Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 16
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Gone || Chapter 16

A day or so had passed since Liam had also gotten taken. Herissmon was running around the cities on his own, looking for Tsukaimon. After running around he eventually found Tsukaimon, who was sitting by himself in an alleyway.

“Tsukaimon! Where the heck have you been? Nobody’s seen you for days!” Herissmon says.

“I’m sorry, Herissmon… I’ve just been trying to find a way to get to Allison… But so far I’ve had no luck…” Tsukaimon sighed with annoyance. “I’ve tried everything I can possibly think of! I’ve been yelling, trying to get the dark one’s attention, mocking it as much as I can… But nothing works! I’m just so worried about her… I have no idea what the dark one’s planning on doing with her and the others…”

“Um, Tsukaimon… Is there anything else you know about the dark one, that you haven’t told us yet?” Herissmon asks. “Or… Anything else about what you think could have happened to the others?”

“No, not really… I’ve pretty much told everything I know about the dark one…” Tsukaimon replies. “Like I’ve said before, no one has ever seen what the dark one looks like, so their identity is a complete mystery.”

“And you… You saw them kidnap the others, right?” Herissmon asks.

“Yeah, I watched them take Allison, Logan, and Veemon…” Tsukaimon says. “I also watched that weirdo kidnap Troopmon as well…

“Weirdo? Who are you talking about?” Herissmon asked.

“Remember that weirdo, Doctor X? He kidnapped Troopmon.”

“WHAT?! Wh-why didn’t you tell us?!” Herissmon freaked out, eyes widening with shock.

“I thought I did tell you guys? Well I’m sorry if I didn’t, I honestly didn’t think much of it at the time… I was just so worried about Allison…” Tsukaimon huffed.

“Oh, no no no… This is all my fault…” Herissmon’s breathing was shaky, Tsukaimon giving him a confused look. “What? What are you talking about?” Tsukaimon asked. Herissmon completely ignored him, suddenly running away.

“Herissmon! Wait!” 


Everyone was back at the room, trying to figure out what to do next. The group was getting pretty small now, with only Taeka, Erik, Axel, Jazmine, and Charlee left, alongside Guidemon as well. Taeka was getting into arguments and yelling at a few people, Erik eventually standing up out of his chair as he snapped at Taeka.

“Would you knock this off already, Taeka?!” Erik snapped. “Stop blaming everyone for what’s happening to the others, especially with what happened to Blaine! Remember what happened when he first ran away? You exposed him for a crush that he never wanted to talk about!”

“Oh, so you’re saying what happened to him is my fault now?” Taeka snapped back. “Blaine ran away after talking to you, so maybe you had something to do with this instead!” She snapped, Erik’s eyes going wide as he looked away in embarrassment.

“Erik, are you hiding something from us?” Taeka asked. “What exactly did you two talk about that day?”

“I… I can’t tell you…” Erik whimpered.

“Why not?!”

“I JUST CAN’T, OK?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!!” Erik snapped, quickly jumping out of his chair as he ran out of the room.

“Erik! Wait!” Labramon ran out of the room, following him.

“Taeka, please calm down…” Axel says. “He’s just feeling stressed out about everything that’s happening, go easy on him…”

“You think I’m not stressed out about this too?! For god sakes Axel, Lily just got taken too! My own sister!!“ Taeka snapped at him.

“I know that, but the last thing we need to do right now is gang up on each other…” Axel says. “You just gotta try and stay calm…”

“How do you expect me to stay calm right now?!” Taeka snapped, practically shouting at Axel.

“I don’t know, just PLEASE stop screaming at everyone!!” Axel loudly snapped back, groaning as he ran a hand through his hair. “Ugh, I need to get some fresh air…” He grumbled.

“Me too…” Taeka sighed, the two of them walking out of the room, as Jazmine and Charlee exchanged worried looks.

“I can’t stand listening to everyone scream at each other like this…” Jazmine sighed. “You think we should go talk to them?”

“Nah, I think we should just leave them alone. Let them cool down on their own for a bit…” Charlee says.

“You’re probably right, I just… I’m just so scared for everyone…” Jazmine paused, looking at the door to the room. “Everytime someone walks out that door I’m worried they’re never gonna come back… And I’m so upset that this finally happened to Liam. I’m so worried about him…”

“Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about Hoshi too. And he was one of the first to get taken too…” Charlee sighed. “I can’t stop thinking and worrying about whatever the dark one’s planning to do with everyone…”

“Hey, we’re all pretty strong, though… I’m sure we’ll find a way to get them back!” Vorvomon says confidently. Jazmine smiled at him weakly, picking him up as she hugged him. “Thanks, Vorvomon… I really hope so.”

