Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 11 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Mysterious friends and strangers || Chapter 5

It’d been a day or so since their last Digimon fight, the group having a meeting in the party room, making plans on where to look for more clues. While they were talking about their plans, Taeka was also on the phone with her mom.

“Yeah mom, you gotta extend the party room reservations again... What, for how long? I don’t know, another week or two? Ugh, I know it’s expensive, but it’s for the greater good of both worlds! Yeah, thanks mom... Bye!” Taeka quickly hangs up, her and everyone else all getting ready to go out. Most of the group were all splitting up into smaller groups, except for Jazmine, who was trying to sneak out out of the room unnoticed.

“Yo, Jazmine!” Liam calls to Jazmine, quickly stopping her. “You wanna go look around with me?”

“Umm, no, that’s fine. I’m gonna go look around on my own...” Jazmine responds. 

“You sure about that? What if you run into any bad Digimon out there?” Liam says.

“I’ll be fine on my own Liam, don’t worry...” Jazmine says. “Besides, I can just call you guys if that happens.”

“Hm... Alright then.” Liam casually shrugs. “Good luck out there.”

Sometime later...

Jazmine and Vorvomon walked around the cities, in silence for a bit until Vorvomon spoke up. “Hey Jazmine, is there a reason you wanted us to look around out here on our own?” He asks. “It would’ve been a lot more fun to have the others with us!”

“Yeah, but, I just... I feel bad about you going rampant as Lavorvomon.” Jazmine sighed. “I really wanna look around, and hopefully find something that’ll make up for it.”

“Yeah, I know how you feel, too... I’m sure we’ll find something soon!” Vorvomon says. The two keep walking around for a bit, until Vorvomon suddenly stops, looking at something a far distance away. “Vorvomon, did you spot something?” Jazmine asks.

“Yeah in that alleyway over there... I think I see a Digimon!” Jazmine looks over to where Vorvomon was pointing to, seeing a smaller Digimon that was hiding behind a trash can, quickly ducking out of sight.

“Whoa... Wait, don’t go!” Jazmine and Vorvomon quickly run towards and into the alleyway, seeing the Digimon duck behind more trash cans before they could see its face.

“Hey, you don’t have to run away from us! It’s ok, we’re not gonna hurt you... We’re not your enemies... You can come out.” Jazmine spoke softly, the small Digimon shyly creeping out, finally revealing its face.


“Whoa... It’s really nice to meet you.” Jazmine says, smiling. “What’s your name?”

“...Ragmon.” Ragmon speaks in a soft, quiet tone, almost as if he was whispering.

“Ragmon... Hm, I’ve never seen a Digimon like you before...” Vorvomon says.

“Hmm...” Jazmine started thinking, pulling out her Digivice and using the analyzer...

‘Unknown Digimon detected. No data found.’

“What the...” Jazmine looked down at the analyzer in confusion, but quickly shrugged it off, putting her Digivice back in her pocket. “So, Ragmon, what are you doing in this world anyways?” She asked, Ragmon silent for a bit before finally answering.

“...Looking for friends. I came here to your world with my friends... The BlackGrowlmons. Lost contact with them... When we arrived in your world.” Ragmon states, Jazmine looking away in embarrassment. “Oh. Um, about that...” She nervously mumbled. “Me and my friends, we um... We ended up defeating all the BlackGrowlmons. I-I’m sorry, we just didn’t want them destroying the city! Please don’t hurt me!!” Jazmine put her hands up defensively, expecting Ragmon to attack her... But instead he does nothing, only staring blankly.

“Oh... It’s ok, don’t worry about it.” Ragmon says casually. “I understand... The BlackGrowlmon would’ve hurt your friends if you didn’t...”

“Yeah, and everyone in the city too...” Jazmine added.

“It’s ok, but... This means... I need some new friends.” Ragmon says.

“Hey, maybe we could be your friends, Ragmon!” Jazmine says.

“Yeah! We’re always looking for new friends!” Vorvomon adds.

“Whoa... Really? Thank you...” Ragmon had a glint of happiness in his eyes, giggling to himself softly as he took a step away from the two. “But first... Before we become friends... You have to catch me! Heheh...” Ragmon suddenly dashes away, the two quickly chasing after him. “Get... Back here! Man, he is fast...” Jazmine huffed, Ragmon already running pretty far away, Jazmine and Vorvomon chasing him through the alleyway. “Hey... Jazmine?” Vorvomon spoke to Jazmine while they were running. “Is it just me, or... Does something seem... Off, about Ragmon? I mean... He came here... To our world... With the BlackGrowlmons... He might be evil too...”

