Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 11 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Aggressive mons || Chapter 4

Taeka, Lily, and Erik, alongside Liam and Jazmine, all raced over to the location of some evil Digimon Guidemon alerted them to, Taeka on the phone with the others, who were also taking care of another group of evil Digimon nearby.

“You guys will take care of those other Digimon...? Good, thanks! Gotta go!” Taeka quickly hung up, everyone stopping as they finally spotted the evil Digimon...


...BlackGrowlmon. And it wasn’t just one, it was multiple, four of them... Four, gigantic Digimon, who were all rampaging through the city, attacking buildings and throwing cars around and such, people screaming and running away.

“Whoa, what the... Why is there so many of them?!” Erik says.

“Well, it doesn’t matter how many of them there are...” Taeka says, pounding her fists together. “We’re still gonna their their butts! Come on everyone, let’s Digivolve!”








“LET’S DO THIS!! BLUE FLARE BREATH!!” Coredramon immediately attacked, the rest of the Digimon doing the same, turning the area into a big fight.

“Ooh! I wanna help out too!” Jazmine excitedly steps forward, but Liam puts an arm out, promptly stopping her.

“Jazmine... You should just stay out of this fight. It’s not safe for you.” Liam says. “Just stay back and let us deal with this.”

“Ugh, are you serious, Liam? I’m not a baby!” Jazmine snaps, quickly pushing Liam out of the way. “I can do whatever I want!”

“Jazmine, no...”


“GRRRR... GRAAAGHHH!! MIGHTY FLAME!!” Lavorvomon roars powerfully, blasting out a powerful fireball that instantly poofs one of the BlackGrowlmons to dust, some of the flames from the attack nearly hitting Turuiemon.

“Whoa... Be careful, Lavorvomon!” Turuiemon shouts, but Lavorvomon only ignores her, whacking Turuiemon with his tail, sending her flying and crashing into a building. All the Digimon stare at Lavorvomon with wide eyed shock, slowly backing away as Lavorvomon attacks more of the BlackGrowlmons, poofing two more to dust. 

“LASER EYE!!” Jazardmon fires an attack at the last BlackGrowlmon, poofing him to dust as well.

“Alright, Lavorvomon... Maybe you should calm down now...” Coredramon pleads...

“GRRR... MIGHTY FLAME!!” But Lavorvomon only attacks Coredramon, all the Digimon running away as Laborvomon chases after them.

“Wha... What’s going on?” Erik worriedly asks. “Why’s Lavorvomon attacking them like this?”

“This is all my fault... I’m so sorry...” Jazmine whimpered.

“Wait a minute... Jazmine, did you not tell them about Lavorvomon?” Liam asks.

“Wait, what...? What’s wrong with Lavorvomon?! You gotta tell us!” Lily says.

“Lavorvomon’s always been extremely aggressive...” Liam says. “And Jazmine has never been able to control him!”

“Yeah, I, uh...” Jazmine worriedly mumbled. “I may have left out a part of my story when we first met... Lavorvomon actually went rampant on that day...”

“What...” Erik and the others gasped. “Jazmine, how could you not tell us about this?”

“I-I don’t know, I just...” Jazmine whimpered. “It’s been a while since we’ve fought, I... I thought this aggression would’ve been gone by now.”

“Jazmine, you’ve gotta be kidding me...” Liam grumbled. “This kind of thing doesn’t just go away on its own!”

“MIGHTY FLAME!!” Lavorvomon attacks Coredramon again, pinning him down as he readies another attack...

“Ugh, I can’t believe I gotta deal with this again...” Liam groans.

“SONIC VULCAN!!” Jazardmon quickly attacks Lavorvomon, knocking him off of Coredramon.

“Sorry, Laborvomon... But this is for your own good!” Seasarmon says. “SUN’S COURAGE!!”


“STRIKE BOMBER!!” Turuiemon and Coredramon also attacked Lavorvomon, who fell to the ground, struggling to stand up...

“LASER EYE!!” And Jazardmon blasted one last time, Lavorvomon reverting back to Vorvomon.

“Vorvomon! Are you alright?!” Jazmine ran up to Vorvomon, picking up and hugging her weakened partner.

“Ugh, I...” Vorvomon mumbled weakly. “Did I... Go on a rampage, again? I’m sorry, Jazmine...”

“It’s alright, Vorvomon... Everything’s alright now...”

