Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 11 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Trick or treat || Chapter 7

It was the next day, pretty late in the day, as the clock read: 7:01 PM. An hour and a half away from the time where Guidemon said that some evil Digimon would appear in their world. It was Halloween night, and right now everyone was in the room, getting ready to leave and find the evil Digimon before they showed up. Some of the group members were also wearing Halloween costumes, patiently waiting, as Lily, Jake, and Taeka all walked into the room, also wearing their own costumes.

“Hey, everyone! Like our costumes?” Taeka giggled excitedly, stretching our her arms to show off her costume, Taeka wearing a Yoshi costume that appeared to be a onesie. Lily also showed off her outfit, wearing a Princess Peach costume.

“Uh... I understand your guy’s costumes, but uh...” Liam looks over to Jake, looking like he was stifling a laugh. “What the hell are you supposed to be wearing?” Liam asked, Jake grumbling as he stretched out his arms, showing off his outfit. Jake was wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants, both articles of clothing heavily wrapped up in various colors of bright reflective tape. “It’s a long story...” Jake grumbled. “Every year on Halloween, my mom makes me wear these bright colored outfits, so I don’t accidentally get hit by a car or whatever.”

“Surprisingly, this is one of the less weird costumes his mom has made him wear...” Lily says, chuckling. “If you think this is weird, you should see the disco outfit he wore last year. I can show you guys pictures if you’d like...”

“No, p-please don’t show them those pictures!!” Jake whimpers.

“Hey, you guys like my outfit?” Terriermon giggled, stretching out his arms and showing off his, his body wrapped up in a black cloth. “I’m a ninja! Heehee...”

“I told Terriermon the Digimon didn’t need to wear costumes tonight, but he still insisted on wanting one...” Jake says, smiling. “That costume is actually just toilet paper colored in with sharpie.”

“You guys like my vampire costume?” Axel says, showing off his costume, with a mix of dark red and black colors in the outfit.

“Hey, about mine?” Jazmine giggled and smiled, showing off her pink cat onesie costume she was wearing. “Hey Erik, why didn’t you wear an outfit tonight? We could’ve gone matching or something!”

“Yeah, I wish I could’ve...” Erik sighed, looking down at his normal outfit. “I just got so busy, I didn’t have the time to...”

“Hey, wait a minute...” Jazmine looks around the room, noticing that no one else is wearing costumes. “Hey, what the heck? Why isn’t anyone else wearing costumes?!”

“Hey, I’m wearing a costume.” Blaine says.

“Hm? What are you dressed up as then?” Jazmine says, cocking her head in confusion.


“The rest of us are actually staying back in the room...” Liam adds in. “You know, just as back up. In case anything bad happens.”

“Yeah, me and Cora brought a bunch of horror movies...” Allison says, holding up a variety of DVDs. “We’re gonna spend the whole night binge watching em!”

“Hey, Cora... I thought you wanted to come with us?” Taeka asks Cora, walking up to her.

“Oh yeah. Well, I was thinking about it, but I changed my mind...” Cora paused, lowering her voice as she looked over at Charlee, smiling. “I wanna stay here and hang out with her instead.”

“Ohhhh, I get it...” Taeka smiles, winking. “Alright then, you guys have fun then!”

“Make sure to bring back some extra candy for me!” Allison says.

“Don’t you worry, everyone...” Terriermon smiled, holding up two big pillowcases. “Jake’s gonna take me trick or treating as well, so I’m gonna bring back some extra candy for everyone!”


“Alright then, let’s see... So...” Taeka counted everyone in the room, keeping track of who was staying and who was coming with. “Me, Lily, Jake, Erik, Axel, and Jazmine are going... And everyone else is staying then... Sweet! So, is everyone ready?” Taeka asks, everyone nodding in response.

“Yeah!” Jazmine cheered. “Let’s do this!!”

Sometime later...

The six of them all made their way out to the neighborhood where the Digimon were eventually gonna show up, looking up at the sun which was starting to set, the time now being: 7:25 PM.

“We still have an hour until the Digimon show up...” Erik says.

“Yeah! That gives me an hour of free time to go trick or treating!” Terriermon cheers. “Candy, here I come!”

“Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!” Lily smiles cheerfully. “I’ve missed trick or treating, it’s been a while since I’ve gone... I had a lot of fun with it when I was a kid...”

“Yeah, me too... I miss our special tradition me and Lily we used to do every year too...” Taeka says.

“What was your special tradition?” Jazmine asks.

“Every year, our dad would take us to this neighborhood an hour away where a bunch of rich people in these huge mansions lived...” Taeka explains. “It was so much fun cause we’d always get these huge candy bars from every house!”

“Whoa... That does sound like a lot of fun!” Jazmine says.

“Yeah... No wonder neither of you ever wanted to go trick or treating with me, heh...” Erik says.