“You really... Think so? I don’t know... He seems fine...” Jazmine huffed. “But we’ll talk to him... After we catch him. Come on... We’re almost caught up!” Jazmine and Vorvomon sprint forward with as much strength as possible, Vorvomon leaping powerfully enough to land in front of Ragmon, tapping him gently on the forehead. “Haha! Gotcha!”

“Whoa... You guys are good.” Ragmon giggled happily, Jazmine and Vorvomon stopping to catch their breath. “Now, we really are friends... I’m so happy. I was feeling a bit lonely earlier, but... I’m glad I have some new friends now.”

“Me too. You won’t be lonely anymore now, Ragmon.” Jazmine smiled, sitting down on the ground. “Hey Ragmon, I wanna ask you something... You and the BlackGrowlmon... Where exactly did you guys come from?” Jazmine asks. “Like, did you guys come from the Digital World?”

“The... Digital World? Oh, I’ve never been there before, actually...” Ragmon states. “I’m not from there... I’m from... Another place. A cold, dark place... I was only created recently... By my master. The creator of nightmares.”

“The creator... Of nightmares?” Jazmine mumbled, her and Vorvomon exchanging a worried look. “Um... Who exactly is the creator of nightmares?” She asks.

“Hard to explain... I don’t remember much of what they’re like. Wasn’t around my master that long...” Ragmon says. “Also, I... Haven’t really existed that long.”

“Oh, alright then... Hey, maybe you’ll remember more soon!” Jazmine says, smiling and standing back up. “But for now... You wanna come back with us? We can introduce you to our other friends!”

“Whoa... Really? I’m still not the best around new people...” Ragmon says. “But... It’ll be nice to meet your friends.”

“Great! Then let’s go!”

Sometime later...

Jazmine and Vorvomon lead Ragmon back into the building, going back into the room where everyone was waiting, Ragmon hiding behind them in the hallways.

“Hey, everyone, guess what? I met a new friend out there I wanna introduce you all to!” Jazmine announced, everyone looking at her curiously. “Everyone... Meet Ragmon!”

“Um... I don’t see anyone.” Erik says.

“Wha...?” Jazmine looks behind her, but only sees Vorvomon, who shrugs with a confused look. Jazmine looks back out into the hallway, but sees no signs of Ragmon, who’s now completely gone. “What the heck...? He was right behind us a second ago!” Jazmine says.

“Jazmine, you must be seeing things or something.” Liam says.

“What? No I’m not! I just... Ugh, forget it.” Jazmine grumbled, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she begrudgingly sat down next to everyone. “Did you guys find anything out there?” She mumbled.

“Nope, we didn’t.” Cora says. “But earlier Jake called Lily, and he was freaking out, telling her about this Digimon he fought on his train ride here.”

“Yeah, he said he’d probably arrive here any second now.” Lily adds.

“HEY!!” And almost if on cue, Jake and Terriermon suddenly run into the room, Jake panting with exhaustion. “You guys, I-“ Jake paused, looking at the group with confusion. “What the...? How am I the first to arrive here...?” Jake mumbled.

“I was texting Logan earlier today... He said their flight got delayed.” Lily responds.

“Jake, Terriermon, it’s it’s nice to see you two again!” Erik says, smiling. “Can you tell us more about that Digimon that attacked you on the train?”

“Yeah, just gimme a second. I ran all the way here, I... I need to catch my breath.” Jake and Terriermon sat down, Jake catching his breath a bit. “The Digimon... It’s name was Eyesmon.” Jake says. “It was this weird, shadowy Digimon... And it kept muttering something about the dark one awakening.” Jake states, earning a few quiet gasps and concerned looks from the group.

“Ooh, Jake! I wanna show everyone the picture I took of Eyesmon!” Terriermon says, yanking Jake’s phone out of his pocket.

“Alright... Terriermon took this picture of Eyesmon, and I have no idea how the heck he did it...” Jake says.

“Look!” Terriermon holds the picture out for everyone to see, showing a surprisingly clear image of Eyesmon.