“Alright? Are you INSANE?! Jazmine, how could you be so irresponsible?! Look around you!” Liam snaps, everyone looking around the area, which was pretty damaged, having charred marks everywhere. Liam grumbled, opening up his phone and dialing...

“Who are you calling?” Taeka asks.

“The fire department...” Liam says. “It’s not the first time I’ve called them.”

Sometime later...

Everyone made their way back to the room, Jazmine and Liam screaming at each other the whole way there, everyone else covering their ears in annoyance.

“Urgh... Is it just me, or do their demeanors completely change the second they talk about Digimon?” Erik asks.

“Yeah, it’s super weird. They were getting along so well earlier...” Taeka says. Suddenly then, Lily’s phone starts ringing. “Oh snap, it’s Jake. I gotta take this.” Lily answers her phone, quickly leaving the room.

“Would you two just SHUT IT ALREADY?!” Taeka snaps, quickly shutting Jazmine and Liam up. “I’m sorry, I just... You two need to relax already! Why are you both arguing so much anyways?”

“It’s always been this way since we were young...” Jazmine sighed. “The second we have to deal with anything Digimon related, all we do is scream at each other.”

“You can’t blame me for getting mad at Jazmine, though...” Liam sighed. “Everytime Vorvomon Digivolves, I constantly have to clean up his messes.”

“I know it’s irresponsible of me, but I just wanna help out as a Digidestined...” Jazmine says. “And I know I should’ve told you all about this earlier, but I was worried I’d scare you all away...”

“Pfft, you think you can scare us away?” Lily chuckles. “We’ve seen things in the Digital World that makes Lavorvomon look like an angry puppy.”

“Yeah! And besides, you’re not the only Digidestined here whos partner has an aggressive form.” Taeka says.

“Hm? Who’s that?” Jazmine asks curiously.

“Me, obviously!” Taeka says, chuckling. “Dracomon has an armor Digivolution known as Gargoylemon... He’s super powerful. But goes absolutely rampant and attacks everyone whenever he Digivolves! Honestly, I’m like, super terrified of him.”

“Whoa, really...? Did you ever find out how to control him?” Jazmine asks.

“Uhh... Not really, but... The point is, we’ve dealt with a ton of aggressive Digimon before, so we can help you with learning to deal with Lavorvomon’s aggressions!” Taeka says.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it, Jazmine...” Erik says, smiling. “Well help you through this.”

“Wow, I...” Jazmine smiled warmly. “Thanks, you guys. This means a lot to me.”

“Hey guys!” Everyone suddenly hears Cora’s voice, seeing her, Blaine, and Axel run into the room. “Guys, we just ran into and fought a bunch of BlackGrowlmons!” Axel says. “We- Hey, is that Liam?” He asks.

“Sure am. You all must be the other Digidestined then.” Liam says.

“Yeah, um... Hey, where’s Lily?” Blaine asks.

“She’s out on the phone with Jake right now. She should be back soon.” Taeka says, and almost if on cue, Lily walks back into the room. “Hey guys, you won’t believe this...” Lily says. “Jake and the others are on their way here right now! They all have their partners with them as well... He said they all just showed up here mysteriously, just like ours!” Everyone gasped quietly, all exchanging looks.

“I’m not sure when they’re gonna be here, but Jake said that Hoshi’s also bringing his sister, with, if that’s ok with you guys...” Lily says. “She already knows about the Digimon.”

“Cool with me!” Taeka smiles widely, squealing with excitement. “Man, the whole teams about to be back together again... I can’t wait!!”




Jake and Terriermon were seated inside of a train, Jake grumbling with annoyance as he slumped over on his seat. “Ugh, this sucks...” Jake groaned. “I wish we could’ve gotten on that airplane with the others instead. How the heck did the airport run out of tickets anyways?!”

“Hey, look on the bright side...” Terriermon says. “Atleast we have all these snacks to keep us company until we arrive! Um, how long until we arrive again?”

“It’s not gonna be for a couple days... And Terriermon, we don’t exactly have that many snacks left... You’ve eaten like, half our stash already!”

“Hey, I can’t help it, I get hungry easily!” Terriermon says. “Hey Jake, can I have some more snacks?”

“What?! Terriermon come on, you just ate a whole bag of gummy worms 20 minutes ago!” Jake says. “We need to save some for later.”

“Aw, man... Can I go ask someone around here for some snacks then?” Terriermon asks. “Where’s that lady who gave us the stale peanuts an hour ago?”