“Yeah, it was something we always had to do together. Last year was the last time we went, though...” Lily says, smiling.

“Yeah, usually it’s just the two of us and dad that go, but there was one night we brought Jake with us...” Taeka says. “But that night we ended up getting chased by this dude in a clown costume holding a chainsaw... Jake got so scared by him that he wet himself, so his mom wouldn’t allow him to come with us anymore.”

“Geez Taeka, don’t tell them about that!” Jake whimpered in embarrassment.

“Dude, relax! You were like, 5 when that happened... No need to be embarrassed...” Taeka says.

“Ugh, whatever... L-let’s just find where those Digimon are supposed to show up already... Before the sun goes down...” Jake says, quickly changing the subject.

“Guidemon did put the locations in our Digivices...” Axel says. “Let’s see...” Everyone pulled out their Digivices, showing the maps, which showed three different spots marked on it, all in different locations.

“Three different spots... Maybe we should all split up in groups of two then...” Erik says.

“Alright then, me and Jake can look in this spot...” Lily says.

“Ooh, I’ll go to this far away spot with Erik then!” Jazmine says.

“Then that leaves me and Axel with this spot!” Taeka says.

“Alright then, everyone...” Dracomon smiles with determination. “Let’s go kick some Digimon butt!!”

Sometime later...

Ragmon was curiously walking around down the paths of the neighborhood, quickly ducking behind some bushes when he heard some commotion. When he peeked out from the bushes, he saw that the noises came from a bunch of trick or treating kids, all giggling and chatting with excitement. ‘Whoa...’ Ragmon’s eyes sparkled happily, admiring the variety of costumes all the kids were wearing. ‘They all look so cool, but creepy... Just like me! Maybe one of them can be my friend...? Let’s see...’ Ragmon’s eyes scanned over the group of kids, thinking of who he wanted to talk to... Until his eyes landed on a young boy wearing a superhero costume. ‘That one!’ 

“Hi there!” Ragmon suddenly jumped out of the bushes, startling a bunch of the kids as he approached the boy excitedly. “Your costume looks really cool! You wanna be friends?” Ragmon asked, the boy silently looking down at him for a moment, raising one eyebrow. “Pfft, heck no! Your costume is super lame and ugly!” The boy scoffed, all the others kids laughing and pointing at Ragmon, also whispering insults to each other.

“Wha... What...?” Ragmon looked at all the laughing kids in confusion. “B-but... Why not? I-if you don’t like my costume, I have other cool things I can show you! Wanna see my powers?” Ragmon turned to one of the kids...

“MIND RAG!!” And he flicked one of his claws, the child suddenly going limp. The child almost fell to the ground, but Ragmon wiggled his claws around, the child standing back up and walking around, resembling a puppet being moved by strings.

“AAAAAAAGHHH!! HE TURNED CALEB INTO A ZOMBIE!!” One kid screeched, all the other kids screaming simultaneously.

“HE’S EVIL!! GET HIM!!” One of the kids screamed. Another kid then suddenly kicked Ragmon from behind, knocking him down to the ground. This knocked the puppified kid Caleb out of his tranced state, the kids all screaming and running away.

“What...? Why were they all so mean...?” Ragmon mumbled to himself, feeling sadness well up in him as he laid on the ground. “Am I really.... That ugly...?” Ragmon sighed, close to tears as he weakly refused to stand up... 

...Until he suddenly felt a hand grab the back of his neck, gently lifting him up so he was standing again. 

“...You alright, little one?” A voice asked, Ragmon turning around to see the source of the voice...


“Whoa... Wait a minute... Aren’t you NoblePumpkinmon?!” Ragmon’s eyes sparkled, looking up at the tall Digimon. “I’ve heard about you before... Aren’t you the Digimon that comes to the human world every Halloween night?” He asks.

“Thats right, little one...” NoblePumpkinmon smirks. “Tonight, me and my minions are going to cause a ton of mischief and mayhem in this neighborhood!” NoblePumpkinmon states, bending down to Ragmon’s level. “I gotta say... For a rookie level Digimon, your powers are pretty frightful. How would you like to join my minions for tonight, and help us cause some mayhem and scares?”

“Whoa... Seriously?!” Ragmon jumped up and down excitedly. “Yeah, I’d love to! It sounds like so much fun! So... Where do I start?”


Axel and Taeka, and ExTyrannomon and Dracomon, all walked down the paths of the neighborhood, the sun finally fully setting as the sky was now darkened. Axel looked down at the map on his Digivice as they all walked, getting closer and closer to their destination.

“Whoa... Guys, look over there!” ExTyrannomon pointed in the distance at a house, which had a bunch of brights lights, and loud music echoing in the air.

“Whoa... Cool! Is that where the Digimon are gonna appear?” Dracomon asks, Axel looking down at his Digivice. “Yup. Looks like it.”

