Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 6 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 18
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Where are they || Chapter 18

It was the same day where the incident happened with Doctor X, and the rest of the group members also got taken, alongside Troopmon… Now, Jazmine, Erik, Blaine, and Guidemon were the only ones left. Jazmine had returned back home to rest, while Erik, Labramon and Guidemon went out to look for Blaine and Ryudamon, tracking him with his Digivice. 

Somewhere in the cities, Blaine had went into a store and bought some bandages, covering up the cuts on his face that Doctor X gave to him. As of now, Blaine and Ryudamon were now walking around the cities, Blaine explaining everything that happened inside the labs.

“Wow… I can’t believe all of that happened while I was asleep.” Ryudamon says.

“Yeah, I know it’s a lot to take in…” Blaine says, sighing. “It was a lot for me too… Honestly, I think you were lucky to be knocked out the entire time it was all happening… Atleast you didn’t have to witness all the horrible shit I saw in there…”

“Yeah, I guess… Poor Herissmon and Troopmon…” Ryudamon sighed. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine, I guess… I’m just glad to be out of there now.”

“So… What are we gonna do n-“

“Hey!! Look, over there!” Ryudamon was cut off by a voice on the paths on the other side of the street. Blaine and Ryudamon looked across to see that the voice came from Labramon, who was also with Erik and Guidemon. Everyone froze, Erik and Blaine staring at each other wide eyed, Blaine having a nervous expression. Blaine took a step back, quickly running into a nearby alleyway as Ryudamon followed after.

“Oh hell no…” Erik hissed to himself under his breath as he quickly ran after Blaine, Labramon following as Guidemon stayed put. Blaine dashed through the alleyway, rounding a corner as he tried to run out the other side of the alleyway…

WHAM!! But was suddenly blocked off when Seasarmon suddenly jumped out in front of him. Blaine turned around, only to be faced by Erik as well, him and Seasarmon preventing him and Ryudamon from running away. Blaine nervously backed away, his back pressed against the stone alley walls as he held up his Digivice.

“S-stay back, I-“

WHACK!! Erik suddenly chucked his own Digivice at Blaine’s, knocking it out of his hand as both Digivices fell to the ground.

“I DON’T WANNA FIGHT YOU BLAINE!!” Erik snapped and screamed, his voice cracking with an upset tone. Erik panted heavily, catching his breath as he rested his elbows against the alleyway walls, on both sides of Blaine, looking like Erik was pinning him against the walls. Erik’s head slumped down as he rested it against Blaine’s chest, Blaine feeling his heartbeat quicken.

“Blaine…I…” Erik took a deep breath. He looked back up at Blaine, looking like he was trying to hold back tears. “Do you know how worried I’ve been about you? I couldn’t stop thinking about what Doctor X was doing to you…” Erik looked carefully at Blaine’s face, gently rubbing his finger against one of the bandages. “What happened to your face?”

“I…” Blaine’s face blushed a bit red, heating up at Erik’s touch. “Doctor X, he… That guy was insane.”

Erik sighed, taking his hand off of Erik’s face. “Blaine, I… I seriously don’t understand why you’re doing this..” Erik says. “Why you’re running away from me like this. Even before you got kidnapped, you were still avoiding me… Blaine, how could you just kiss me like that and run away? And start avoiding me? How could you do that to me?”

“I… I’m sorry…” Blaine weakly muttered in response, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

“Blaine, I just…” Erik muttered, awkwardly looking away as he nervously rubbed his arm. “Ever since that day, I’ve had so many different thoughts swirling through my head, and I don’t know what to think or feel anymore. I just really need to talk to you for a bit, if that’s fine. I… Um…”

“Urgh…” Ryudamon suddenly started grumbling, doubling over in pain.

“Ryudamon? What’s wrong?” Blaine asked.

“My whole body… It feels like it’s tensing up…Oww…” Ryudamon groaned, and soon Seasarmon started tensing up as well. “Seasarmon! Are you hurting too?” Erik asks.

“Yes… Everything hurts…” Seasarmon grumbled.

“Oh no… Look…” Blaine pointed to the ground below Ryudamon, where a dark aura was forming, which was also forming below Seasarmon as well.

“No no, this can’t be happening…” Erik started to panic… Then, two shadowy hands suddenly shot out, grabbing both Seasarmon and Ryudamon as they were pulled under. “SEASARMON! NO!!”

