleyway, her heart beating in her chest as she heard rapid footsteps coming towards her.

‘Oh, no no no...” Taeka held out the knife, holding her breath as the steps got closer... And the figure finally came into view.


...It was Taeka’s Digimon partner... Dracomon. He was also sporting Taeka’s old goggles, which rested neatly on his head.

“Yeah, that’s right, you stupid raccoon! You better run away!” Dracomon yelled, turning and freezing when he spotted Taeka. “Wha... Taeka? Is that you...?”

“Dracomon...?” Taeka lowered the knife into her pocket, slowly walking towards Dracomon... As the two ran forward, tightly hugging one another.

“Dracomon, I can’t believe you’re here! It’s so nice to see you again, buddy... I’ve missed you.”

“Me too, Taeka... I’m so glad to see you!” Dracomon says. The two let go of the hug, as Taeka playfully pokes her old goggles. “Heh... Nice to see you still have this!” Taeka chuckles, tracing her finger over a couple of cracks on the goggles. The goggles looked pretty worn out, but overall still held together fine.

“Heh, yeah... Ooh, wait a minute! Hey guys, come over here!” Dracomon turns and calls to the dark alleyway, hearing more footsteps as more familiar faces come out of the darkness...






...It was everyone else’s Digimon partners... Lopmon, Labramon, BlackGabumon, ExTyrannomon, and Ryudamon... Who all looked up at Taeka with widened, excited expressions.

“Wha... Oh my gosh, you’re all here?!” Taeka gasps, all the Digimon running up to and greeting Taeka.

“Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Hey Taeka, you know where Erik is?!” Labramon excitedly asks.

“Hey, what about Cora? Is she with you too?” BlackGabumon asks. All the Digimon start asking for their partners, talking over one another as Taeka shushes them all.

“Whoa, calm down you guys!” Taeka says. “Everyones inside, and they’re all upstairs... Wanna go see them right now?” All the Digimon exchanged looks, shouting the same answer at once...