“Looks like these Digimon are gonna trash a house party or something...” Taeka says. “Come on, let’s hurry!” They all quicken their pace as they arrive at the house, slowly sneaking around it to the backyard. They all then slowly peek over the fence, looking at a big group of people partying, covering their ears from the loud music blasting outside.

“Whoa... This is so cool! I don’t see any bad Digimon though...” Dracomon shouts, trying to raise his voice over the music. “Where the heck are they?”

“...Hm?” ExTyrannomon looks around the backyard, noticing something rustling around in the bushes. “Hey... Look!” He nudges everyone as they look over curiously, quickly ducking back down when they see Ragmon pop out of the bushes. Upon jumping out, Ragmon jumps on top of a table, quickly catching the attention of a few partygoers.

“Whoa! What the heck are you supposed to be?!” One partygoer asks, in a drunken tone. “Some weird little like, leprechaun or something?”

“...Heh... That won’t matter to you in the next second... MIND RAG!!” Ragmon flicks all his claws, quickly gaining control of all the partygoers as their bodies go limp. “Perfect... Come on out now, Bakemon!”


Quickly then on cue, a bunch of Bakemon fly into view from the other side of the fence. “Now, Bakemon... It’s time to raid! Steal every goodie and piece of food from this house as you can!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Taeka shouts, everyone jumping over the fence and into the backyard. “Leave these innocent partygoers alone!!”

“What the... Who are you supposed to be...?” Ragmon cocks his head at everyone curiously. “Eh, it doesn’t matter. MIND RAG!!”

“NO!!” Ragmon tries to control Axel and Taeka, but ExTyrannomon and Dracomon quickly tackle them out of the way.

“Ugh, come on! Well, I’m not gonna let you all ruin our fun tonight... Bakemon, new change of plans! Attack them!” Ragmon commands, the five Bakemon all turning towards the group...

“Aw, geez... EVERYONE, RUN!!” Taeka screams, everyone running inside of the house as the Bakemon quickly follow, cornering them against a wall.

“W-what the heck are we gonna do?!” Dracomon says in a panic. “If I Digivolve to Coredramon, I could destroy this house...”

“Hmm... BLACK MATTER!!” ExTyrannomon suddenly blasts out an attack, knocking a few of the Bakemon back. “I can fight them! You guys run away while I distract them!” ExTyrannomon says.

“Wha... You sure that’s alright?” Taeka asks.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine! Just hurry out of here and find Ragmon!” Axel says, Taeka nodding as her and Dracomon dash off into another direction of the house.

“Hmm... This way!” Dracomon points to a door, Taeka quickly yanking it open. The door opens up to a bathroom, seeing a woman on the toilet who immediately shrieks the second the door opens. “Whoa, sorry ma’am! I’ll be outta here in, uhh... A second...” Taeka shifts her view down to the floor, shuffling over to a window that she quickly opens, her and Dracomon crawling out and landing back outside. The two slowly tiptoe back over to the fence, carefully looking over it as they saw Ragmon and the Bakemon surrounding Axel and ExTyrannomon.

“Oh no you don’t...”


“BLUE FLARE BREATH!!” Coredramon quickly attacks everyone, allowing Axel and ExTyrannomon to run free, standing next to the two.

“You’re not getting away this time... MIND RAG!!” This time the group doesn’t get the chance to dodge, all of them being put under Ragmon’s spell... Everyone but ExTyrannomon.

“Oh no! Wait a minute... Why didn’t it work on me? Hmm... Ragmon’s powers must not work on ultimate level Digimon...”

“It doesn’t matter how strong you are... We still outnumber you!” Ragmon says. “Everyone, get him!!”


The puppitfied Coredramon attacks, but ExTyrannomon leaps over the attack, hopping onto Coredramon’s back...

“BLACK MATTER!!” And fires at two of the Bakemon, poofing both of them to dust.

“PRETTY ATTACK!!” He then fires at two other Bakemon, poofing both of them to dust as well.

“EEEEEP!! I-I DON’T WANNA BE POOFED TOO!!” The last Bakemon whimpers loudly, quickly running away.

“HEY!! Get back here!!” Ragmon yells after Bakemon, but is completely. “Oh, you’ve gotta be-“

WHAP!! Ragmon is cut off when ExTyrannomon roughly tackles him to the ground, snapping everyone, including the partygoers, out of their puppified state. The partygoers were all still knocked out, but Axel, Taeka, and Coredramon were quickly able to stand back up, everyone cornering Ragmon.

“You’re outnumbered here, Ragmon...” Taeka threatened. “You better get outta here now, or else!!”

“EEP!! Ok, c-calm down! I’ll leave already...” Ragmon sighed, hopping over the fence and running away, out of sight.

“YEAH!! We did it!” Axel cheered, him and Taeka high-fiving. All the partygoers then started waking up, Coredramon quickly reverting back to Dracomon before anyone else could see him.

