Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 10
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Confession || Chapter 10

It was the next day after the events at the roller rink. Everyone was hanging out in the room, Taeka and Dracomon walking into the room...

“EVERYONE, LISTEN UP!! I have an important announcement to make!!” Taeka shouted, quickly gaining everyone’s attention.

“As the love master in this group, I’ve received some important information that everyone needs to know about...” Taeka paused, dramatically pointing a finger at Blaine. “Blaine... I KNOW YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEBODY!!”

W-WHAT?! How do you...” Blaine’s face quickly went red, frantically looking around at the others. “I-I mean, I do not!!”

Everyone in the group had a mix of different reactions, from gasps to silent shock.

“Ooooh shit!” Liam says, looking pretty surprised.

“Ugh... Jazmine, Ryudamon!! Which one of you told her?!” Blaine snapped at the two, who both put their hands up defensively.

“What?! I-I swear I didn’t tell her!” Jazmine says.

“Yeah, neither did I. I’d never do that to you, Blaine.” Ryudamon says.

“Actually, neither of them told her...” Dracomon says. “I did!”

“What?!” Blaine quickly looked over to Dracomon. “Wait, you guys heard that entire conversation?!”

“Yeah, all us Digimon did! Logan heard it too...” Dracomon says, Blaine crossing his arms as he sighed with annoyance. “You’ve gotta be kidding me...”

“So, Blaine... Mind telling us who it is?” Taeka says, everyone curiously looking over to him. “Is it somebody in this group?”

“Fuck off, Taeka. I’ll jump off the roof of this building before I tell any of you who it is.” Blaine snapped.

“Judging by your reaction, it’s totally gotta be someone in this group...” Taeka says, smirking.

“...Taeka...” Blaine huffed. “...I’m gonna kill you in your sleep tonight.”

“Hey, Blaine...” Erik lowers his voice so only Blaine can hear, putting a hand on his shoulder. “If you want, we can talk privately later about your crush...” He says, smiling. “I can help you and give you some tips on that stuff.”

“Uhh... Ok...”

“JAAAAAKE!!” Terriermon suddenly runs into the room screaming. “I-I still can’t find my phone! I have no idea where it is!!”

“Yeesh, haven’t you been looking all day?” Jake sighed, standing up and walking up to Terriermon. “Alright fine, I’ll help you look for it. I can keep calling it until we hear the ringtone.”

“Ok! Then let’s go!” Terriermon says, the two walking out of the room.

“Good luck, you two!” Charlee shouts.

“Hey, you guys!!” Veemon shouts to everyone from across the room. “Come over here! You guys gotta see this!” Everyone runs over to Veemon and Logan, who were both next to the still knocked out Troopmon. “Logan’s getting so close to waking up Troopmon!”

“Yeah, watch this...” Logan pressed a button on his Digivice, giving Troopmon a small shock that shakes his body a bit. “That’s the first time his body started moving... I’m getting really close to tapping into his system and fully waking him up.”

“Oh my gosh! This is so cool!” Jazmine squealed excitedly, Logan stretching his arms out to slightly push everyone away.

“Wait, guys! You all gotta back away for a bit... And be quiet. I need to concentrate...”

Logan continued tapping into the coding, everyone watching him over his shoulder. Everyone’s presence still made him uncomfortable though, looking back at the group with annoyance. “Would you guys maybe... Back away a little bit...?” He asked.

“Hey, can I try something?” Herissmon asks, jumping up and tapping on the coding on Logan’s Digivice.

“Hey! Don’t touch that!” Logan quickly yanks his Digivice away, accidentally pressing a button, the Digivice sending a small zap to Troopmon. Troopmon suddenly makes a low, soft mumbling noise, everyone quickly turning their attention to him. Troopmon slowly moved his arms and legs, standing up as everyone gasped with shock.

“Hello... Master... Tell me... What is... Your name...?” Troopmon says in a stern, robotic tone, his gaze looking to Logan.

“Uhh... Logan?”

“Hello... Master Logan... I am your servant. I will do... Whatever it is you command me to do.” Troopmon says, the group having a mix of surprised and excited reactions.

“Whoa... Troopmon’s really your servant now? This is so cool!” Dracomon says.

“This really is awesome! Yo Troopmon, could you like, make me a sandwich or something?” Taeka says, Lily rolling her eyes at her.

“Command denied... I will only obey master Logan...” Troopmon says.

“Aw, man...” Taeka sighed.