Another shadowy hand quickly grabbed Blaine and Erik as well… Also pulling them under. All four of them were gone, leaving nothing but Blaine and Erik’s Digivices alone on the ground…

The next day…

“Hey, everyone!” Jazmine happily skipped into the room, holding up a box of donuts. “I know things seem bleak right now, but we gotta stay positive! I brought-“

Jazmine froze when she then noticed that the room was completely empty.

“…Donuts.” Jazmine felt an overwhelming sense of dread flow through her, weakly dropping the box of donuts on the floor. 

“Jazmine! Hey!” Jazmine and Vorvomon suddenly heard Guidemon’s voice from behind them, who floated into the room.

“Guidemon, hey! Where have you been?” Vorvomon asked.

“Just walking around outside for a bit…” Guidemon responded. “Man, I’m so glad you two are here! I haven’t seen anyone all day…”

“Really? Oh no… Everyone really is gone…” Jazmine sadly muttered to herself, sitting down on the floor. “It’s just us now…”

“Hey, Jazmine… Mind if I have some of these donuts?” Vorvomon asked.

“Sure… I’m not in the mood to eat anymore anyways…” Jazmine muttered, Vorvomon quickly scarfing down a few of the donuts.

“Jazmine, don’t be sad…” Guidemon says. “We’ll find the others!”

“I don’t know anymore, Guidemon…” Jazmine sighed. “Everyone really is gone now… I thought Blaine and Erik would atleast be here, but they’re gone now too… Hey Guidemon, when was the last time you saw those two?”

“Well, just yesterday after we separated…” Guidemon replied. “I went back here after me and Erik found Blaine, but I haven’t seen them since… I could try tracking them again if you’d like!”

“Yeah, please do…” Jazmine and Vorvomon waited silently, as Guidemon started tracking the area.

“Hmm, weird…” Guidemon says. “I’ve found the locations of their Digivices, but no sign of Labramon and Ryudamon’s data. And they’re in the last spot we were at yesterday too…”

“What if something happened to them?” Jazmine quickly stood up.

“Well, we gotta head over there and find out!” Vorvomon says. “Let’s go!”

Sometime later…

The three of them quickly left the room, following Guidemon through the cities, as he led them closer and closer to the location of Erik and Blaine’s Digivices. While they were walking, Jazmine’s gaze was mostly staring at the ground, her head slumped over in a saddened manner.

“Jazmine… Are you alright?” Vorvomon asked.

“No, I don’t know how I could possibly be alright right now…” Jazmine sighed. “All of this is just so terrifying to me… I can’t stop thinking and wondering about what the dark one is doing to our friends… As much as I hate to say this, I almost wish I was captured too… Then I’d atleast know what’s going on here…”

“Be careful what you wish for, Jazmine…” Guidemon says. “No one truly knows what the dark one is capable of, or what it’s true plans are…”

“True… I just really wish I knew what was going on here…” Jazmine sighed.

“Hey, we’re here!” Guidemon says. “Just around the corner of this alleyway.”

“Finally! Hey guys, we-“ Jazmine rounded the corner, looking at the end of the alleyway… But only saw Blaine and Erik’s Digivices laying on the ground next to each other, both letting out soft, slow beeps. Jazmine quickly ran up to them, picking up the Digivices and staring at them.

“It’s just their Digivices…” Jazmine sighed, her breath getting shaky with fear. “God, they must have gotten taken too… Th-there’s no other reason their Digivices would just be left here! We really are alone now…” Jazmine’s breathing quickened, as she sat down on the ground in a huddled position.

“Jazmine, don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find the others soon!” Vorvomon says.

“Yeah! Tsukaimon’s still out there too somewhere, right?“ Guidemon says. “I could try tracking him or other Digivices again! Since we’re farther out in the cities right now, I might be able to track someone’s location this time!”

“Yeah, that would be nice… Thank you, Guidemon…” Jazmine gave a weak smile to Guidemon as he started scanning the area, Vorvomon patting her on the shoulder.

“See? Everything will be fine… I’m sure Guidemon will track the locations of one of the others soon!” Vorvomon says, smiling.

“Yeah… I’m just glad we have Guidemon with us…” Jazmine says. “I’d feel so lost without him…”

“Hey, guys! I-AAAAAGHH!!” Suddenly another shadowy hand grabbed Guidemon, quickly pulling him under.

“GUIDEMON!! NO!! Oh god, no no no…” Jazmine started hyperventilating with fear, quickly running out of the alleyway.