“Whoa, man... What the heck happened?” One partygoer asks, rubbing his head.

“Man, I had like, the weirdest dream, where I saw these like, weird monsters fighting each other...” Another partygoer says. “These drinks are strong, man!”

“Hey, who are you guys?” Another partygoer asks the group, who all exchange confused glances on how to respond.

“Um... We’re all superheroes!” ExTyrannomon blurts out. “And we all just saved you from these super scary monsters who were trying to eat all of you!”

All the partygoers exchanged looks, all nodding in quick acceptance.

“Woah... That’s awesome! Thanks y’all!” One partygoer says. “Hey, you guys wanna party with us?”



Jazmine and Vorvomon, and Erik and Labramon, all walked down a dark, empty path in the neighborhood, getting closer to their destination. Upon arriving, they end up at the front of an old, abandoned house, which looked like it was nearly falling apart.

“Oh no, not this house...” Erik whimpered nervously.

“Huh? What’s wrong with this place?” Jazmine asks.

“This house... Ever since I was a kid, there’s always been legends passed around...” Erik states. “...Legends that say that this house is haunted by multiple spirits... Many different people who’ve gone inside this house have reported seeing ghosts, and some have even gotten attacked by them before...”

“Wh-what?!” Jazmine’s eyes widened in fear, looking back at the old house. “Oh no... I-I don’t wanna get hurt in there...”

“Come on guys, it’ll be alright! As long as me and Labramon are here, we can protect you guys from any bad spirits in there!” Vorvomon confidently says.

“Yeah, but if you Digivolve, Lavorvomon could easily burn this entire house down...” Jazmine adds. “So let’s just leave the fighting to Labramon for now...”

“Either way... We gotta be careful.” Erik says. “Come on, let’s sneak in through the back instead, just to be sure...”

The group quietly sneaks to the back of the house, but they couldn’t find a back door...

“I know how we can get in! Watch this!”

SMASH!! Labramon suddenly leaps through one of the windows, completely smashing it as he jumped into the house.

“Labramon!! Geez, we could’ve found a quieter way to break in...” Erik whimpered, everyone carefully crawling in through the broken window. Everyone looked around at the inside of the house, which was filled with old, dusty furniture, the walls and floors speckled with cobwebs everywhere.

“Um... Erik? Do you know how old this house is?” Jazmine asks.

“Probably around... 100, or 200 years old?” Erik responds, taking a step forward as the floorboards creaked loudly. “These floors could break, so let’s all be careful...”

Everyone looked carefully around the first floor of the house, but saw no sign of any bad Digimon. Erik looked down at the tracker, seeing that there was only one Digimon, that was right exactly where they were.

“Hmm... It must be on the second or third floor then...” Erik says. Everyone looked up at the stairs, gulping nervously as they made their way to the second floor. They looked around on this floor as well...

“What the...?” Labramon’s body suddenly tensed up, quickly looking behind him, but seeing nothing. “Hey, did anyone else feel some strange... Presence?”

Whoosh! The second Labramon asks, everyone hears and feels a loud wind, almost like someone quickly ran past them, hearing the presence go up the last flight of stairs.

“EEP!! I-IT’S A GHOST!!” Jazmine squealed nervously, quickly hiding behind Erik.

“Hey, it’s ok Jazmine! All we gotta do is just go upstairs, and take out whatever Digimon is up there!” Vorvomon says, confidently making his way up the stairs.

“I hope it’s just a Digimon...” Labramon muttered, everyone else slowly walking up the stairs as well. The third floor was a pretty empty looking, small attic, where they still saw nothing. They slowly crept across the room, the floorboards creaking even louder then usual, feeling like they could break at any moment...


“AAAAGHHH!!” Then suddenly, a force tackled Jazmine and Erik to the floor, completely breaking a hole in the floor as they grab onto the edge in time.

“Oh no... Jazmine! Erik! Hold on, I’ll help you guys up...” Labramon tried pulling the two of them up, but couldn’t get them to budge. “Ugh, it’s no use! Vorvomon, you gotta help me...”

Vorvomon didn’t answer, only staring at someone behind them, frozen in complete fear...



“SHADOW SCYTHE!!” Phantomon suddenly attacks Vorvomon, knocking Vorvomon pretty far back across the room. Phantomon tries to tackle Labramon too, but he quickly dodges the attack.

“Urgh... Phantomon, don’t you dare hurt my friends!!” Labramon growls.

“Labramon, don’t worry about us...” Erik grumbled. “Just Digivolve and defeat Phantomon!”

“Are you sure? Alright then...”


“SUN’S COURAGE!!” Seasarmon quickly knocks Phantomon back, the two going back and forth attacking each other. While the two fight, Vorvomon manages to stand back up, slowly helping Jazmine and Erik back up to the floor.

“SHADOW SCYTHE!!” Phantomon attacked again, his attacks doing a ton of damage to Seasarmon.