“Terriermon, wait, you can’t talk to others, remember? You can’t blow your cover!” Jake says.

“Ugh, fine... I’ll just play on your phone then until I can eat again!” Terriermon says, quickly grabbing Jake’s phone.

“Terriermon, w-wait! My phones low on battery!” Jake tries to grab the phone from Terriermon, but Terriermon scoots away from him, suddenly feeling a cold, uncomfortable shiver run down his back...

“Terriermon, you alright?” Jake asks.

“I... I sense something... Something bad...” Terriermon whimpered, his body shaking slightly as his ears go stiff. “Do you... Also feel that?”

The two suddenly hear muffled screaming from another boxcar in the train... The two go silent, carefully looking where the screaming came from...

Whoosh! And in the blink of an eye, a black mass suddenly rushes past them, rushing into another box car, moving too fast for them to see exactly what it looked like.

“Wh-what the heck?! What kind of Digimon was that?!” Jake whimpers.

“I don’t know, but we gotta chase after it! Before it hurts somebody!” Terriermon says, the two quickly standing up and chasing after it, pushing past a bunch of other people who were screaming and running away. Eventually, the two cornered the Digimon in an empty boxcar, finally seeing what it looked like...


“Ew, what the...” Jake shivered uncomfortably, pulling out his Digivice and using the analyzer...

‘Eyesmon scatter mode: Champion level, Virus. A smaller version of Eyesmon, can combine together with others to create a regular Eyesmon. DO NOT LET THEM FORM.’

“Eyesmon, we won’t let you hurt these people!!” Terriermon yells. Eyesmon doesn’t react to this threat one bit, not moving an inch as its eyes slowly look around the room... Its eyes then fixate on a trap door on the rooftop...

Whoosh! Eyesmon then tackles the trapdoor, slamming it open and flying onto the rooftop. “Hey! You can’t run away from us!!” Terriermon shouts, the two grabbing onto the trapdoor, hoisting themselves onto the top of the speeding train and facing Eyesmon once again.

“Aw geez... I can’t believe I’m doing this again...” Jake whimpered, his legs shaking as he focused on keeping his balance.

“Eyesmon, what the heck are you doing on this train?! Leave these people alone already!” Terriermon shouts.

“DARK ONE... WILL AWAKEN...” Eyesmon grumbled in a low tone, its body twitching uncontrollably. “SOON TO BE... AWAKENED... CANT STOP... AWAKENING...”

“What...” Jake and Terriermon felt a shiver run down their spines, taking a step back from Eyesmon. “What is he... Talking about?” Jake whimpers.


“Ugh, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Eyesmon... But I’m still taking you down either way!” Terriermon threatens. “Jake, you gotta let me Digivolve now!”

“Oh, r-right... Eyesmon... You’re done here.”



“GATLING ARM!!” Gargomon tries to shoot at Eyesmon, but he dodges with incredible speed... “JANENGAN!!” As he fires dark beams from his eyes...

“DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” But Gargomon quickly deflects the attack with his own, striking Eyesmon and doing a lot of damage... “GATLING ARM!!” And Gargomon fires one last time, Eyesmon hissing with a low growl of pain. Eyesmon body was now slowly starting to fade away, its ghostly body struggling to stand up straight.

“I’ve had enough of this...” Gargomon growled, glaring at Eyesmon as he aimed his guns directly at him. “Eyesmon, tell us who and where the dark one is... NOW!!”

“GRRRR....HSSSS.... DARK ONE... WILL AWAKEN... KILLING ME... WONT STOP... THE AWAKENING... CANT... WONT... STOP...” Eyesmon growled and hissed one last time... Before finally poofing to dust.

“What the... That wasn’t exactly very helpful...” Jake says.

“I know... And he didn’t exactly put up much of a fight either!” Gargomon says. “What’s up with that?”

“Hmm...” Jake started thinking, remembering Eyesmon’s analysis on the Digivice analyzer. “The Digivice said that multiple Eyesmon can form together to create a bigger one... Gargomon, did you sense any other Eyesmon on the train?” Jake asks.

“Uhh... Nope, just that one.” Gargomon responds. 

“Hmm, this is weird. You think it’s possible that there’s more somewhere else?” Jake asks.

“Yeah, it’s definitely possible...” Gargomon says, with a serious expression. “Either way... We need to be careful.”