“He’s like, your robot servant now or something...” Cora says. “What are you gonna make him do first, Logan?”

“Can you like, tell him to make me a sandwich?” Taeka asks.

“Taeka, shut up already!” Lily snapped.

“Uhh... I don’t know...” Logan had a perplexed look on his face, thinking. “Hey Troopmon, can you tell us where you’re from...? Are you from the same place as the Eyesmons?”

“I am not familiar with the name... Eyesmon...” Troopmon replied.

“Oh, well... They’re these group of evil Digimon who keep attacking us...” Logan explains. “I’m not sure if you remember this, but a few days ago, you and these other two Troopmon attacked us, right before you were knocked out...”

“I... Did? My apologies for attacking you master Logan, I promise I won’t do it again...” Troopmon says. “I’m afraid I don’t remember what happened that day, or where I came from... I will try to analyze my memories to remember what happened until it finally comes back to me...”

“Whoa, this really is cool...” Charlee says. Everyone was talking about how cool Troopmon was, except for Logan, who stared at the floor silently.

“Hey, Logan... Are you alright?” Veemon asked.

“BEEP!! BEEP!! EVIL DIGIMON DETECTED!!” Guidemon suddenly burst out, everyone running up to them. “I detect two Digimon attacking in different parts of the city... And they’re both Eyesmon!”

“Of course they are... Alright Tsukaimon, you ready to go out there and fight?” Allison asks. “Yeah... Let’s do this!” Tsukaimon says.

“Me and Dracomon will come with you!” Taeka says.

“Alright, me and Veemon will go after that second Eyesmon...” Logan says. “Who wants to come with me?”

“Do you want me to join you, master Logan...?” Troopmon asks, Logan thinking for a bit.

“Uhh... Sure.” Logan nods, looking over at the group. “Alright, I’ll call you guys if we need any backup.”

Sometime later...

Logan, Veemon, and Troopmon all ran over to the spot one of the Eyesmon was located at. Upon arriving, they see the Eyesmon, which was particularly huge, attacking a building, which it was almost half the size of.

“Whoa... You think you’ll be able to handle this one, Veemon?” Logan asks.

“Yeah, I’ve handled worse than this!” Veemon says confidently. “Let’s do this!”


“JANENGAN!!” The Eyesmon attacked...

“V-NOVA BLAST!!” And Veedramon tried to block the attack, but it wasn’t enough. This Eyesmon in particular was very powerful, the attack instantly slamming Veedramon against the walls of the building. Veedramon struggled to stand up, Eyesmon lurking towards him...

“ELECTRO WAVE!!” But Troopmon attacks Eyesmon, not doing much damage, but does get Eyesmon attention off of Veedramon. Eyesmon then roughly tackles Troopmon, sending him flying as he roughly lands against a wall as well.

“Troopmon, NO!!” Logan glares up at Eyesmon, clenching his fists in anger. “Veedramon, we have no choice... You’re gonna have to Digivolve again to defeat him!”




“TWISTER SABER!!” AeroVeedramon quickly striked, knocking Eyesmon back into the walls too...


“TWISTER SABER!!” AeroVeedramon blocked Eyesmon’s attack again, this time blocking it successfully...

“TWISTER SABER!! V-WING BLADE!!” AeroVeedramon unleashed a barrage of attacks... Poofing the Eyesmon to dust.

“Oh, thank goodness...” Logan sighed with relief, running up to Troopmon, AeroVeedramon reverting back to Veemon as he ran up to them as well.

“Troopmon! Are you alright?!” Logan asked, him and Veemon helping Troopmon stand up. “Augh... Y-yes, I’m alright...” Troopmon groaned, rubbing his head.

“That’s good... When you got attacked, I thought you were done for...” Logan sighed. “I’m glad you’re alright.”

“I... I’m starting to remember something now. After I got hit on the head, my... Some of my memories started coming back to me.” Troopmon says. “I... I used to have an old master... Who was also human. I still can’t remember what their name was, or what they looked like, but I remember them giving me one command... To hunt for and find the Digidestined. My master had also created me in a lab somewhere, but I still have no memories of where that lab was located.”

“Wh-what?!” Logan’s eyes widened with shock, exchanging a worried look with Veemon. “Who would do something like that?”

“I wish I knew... My apologies master Logan, but that’s all I can remember for now.” Troopmon says.

“No, it’s ok Troopmon, I’m glad you remembered at least a little bit..” Logan says. “So my theory was correct... You and the Eyesmon are coming from different locations... Ok, we should get back now, and tell the others about this.”