“It’s no use... Phantomon’s an ultimate level Digimon, there’s no way Seasarmon can defeat him on his own!” Erik says.

“I gotta help him out then!” Vorvomon says. “Jazmine, let me Digivolve to Lavorvomon!”

“But... What if Lavorvomon rampages again? I don’t know, Vorvomon...” Jazmine nervously muttered.

“It’ll be fine Jazmine, don’t worry!” Vorvomon says. “I’ll try and stay calm this time! And besides, Seasarmon really needs our help.”

“Um...” Jazmine sighed. “Alright...”


CRASH!! Lavorvomon instantly tackles Phantomon, sending the two flying and crashing through the walls, completely breaking the wood apart and creating a giant hole. The two land roughly on the grassy backyard far below, the house slowly cracking and breaking apart. Bits of wood from the flooring and walls start falling, Jazmine and Erik tumbling backwards...

“WOOOAH... AAAAAGHHH!!” The two fall out of the giant hole, nearly falling to the ground...

THUMP!! But Seasarmon quickly jumps down, the two roughly landing on his back as he jumps to the ground.

“Ow! Ugh, my back...” Erik groaned.

“Ugh, my head...” Jazmine also groaned.

“MIGHTY FLAME!!” Lavorvomon attacks Phantomon, doing a good amount of damage...

“SHADOW SCYTHE!!” But it wasn’t enough, Phantomon attacking right back as Lavorvomon is knocked to the ground.

“Oh no! Even Lavorvomon can’t beat him...” Jazmine whimpered nervously.

“Hmm...” Seasarmon started thinking, an idea quickly popping into his head. “I know what to do. Stand back, you two.” Seasarmon says. Jazmine and Erik hop off of Seasarmon’s back, taking a few careful steps away. Seasarmon focused, feeling a strong power well up in him...

“...BREATH OF DECAY!!” As he blasted out a powerful mass of sludge, doing a ton of damage to Phantomon as his body burned, yelling out in pain.

“Alright, Lavorvomon...” Seasarmon growled. “Let’s finish this. SUN’S COURAGE!!”


And with the combination of both attacks... Phantomon was poofed to dust.


Everyone cheered... Except for Lavorvomon, who turned back to the group, growling and glaring fiercely at them.

“Whoa, Lavorvomon... Please, calm down...” Jazmine took a few careful steps towards Lavorvomon. “It’s me, Jazmine... You remember my face, right? I’m your partner... You gotta remember that... No matter what...”

Jazmine took a few more steps, gently rubbing the top of Lavorvomon’s head. Lavorvomon’s face softened up a bit, lowering his body as he reverted back to Vorvomon, Seasarmon also reverting back to Labramon.

“Whoa... Jazmine, that was amazing!” Erik smiled. “You managed to calm Lavorvomon down successfully!”

“Whoa, I really did... Oh my gosh, this is so amazing! I really did it! EEEK!!” Jazmine squealed happily, giving Vorvomon a big hug.

“Ow... Ugh...” Erik groaned softly in pain, Jazmine looking back up at him with worry. “Oh my god, your back! Are you alright, Erik?!” She asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine Jazmine, don’t worry...” Erik responds. “I just landed on it a bit too hard... I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, thank goodness...” Jazmine sighed with relief. “So, what should we do now?”

“Maybe we should go see how the others are doing...?” Labramon suggests.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea... But first...” Jazmine looks around the area, seeing some flames that were starting to spread from Lavorvomon’s attacks.



The rest of the group was still hanging out back at the room, watching horror movies. Everyone was watching, except for Blaine, who was sitting alone on a nearby table. Liam noticed this, getting up off the couch to sit next to him.

“Hey man... You alright?” Liam asked, quickly snapping Blaine out of his thoughts.

“Huh? Uh yeah, sorry. I just needed some time to myself for a bit.” Blaine responds.

“Ah, alright. I get it, don’t worry...” Liam says. “Sometimes being around too many people for me can get a bit tiring as well...”

“Yeah... I, uh... It’s kind’ve hard for me to be around people sometimes. Probably explains why I don’t have that many friends...” Blaine mumbles.

“Yeah... I’ve met a lot of assholes in my life who have backstabbed me before, so... I know what some people are like.” Liam responds.

“Well for me, I’m just not good with people in general...” Blaine sighed. “Hey Liam, can I ask you something? Lily told me earlier about your story of how you met Jazamon, saying you got bullied at school... Was that all true?”

“Oh yeah, it’s all true.” Liam responds. “Jazmine used to get bullied a lot back in school. I always did my best to protect her, but as a result, I ended up getting bullied as well.”

“Wow. I just... When I heard about it, your story...” Blaine took a deep breath. “It just... It sounded a bit too familiar to me. School bullies... They’re the reason I ended up switching schools.”

“Damn, for real? What happened?” Liam asked.