“Hey, has anyone seen Herissmon and Tsukaimon? I feel like I haven’t seen those two in a while…” Charlee says.

“Last time I saw Tsukaimon was this morning…” Guidemon chimed in. 

“Hmm… I just hope they’re ok.”


Erik was outside, sitting alone in the alleyways by the building as he softly cried to himself. Labramon quickly ran up to him, sitting next to Erik as he rested his head on his lap. “I’m sorry about all this, Erik… I wish I could do more to help…” Labramon sighed. Erik sniffled, lifting Labramon into his lap as he hugged him tightly, Labramon hugging back. While the two were hugging, Herissmon peeked into the alleyway, quickly running up to the two.

“Oh no… Erik, are you alright?” Herissmon asked, the two letting go of the hug.

“This is all my fault… Blaine would have never disappeared if it weren’t for me.” Erik whimpered.

“What? No it’s not, Erik! I…” Herissmon had an almost guilty look on his face, looking away from Erik. “If anything, it’s mine…” Herissmon’s voice went very quiet.

“What…? Come on, how could any of this have to do with you…?” Erik asked.

“No, you don’t understand…” Herissmon whimpered. “There’s things in my past that you guys don’t know about… That I’ve been hiding…” Herissmon says, Erik and Labramon giving him a confused look.

“What… Wh-what are you talking about, Herissmon?” Erik asked.

“Troopmon, he… He was kidnapped by that man, Doctor X…” Herissmon states. “And it’s possible that he may have kidnapped Blaine and the others too…”

“What?!” Erik’s eyes widened with shock. “Herissmon, how do you know all this?”

“It doesn’t matter…” Herissmon turned away from the two, taking a deep breath. “What matters now is making things right… I have to finally face my fears, and I can’t let the rest of you pay for my mistakes, so… I’m going in alone. I’m sorry.” Herissmon suddenly dashed off in the blink of an eye…

“Herissmon! Wait! What are you talking about?!” Erik quickly jumped up, running after Herissmon as he ran around the corner of the alleyway… But Herissmon was already gone.

“…What’s going on here?”


Back at the room, Taeka and Axel were back inside, the two yelling at each other while Jazmine, Charlee, and the Digimon were covering their ears in annoyance. Erik and Labramon walked back into the room, walking past everyone with a serious demeanor, walking up to Guidemon.

“Hey, Guidemon… Do you know how to track the location of someone’s Digivice?” Erik asked.

“Huh? I can’t hear you!” Guidemon shouted over the sound of Axel and Taeka’s yelling. Erik grumbled to himself, glaring fiercely at the two…

“WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP ALREADY?!” Erik shouted at the two, who instantly shut up, exchanging shocked looks at Erik’s furious demeanor.

“Guidemon…” Erik sighed. “Can you track the locations of anyones Digivice?” He asked again.

“Yes, of course! As long as the Digivices are somewhere in a close by radius, I should be able to track their location!” Guidemon says. “And if I’m connected to a computer, I can scan an ever bigger radius!”

“Here, uh, you can connect to my computer…” Axel grabs his computer on the tables, connecting a USB port from the computer, into Guidemon.

“Alright! Scanning… Area…” A map appeared on Guidemon’s face screen, a radar scanning the map… After a quick minute or so, two beeping noises were heard, zooming into a part of the map, which showed two dots.

“I’ve found a location where Blaine and Taeka’s Digivices are located!” Guidemon says. “I’ve also scanned Troopmon and Ryudamon’s data here too!“ Everyone gasped, looking carefully at Guidemon’s screen.

“What?! Blaine is there?!” Erik says.

“Huh? Why the heck is my Digivice there too?” Taeka asked.

“Where exactly are they? Is that like, a building or something?” Charlee asked.

“Correct! It’s located inside of a building over 20 minutes away from here…” Guidemon states. Guidemon stated the name of the address, Jazmine pulling out the buisness card that Doctor X gave to her, reading it in her head as Guidemon spoke.

“Oh my god!” Jazmine gasped loudly. “Guys, that address… It’s the same address on Doctor X’s buisness card. Digital Enterprises.” She says, everyone gasping. 

“Wait! I’m also scanning another Digimon’s data nearby the building…” Guidemon says, everyone turning to him. “It’s…It’s Herissmon’s data!”

“WHAT?!” Everyone exchanged shocked looks, with mixes of shock and horror.

“Guys…” Taeka took a deep, shaky breath. “…What’s going on here?”