“Affirmative... What do you want me to do for you next then, master Logan?” Troopmon asks, standing up.

“Uhh, I don’t know... What do you wanna do next?” Logan asked.

“Me? Well, of course I want to serve you... Do whatever you want...” Troopmon responds.

“No, I mean... Is there something you want to do? Without thinking of me?” Logan asks, Troopmon cocking his head at him in confusion.

“I don’t know... Why would I want to do anything without thinking about you?” Troopmon asks.

“Because, you know... Urgh, forget it.” Logan sighed. “Let’s go back soon, just... Gimme a second...” Logan took a few steps away from Troopmon, out of earshot as Veemon ran up to him, Logan staring silently at the ground.

“Hey Logan, are you alright? You can tell me whatever you’re thinking about.” Veemon says.

“Veemon...I, uh...” Logan took a deep breath. “If I’m being honest, I... I don’t really like having Troopmon as my servant.”

“Huh? Really? You don’t think it’s cool... At all?” Veemon asks.

“No... I know he’s a man-made Digimon and all, but he’s still a living creature at the end of the day... He deserves freedom just as much as any Digimon does.” Logan says, looking down at Veemon. “I mean, think about it, you wouldn’t wanna exist just to be my slave, right?”

“No, I much prefer being your friend...” Veemon responds. “Is that what you want Troopmon to be? Your friend instead of your slave?”

“I... Think so? At the end of the day, I just want him to be his own person. His own Digimon.” Logan says, him and Veemon walking back over to Troopmon.

“Alright, everyone... Let’s head back.”

Sometime later...

Logan, Veemon and Troopmon made their way back to the room, alongside Allison and Taeka who’d also defeated the other Eyesmon. Immediately upon arriving, Logan told everyone what Troopmon had told him, everyone having a conversation about this latest info.

“This is all incredibly weird...” Blaine says, nervously pacing back and forth. “Who in the world would be sending Digimon after us? Why would another human be doing this?”

“You guys think it’s possible this has anything to do with the Demondestined?” Axel asks.

“God, I hope not...” Lily says.

“Uh, who exactly is the Demondestined...? Is that like, an evil version of the Digidestined or something?” Liam asks.

“Pretty much. They’re these bad group of kids we all fought in the Digital World a few years back...” Erik says. “They almost destroyed the Digital World.”

“If it was the Demondestined, then who could it be? Rosalie moved back to Italy, so I doubt it’s her...” Cora says.

“There’s also Alec and Lila, but we have no idea where they even lived...” Axel says.

“I don’t know, doesn’t it feel like they would have shown their faces by now if it was them?” Logan asked. “I honestly think this might be a completely new enemy or Demondestined... I just wish I knew who it was...”

Beep! Lily suddenly got a text notification on her phone, standing up from her seat. “Ooh, Jake’s finally back! I’ll be right back, guys...” Lily fast walks out of the room, suddenly running into Jake and Terriermon in the hallway.

“Hey, Jake! I’m glad you’re back...” Lily says, the two smiling at each other.

“Yup, we finally found Terriermon’s phone... Turns out he accidentally left it at the roller rink last night.” Jake says, the two smiling and chuckling awkwardly.

“Hey Terriermon, mind if you leave us alone for a bit? Me and Lily gotta talk about something important...” Jake says.

“Ok! I’m gonna go make more videos...” Terriermon says, happily running away into the room. Jake and Lily only stared at each other in awkward silence for a moment, their faces blushing a bit.

“So, uh... What exactly are we now?” Lily asked shyly. “Like... Are we dating now?”

“Uhh, I don’t know...” Jake awkwardly responded back. “You... Want us to be dating? Like, uh, as in... Boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Yeah, I really do... I just... Didn’t know how to say it, you know?” Lily says. “I mean, we’ve never dated anyone else besides each other... And I have no idea how this relationship stuff works...”

“Yeah, me neither... And you know how awkward I am...” Jake says, the two chuckling.

“Good. You’re now my boyfriend then.” Lily leaned forward, giving Jake a quick kiss on the cheek as his face blushed even brighter. “The second all this Digimon stuff is over with, let’s both go on our first date together...” She says. “Alright?”

“Ah...Y-yeah, sure...” Jake stuttered. The two smiled at each other one more time, before finally walking back into the room.

“Hey, guys! What’d I miss?” Jake asks, his eyes looking over at the group as him and Lily walked over to them. “Uh... Where’s Blaine and Erik?” He asked.