“It’s a long story...” Blaine sighed, silent for a bit as he collected his thoughts. “Me and Erik were out playing sports one day. There was an accident that day, where Erik accidentally tripped me, and I ended up breaking my leg. I honestly wasn’t mad at him at all, I knew it was just an accident. But... These kids at school... They made up these rumors that Erik did that on purpose. Eventually I found the group of bullies who started the rumor, and one day, I ended up confronting them...”


“Stop laughing already! It’s not funny!!” Blaine angrily snapped at the group of bullies, who all just cackled loudly, acting like the situation was a big joke to them.

“Aw, come on! Relax already!” One bully laughed. “And besides, what if the rumors we made up are actually true? I doubt Erik’s as perfect as everyone thinks he is...”

“And besides, Blaine... You know how much of a weirdo you are?!” Another bully says. “Carrying that katana around with you at school constantly. Always training alone... Do you know how creepy that makes you look?! God, you’re such a weirdo. You deserved whatever happened to you. I don’t even know why the hell Erik is friends with you. Maybe he was just looking for an excuse to get away from your sorry ass...”

“SHUT. UP.” Blaine hissed, his fists shaking with anger.

“Aww, or what? Is Mr. Cripple over here gonna do something about it?” One of the bullies lightly kicked one of Blaine’s crutches, making him stumble back a bit.

The group of bullies all cackled loudly, their laughter echoing through the empty hallway, Blaine feeling his blood boil with anger...

WHACK!! As Blaine suddenly whacked one of the bullies with one of his crutches, knocking him to the ground.

“HEY!! What’s going on here?!” A teacher suddenly walks towards them.

“Y-you gotta help us!” One of the bullies says, their expressions suddenly changing to worry. “Blaine’s a total nutcase! H-he just walked up to us and attacked us!!”

“WHAT?! Are you kidding me?!” Blaine was completely taken aback. “I did not! I only did that because-“

“There is NO excuse to be attacking your fellow students like this!” The teacher snapped, crossing his arms and glaring at Blaine. “Blaine... You’re coming with me to the principal’s office... NOW.”

End of flashback...

“Of course the teacher walked in at the wrong moment, making ME look like the bad guy.” Blaine grumbled.

“God, you’ve gotta be kidding me. That’s exactly what happened to me the day I met Jazamon.” Liam says, rolling his eyes. “Only I didn’t whack the kid with something that could’ve killed them. Even if they did deserve it.”

“Ugh, they all deserved it. It’s not like I killed the kid or anything. Just broke his nose is all...” Blaine grumbled. “...Well, after that, that group blew the whole thing out of proportion, making me look like some terrifying monster. Everyone then started avoiding me. Well, everyone but Erik and the others... They didn’t care about the rumors. But, for Erik... It was really affecting his popularity...” Blaine sighed. “You see... Erik’s always been one of the most popular kids at school. But everyone was starting to lose respect for him for still hanging out with me. After a while I couldn’t take it anymore, and I ended up switching schools. I decided everyone was better off if I wasn’t around anymore. That’s why I haven’t really talked to the others much until now...”

“Damn... That’s messed up.” Liam says. “But Blaine, listen... You shouldn’t distance yourself from your friends because of what happened to you. It may be hard to trust people after what you’ve gone through, but it’s even harder to go through life without people you can trust. I should know... I’m glad I have Jazmine with me. We’ve pretty much been best friends since we became siblings. Pretty much forever, but...” Liam sighed. “Every time we have to deal with Digimon trouble, me and Jazmine argue so much. Which sucks, cause any other time, we always get along so well. But when it comes to Digimon... All we do is argue...”

“Yeah, it’s pretty noticeable.” Blaine says, the two of them chuckling a bit.

“There was this one thing I said to Jazmine once, when we were younger...” Liam says. “I probably shouldn’t have said it to her, because it really upset her... I think it still upsets her to this day.”

“If you don’t mind me asking... What’d you say to her?” Blaine asks.

“There was this time where Lavorvomon fought this Digimon at our house, when we were kids...” Liam says. “He defeated the Digimon, but in the process he ended up destroying our house. Our family lost a ton of money, and we all had to live in a motel for weeks. After that, I flipped out on Jazmine. I told her that if Vorvomon ever did something like that again when he Digivolved... That I’d have to choice but to kill him myself.” Liam sighed, Blaine looking pretty shocked. “I’m sure you can guess how she reacted to that. She was so upset that she didn’t speak to me for days. I know I shouldn’t have said that, I was just so upset at what Lavorvomon did... I thought he could’ve killed me or my family.”

“Whoa... That’s messed up.” Blaine says. “I can understand why you reacted that way, though. We all get upset when our loved ones are in danger.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Liam says. “Hey, look. I’m sorry if I seemed rude, or distant to you guys at first. I was a bit wary at first when Jazmine first started talking to you guys, but I can tell you’re all good people now.”