“Jazmine! Wait!!” Vorvomon chased after her, as she kept running, suddenly running inside of a convenience store and into the bathrooms, where Vorvomon ran inside after her. Jazmine locked herself inside of of the stalls, Vorvomon following after her. Jazmine breathed fast and heavily, sitting down on the floor as tears formed in her eyes.

“Jazmine, try to relax. We’ll be fine…” Vorvomon says quietly.

“N-no we won’t!” Jazmine whimpered. “I-I can’t go outside, w-we’ll be captured! You’ll be captured! I don’t know what to do anymore…”

“Jazmine, hey. It’s ok…” Vorvomon spoke in a gentle tone. “We won’t be captured, trust me… I’ll protect you, make sure nothing gets to either of us… Besides, we’re still not the only ones left… Remember Tsukaimon? We could always try and look for him…”

“Yeah, I…I guess so…” Jazmine wiped off a tear, her rapid breathing slowing down a bit. “We can look in a bit, I just… I need some time…”

“It’s alright, Jazmine…” Vorvomon smiled, gently patting Jazmine on the arm. “Take all the time you need.”

Sometime later…

After Jazmine had mostly calmed down, the two went back outside, looking around the cities. While they were walking around, Jazmine’s gaze kept darting around back and forth, still looking visibly nervous.

“Jazmine, you still look pretty nervous…” Vorvomon says. “Are you alright?”

“I don’t know, I’m just really worried you and I will still get captured…” Jazmine muttered.

“We’ll be fine!” Vorvomon says confidently. “As long as we stick together, we won’t be captured!”

Jazmine sighed with annoyance, suddenly stopping as she looked around. “TSUKAIMON!! WHERE ARE YOU?!”

“Jazmine? Is that you?!” The two could suddenly hear Tsukaimon’s voice from nearby.

“Tsukaimon! Where are you?!” Jazmine called out.

“Over here…” Tsukaimon peeked out from some nearby trash cans in an alleyway, looking a bit nervous as Jazmine and Vorvomon ran up to him.

“Tsukaimon, where have you been this whole time?” Jazmine asked.

“Hiding…” Tsukaimon looked back and forth in a nervous frenzy.

“Are you alright, Tsukaimon? You look nervous…” Vorvomon asks. Tsukaimon didn’t answer at first, looking back and forth again. “Hide behind here with me. And keep your voices low…” Tsukaimon whispers. Jazmine and Vorvomon exchange a look, before ducking behind the trash cans with Tsukaimon, moving the trash cans so they were all hidden from view.

“Tsukaimon, what’s going on?” Jazmine asked, lowering her voice.

“There’s… There’s something weird going on…” Tsukaimon says, taking a deep breath.

“How? Have you seen the others yet?“ Jazmine asks.

“Well… Maybe? I think so? I’m not sure who it was, but I could have sworn I saw one of the others earlier, and they were acting really weird…” Tsukaimon states.

“Really? How?” Jazmine asked.

“I-I’m not sure, it’s hard to explain… I just… It was really freaking me out, and I just…” Tears formed in Tsukaimon’s eyes, his body shaking as he suddenly clung onto Jazmine. “I’m too scared to go out there again! I don’t wanna see anyone else get taken, Jazmine!”

“Hey, don’t worry Tsukaimon…” Jazmine hugged him gently. “I know we’re the only ones left, but whatever’s out there, I’ll protect you.” Jazmine peeked out over the tops of the trash cans. “I know you’re scared, but we gotta go back out there. And find out what’s going on. And who’s out there…”

“Um…Ok…” Tsukaimon gulped nervously, nodding. “J-just… Be careful…”

Jazmine and Vorvomon pushed the trash cans aside, quietly stepping out. They took a few steps down the alleyway…

SQUEEAK!! When suddenly a giant rat jumped out from behind some trash, spooking the three.

“EEEP!! NO!!” Tsukaimon squealed and leapt out of Jazmine’s arms, suddenly charging forward fast, turning the alleyway corner.

“Tsukaimon, wait! It’s just an alley rat! Come back!!” Jazmine tried running after Tsukaimon, put quickly tripped on some loose garbage, losing sight of Tsukaimon.

“EEP!! Jazmine… Look behind you…” 

“Urgh… What… AGHH!!” Jazmine screamed with shock when she sat up and turned around… Suddenly being faced with Liam, who was staring down at her with a massive smile on his face.

“HEYA SIS!! How ya doing on this fine, wonderful day?“ Liam spoke in an exaggerated, happy tone, keeping his big creepy smile on his face.