“They went into another room to have a private conversation or something.” Liam replied. “Not sure what it’s about, though.”


Blaine and Erik walked up the next floor of the building, Erik leading Blaine down the hallway a bit to another room.

“You sure nobody knows about this room we’re going into?” Blaine asked, the two of them stopping at the entrance. “Last thing I need right now is for anyone to hear this conversation. Especially Taeka...”

“Yeah, don’t worry. This room’s sound proof, it’s used for recording stuff. And I’ve looked up here multiple times, and never seen anyone in here.” Erik responds, smiling as he opens up the door. The room was a small recording studio, the two sitting down at a table across from each other.

“Hey, Erik... How come you wanted to help me out with all this stuff in the first place?” Blaine asked.

“You’re my friend Blaine, why else wouldn’t I wanna help you?” Erik says, smiling. “I’ve dated so many people in the past, and with my vast expanse of dating knowledge, now I can finally get the chance to help my best friend get a date!”

“Pfft, we’ll see about that...” Blaine says, smirking.

“I still have one question, before we start, though...” Erik says. “If you don’t mind me asking, your crush... Is it someone in the group? I know Taeka thinks it is, but I don’t know...” 

Blaine was silent, not answering the question as his gaze stared to the floor.

“...It’s not Taeka, is it?”

“Ew! God no, what the hell?!” Blaine quickly cringed.

“Sorry! I just wanted to make sure... Um, is it at least somebody I know?” Erik asked, Blaine awkwardly looking away again.

“Um... Maybe? I uh, I don’t know...” Blaine muttered awkwardly, sounding unsure.

“Alright, sorry, I won’t ask anymore questions about who it is... I’m just really excited to help you out today is all...”

“What exactly are these dating tips that you have for me?” Blaine asked.

“All different kinds, basically...” Erik responds. “How to first approach said crush, how to flirt properly... Pretty much everything in the dating world you could possibly think of! So, which topic do to wanna start with first?”

“Er, I don’t know... Anything, I guess? I mean, I literally know nothing about this stuff...” Blaine responded.

“Ok, well start off with one of the beginning topics then... First topic will be... Approaching said person!” Erik states. “Whether it be a flirty, or a casual greeting... It all depends on the person, and situation.”

An hour later...

“And... I think that about covers everything!” Erik finally finished explaining all his dating tips to Blaine, who only stared back at him with a dazed expression, trying to take in all the info he had just learned. “How do you feel now?” Erik asked.

“Augh... My head is spinning...” Blaine muttered.

“Whoops, heh, sorry... Hope I didn’t go overboard with all this stuff...” Erik chuckled awkwardly. “You don’t have to remember everything I’ve told you today, but I will tell you the one thing you should remember the most. Above all... Just be confident, and be yourself! Heck, if I were you, I’d go and find your crush, and tell them how you feel... Right now!!”

“Wha... You mean like... Right this second?” Blaine asked.

“Yeah!” Erik smiled, the two of them standing up out of their seats. “Blaine, I’ve always really admired love, and how beautiful it can be... The idea of finding your one and only soulmate one day...” Erik was rambling on and on, not noticing how nervous Blaine was now, his breathing a bit shaky.

“One thing I know is for sure when it comes to love, you’ll never know how it feels... And how the other person feels... At least not until you try-“

Erik’s rambling was suddenly cut off... When Blaine kissed him. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Blaine quickly pulled away. Time almost felt like it had suddenly froze for Erik, who stared back in a frozen state of shock. Blaine slowly took a few steps away from Erik, a serious look of regret and nerves crossing his face.

“I... I’m sorry.” Blaine muttered, before quickly running out of the room. Erik stood in his frozen state of shock for a long moment, before finally shaking it off. He quickly ran out of the room, running down the stairs and back into the main room everyone was hanging out in... Blaine wasn’t there. And neither was Ryudamon.

“Hey... Labramon?” Erik called to his partner, who quickly ran up to him. “Did you see where Blaine went?” He asked.

“I’m not sure, but I did just see him run outta here with Ryudamon just now...” Labramon responded. Erik quickly ran down the flights of stairs, Labramon following after him. Erik ran over to the front entrance of the building, peeking his head outside at the darkened outside. He looked around at his surroundings, but saw no sign of Blaine or Ryudamon.

“Erik, are you alright...? What’s going on?” Labramon asked, Erik breathing heavily as worry rose within him.

“I... I don’t know.”