“Hey, it’s all good. No worries.” Blaine responds, the two smiling at each other as Liam looks behind himself, looking at the movie everyone else was still watching.

“Hey, let’s go back to watching this movie now.” Liam says. “My favorite part is coming on soon.”


“Trick or treat!” Terriermon happily held his bag up, getting a bunch of candy thrown into it. “Thank you so much! Bye now!” Terriermon walked away, dragging his heavy bag full of candy behind him, running up to Jake, Lily, and Lopmon.

“Whoa, Terriermon! You have so much candy...” Jake says.

“I know! Man, Halloween is awesome!” Terriermon reaches into the bag, pulling out a random piece of candy. Terriermon then rips the package open, quickly eating the candy. “Hmm... What kind of candy is this?”

“Terriermon, that’s toothpaste!” Jake says.

“Whoa, really?” Terriermon pauses for a bit, but quickly resumes eating it. “Aww, but it’s so good though!”

“It’s weird, I’m surprised that Digimon hasn’t popped up yet...” Lily says, looking down at her Digivice.

“Oh no...” Terriermon mumbles.

“What? What is it?! Do you see the Digimon?!” Jake says.

“No... I have to go to the bathroom!” Terriermon says.

“Only place available is that porta potty over there...” Lily says, pointing to one close by.

“Oh no... Terriermon, trust me, that is NOT a good place to go.” Jake says.

“Hm? Why?” Terriermon asks.

“You know how toilets flush everything when you’re done?” Jake says. “Well, imagine a toilet... But it doesn’t flush anything. At all.”

Terriermon kept a fixated gaze on the porta potty, thinking hard.

“...I’m going in. Jake, watch my candy! AAAAAAGHHH!!” Terriermon rushed into the porta potty, the three awkwardly standing around as they waited for him.

“AAAAAAAAGHHH!! JAKE, HELP ME!! I FELL IN!!” Everyone suddenly heard Terriermon screaming from inside the porta potty.

“Oh god, you’ve gotta be kidding me...” Jake whimpered, looking down at his hands. “Thank god I’m wearing gloves...” Jake sighed, walking into the porta potty.

“Ugh, god. Poor Terriermon...” Lily cringed.

Whooosh... Suddenly the two heard what sounded like a soft wind quickly rushing past them.

“...Did you hear that?” Lopmon asked. Lily looked down at her Digivice, seeing the Digimon’s location... Which was now right next to them.

“...It’s right next to us. Let’s be careful, Lopmon.” Lily whispers, Lopmon nodding. The two slowly creep towards the location on the Digivice, creeping around the corner of a house...


...As they run directly into an Eyesmon. This Eyesmon, however, looked different. It was much bigger than the one Jake fought, being over three times the size, looming over Lily and Lopmon.

“...Oh god...” Lily’s eyes widened in complete fear, staring up at Eyesmon’s blank expression as she slowly backed away.

“Lily, don’t worry...” Lopmon says. “I’ll take him out!”



“JANENGAN!!” Both the Digimon attack each other, Eyesmon firing a powerful black beam at Turuiemon. The two go back and forth attacking each other, but Eyesmon’s attacks do a lot more damage.

“No, no, no... Please, no...” Lily started panicking, looking away in complete fear...

“GATLING ARM!!” But out of nowhere, Gargomon pops out, attacking Eyesmon, Jake shortly running up to everyone as well.

“You guys alright?!” Jake says, looking up at Eyesmon as his eyes go wide. “Whoa... This must be multiple Eyesmon formed together...” Jake comfortingly pats Lily on the shoulder. “Lily, don’t worry... We’ll take care of this together.”

“I...” Lily took a few deep breaths, starting to calm down a bit. “...Thanks, Jake.”

“JANENGAN!!” Eyesmon attacks again...

“GATLING ARM!!” But Gargomon blocks the attack with his own...

“NINJA KICK!!” As Turuiemon attacks Eyesmon, who was now getting weaker...

“Now, all together!” Gargomon shouts. “DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!”


And with their combined attacks... Eyesmon was poofed to dust.

“YEAH, WE DID IT!! WOO!!” Gargomon cheered.

“See, Lily? Everything’s ok now...” Jake says, smiling. “As long as these Eyesmon appear in the real world, and not your dreams, we can all protect you... Both Turuiemon and Gargomon...”

Lily looks around at the three of them, all smiling at her as she smiled back, starting to get emotional.

“Thanks, you guys.” She says. “It means a lot to me...”

“Not so fast!!” Suddenly a voice comes out of nowhere, everyone turning around to see Ragmon behind them.

“What the...?”

“MIND RAG!!” Before everyone could react, Ragmon quickly took control of Turuiemon. Ragmon immediately made Turuiemon start attacking Gargmon, Gargomon dodging the attacks as Ragmon giggled loudly.

“Whoa... Turuiemon, what the heck are you doing?!” Gargomon says, backing away.