“Liam?! What the heck is wrong with you? Where have you been this whole time?!” Jazmine asked, giving him an annoyed glare.

“You don’t have to worry about it, dear sister… The only thing that matters on this bright, sunny day is how PEACHY I feel! HAHA!!” Liam giggled loudly, suddenly doing ballet dances, moving in an almost mechanical manner.

“Wha…? Liam, what’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird…” Jazmine huffed, looking worried.

“Lalala…Lala…” Liam completely ignored her, singing as he continued dancing.

“Liam, I’m not messing around! Knock this off already!!” Jazmine snapped, but Liam kept ignoring her, singing loudly and louder…

“STOP IT!! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!” Jazmine screamed. Liam quickly stopped in place, his smile fading away as he stared at her with a wide eyed, angry look.

“You’re not being very nice, Jazmine…” Liam’s voice got low, taking a step towards Jazmine, as he suddenly slapped her roughly in the face.

“Oww… Liam, this isn’t like you! Stop it!!” Jazmine felt more nervous, taking a few steps away from Liam, as Vorvomon protectively stood in front of her.

“Hey! Don’t you DARE hurt Jazmine!!“ Vorvomon growled.

“Get out of my way, you little vermin… Unless you wanna get stomped into the pavement.” Liam hissed.

‘Oh god, I can’t believe this is happening… What’s going on with Liam?’ Jazmine thought to herself, horror and fear rising in her. Jazmine looked up at Liam, suddenly noticing a weird flicker above Liam’s head, almost resembling a string that appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. ‘What the? Wait a minute…’

“Vorvomon! Attack above Liam’s head! Right now!” Jazmine commands.

“What?! Why?” Vorvomon looked back at her, looking unsure.

“Just do it! Trust me!!”

“Um, ok… PETIT FLAME!!” Vorvomon does so, blasting a fiery attack above Liam… The flames quickly latch onto something invisible, something that resembles two thin strings, which completely catch on fire. The strings quickly then burn up, the the flames also disappearing with them. The second the strings burned up, Liam stopped in place, a wide eyed, confused look on his face.

“What…? Wh-what just happened?” Liam asked. Before anyone could respond, a shadowy hand quickly grabbed him, pulling him under.

“NO!! Oh no, not again…” Vorvomon grumbled. 

“What the… Vorvomon, did you see what happened when you attacked?” Jazmine asked.

“Yeah… He had some invisible strings attached to his body. That means…”

“…Someone was controlling him.” Jazmine finished his sentence. “I noticed the strings flickering above his head for a second, and the way he was moving. Somebody was using him… As a puppet.”

“Woah… Weird. I wonder who could be doing that…” Vorvomon says.

‘Wait a minute. Somebody was using puppet powers to control Liam.’ Jazmine thinks to herself. ‘The only one I know who can do that… Is…’

Memories of everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks swirled through Jazmine’s head, remembering every Digimon she had come across… When finally… It all clicked in her head. The second she realized what was going on, she felt an unbelievable, burning rage within her, clenching her fists as they shook with anger.

“…I know who’s been taking our friends.” Jazmine growled, her voice low.

“What?! Really?! Who is it?” Vorvomon asked, in a panicked tone. Jazmine didn’t answer, glaring down at the pavement in front of her.

“RAGDOLLMON!! I know you’re here… Show yourself, NOW!!” Jazmine yelled furiously. Vorvomon squealed and backed away, as a large, shadowy hand slowly came out of the ground in front of them.

“Hello again, Jazmine. It’s nice to see you…” A voice echoed from the shadows. “Although I’ve changed a bit since the last time we spoke. You can call me Voodoomon now…”

“I’m not screwing around, Voodoomon!” Jazmine snapped. “Are you the one who’s been kidnapping my friends?! Don’t lie to me!!”

“Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t. Say, Jazmine… Vorvomon… We haven’t had any fun together in a while. If you two play with me for a bit, I’ll tell you the truth… Alright?”

“God, I can’t believe you…” Jazmine hissed under her breath, taking a deep breath. “Alright, fine… You wanna play? Let’s play.”

“Good… This will be fun…” 

“Jazmine, w-wait! I don’t know about this… EEP!!” Vorvomon squealed nervously as Voodoomon’s shadowy hand grabbed him and Jazmine… Vorvomon tried to wriggle free, but Jazmine didn’t fight back at all…

…As they were both pulled under.