“Gargomon, I don’t think she can control herself!” Jake says. “Aw, man...”

“Would you knock it off already?!” Lily snapped at Ragmon, who completely ignored her.

“Ragmon... You’ve had your fun now, but...” NoblePumpkinmon suddenly steps out. 

“It’s time I deal with this.” NoblePumpkinmon suddenly kicks Turuiemon, sending her crashing roughly into the ground.

“I know you and your friends have taken down some of my minions...” NoblePumpkinmon hissed. “And this won’t go unpunished! TRICK OR TREAT WALLACE!!” NoblePumpkinmon throws a pumpkin shaped bomb at Gargomon, doing a ton of damage.

“Gargomon, you’ve gotta Digivolve again if you’re gonna beat him!” Jake shouts.




“RAPID FIRE!!” Rapidmon immediately fires, knocking NoblePumpkinmon back a bit.

“Hmm... You’re good, but... Not good enough. TRICK OR TREAT WALLACE!!” NoblePumpkinmon’s attack sends Rapidmon crashing into the ground, NoblePumpkinmon pinning him down.

“Say goodbye, Rapidmon...” NoblePumpkinmon raises an arm...

Ding! Ding!! But out of nowhere, the sounds of what sounded like bells echoed through the air, NoblePumpkinmon stopping as he looks up at the sky.

“Goodness... It’s already midnight?” NoblePumpkinmon lets go of Rapidmon, slowly floating upwards. “It’s time for me to make my leave then.”

“Huh...? W-what’s going on here? Why are you leaving already?” Rapidmon asks.

“Every year on Halloween, my master lets me and my minions go to the human world, and cause mischief...” NoblePumpkinmon says. “But sadly, I have to leave the second the clock strikes midnight.”

“Oh, no... You’re leaving already? I’m gonna miss you, NoblePumpkinmon...” Ragmon muttered.

“Wait!” Lily shouts at NoblePumpkinmon. “Who is your master!? Is he the one sending these Eyesmon to our world?”

“Hmm... Maybe. Maybe not...” NoblePumpkinmon answered, his body slowly starting to fade away now.

“Who is your master?! You need to tell me NOW!!” Lily shouted, NoblePumpkinmon smirking and chuckling in response. “Hmph, as if I’d tell you... Goodbye now.”

...And with that, NoblePumpkinmon was gone.

“Ugh, dangit...” Lily grumbled, her gaze looking towards Ragmon. “...You! You better tell us what’s going on here...” Lily tries to stomp towards Ragmon...

“MIND RAG!!” But Ragmon quickly uses his powers to knock everyone to the ground. And by the time everyone got back up... Ragmon was gone.

“Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!!” Lily shouted.

“Sorry, Lily...” Jake patted her on the shoulder. “We’ll figure this all out eventually.”

“Yeah, I hope so...” Lily sighed. “Come on, everyone... Let’s go back.”

Sometime later...

Jake and Lily made their way back to the room, finding Axel, Taeka, Erik, and Jazmine there as well, who had also just recently got back.

“Yo! How you guys doing?” Allison asks. “You guys defeat all the Digimon?”

“Sure did... I’m a bit tired now, but otherwise, we’re all fine.” Lily responds.

“Yeah... And my back hurts a bit, but I’ll be fine.” Erik says. Erik yawned, sitting down next to Blaine as he leaned gently against him. “Sorry, Blaine. I just gotta rest for a bit...”

“Uh, no worries...” Blaine responds awkwardly.

“Tonight was awesome! And look how much candy I got too!” Terriermon happily held up his full bag of candy. “Everyone, dig in!” A few people stand up and approach Terriermon, grabbing pieces of candy out of the bag.

“Ooh! Also, look what else I got!” Terriermon happily holds up a phone.

“Uh... Where’d you get that phone from, Terriermon?” Axel asks.

“Terriermon found it inside of the porta potty he fell into earlier.” Jake responds.

“Yeah! And I get to keep it!” Terriermon happily walks up to Blaine, holding his phone up. “I want everyone’s number! Blaine, put your number into my phone!”

“Terriermon... Did you say you found that phone inside a porta potty?” Blaine asks.


“...Keep that thing 20 feet away from me.” Blaine sternly says.

“Hmmm... Something still doesn’t seem right here...” Guidemon suddenly says, everyone looking up at him. “All the Digimon in the neighborhood are gone, but I still sense some similar digital energy spikes farther away. Let’s see...” A map appeared on Guidemon’s screen, everyone looking at it curiously.

“Hey, that’s in the middle of a forest.” Erik says. “That forest is like, an hour away from here.”

“Is it like, hiding out there or something?” Lopmon asks.

“It must be. That forest is too unsafe to go to at this time of night, though...” Blaine says.

“Ok then... First thing tomorrow, let’s head out to that forest!” Taeka says.

“...And let’s turn this into a camping trip!!”