“Oh god... Oh my god...” Lily nearly fell back in her chair, gasping and breathing heavily as her body started shaking.

“Lily! What’s wrong?!” Taeka says.

“Oh god no, this can’t be happening...” Lily suddenly bolted out of her chair, running out of the room in a flash. “Lily, wait!” Jake called, standing up out of his chair. “Wait here, guys. I’ll go check on her.” Jake says, leaving the room and walking down the hallway, where he eventually found Lily hiding in a corner. Lily was sitting on the ground in a huddled position, her body shaking and looking like she was close to tears.

“Lily, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” Jake asks.

“That Digimon... That’s what I’ve been seeing in my nightmares.” Lily says, earning a gasp from Jake, as he sits down on the floor next to her. “Oh god, I should have known it was a Digimon...” Lily whimpered. “How could I not see this before?”

“Whoa... That’s scary, but... I thought you stopped having those nightmares?” Jake asks. 

“I did, but they’ve started coming back again...” Lily muttered.

“I’m sorry about this, Lily...” Jake says. “Don’t worry, it’ll be ok... Whatever’s going on, we’ll make sure to figure things out and stop it, so these nightmares finally go away once and for all, alright?”

“Yeah... Alright.” Lily responds, giving Jake a weak smile. “Thanks, Jake.”

“Yeah, of course... Come on Lily, let’s go back into the room and relax for a bit.”

Sometime later...

Not having much else to do, everyone spent the entire day hanging out inside the room, watching TV and such. Now it was nighttime, everyone sitting down in the couch and floor, as they watched this weird soap opera that Terriermon in particular wanted to watch. “Man, it’s so nice to watch this again!” Terriermon says excitedly. “I haven’t watched it in years!”

“Terriermon, no offense, but this show is weird as fuck.” Liam says, chuckling. “I have no idea why you like it.”

“My grandpa watches this show.” Blaine says. “And I have no idea why.”

“Ugh, come on!” Terriermon grumbles, as the show quickly switches to a commercial. “Stupid commercials! Why the heck do they have to exist?!”

“That’s how these companies make a lot of money, Terriermon.” Jake says.

“Ugh, can I just pay them to not make the commercials instead?” Terriermon asks.

“That’s not exactly how it works, Terriermon.” Jake says.

“I wish we could.” Liam says, chuckling. Everyone’s attention is suddenly then turned to the TV, when a commercial pops up with what looks like a scientist guy, with messy black hair, mentioning Digimon.

“Ah, Digital Monsters. Or should I say Digimon... What fascinating creatures, aren’t they?” The man on the commercial speaks. “Here at the Digital Enterprises, we study these mysterious creatures that come from another world...”

“What the heck...? I’ve never seen commercials talking about Digimon before...” Axel says.

“I’ve never heard of Digital Enterprises before either...” Cora says. “Is this a new thing?”

“Is it just me, or does this guy seem creepy as hell?” Liam says.

Knock! Knock! Suddenly a knock is heard at their door.

“I’ll get it!” Jazmine quickly jumps up, running up to the door as she opens it.

“Hi! I...” Jazmine says hi, but quickly freezes with shock when she sees who it is... It’s the man on the TV. 

“Hello there... I go by Doctor X. It’s nice to meet you.” The man says, with a smirk.

“Wha... What the...” Jazmine stuttered with pure shock, her eyes looking back and forth between Doctor X, and his commercial that was still playing on the TV.

“Ah, so you’ve seen my commercial? That’s good, I spent a lot of time on it.” Doctor X says. “I just came here over here because I know you all have Digimon partners. And I’d like to meet them all if it’s not too much trouble...”

“Wha-what? How do you know we...” Jazmine stuttered.

“Mind if I come in for a bit?” Doctor X asks. 

“Uh...I...” Jazmine stuttered, at a complete loss of words as Doctor X ignored her, walking into the room as he approaches the group.

“Hello there... You must all be the Digidestined.” Doctor X says, everyone quickly getting out their seats and turning to face him. “It’s very nice to meet you all... Especially you Digimon.” Doctor X smirks, staring down at the Digimon, everyone staring at him with the same wide eyed, shocked look.

“AAAAAAAAGHHH!! ITS THE GUY OH THE TV!!” Terriermon suddenly screeches. “HE’S EVIL!! HE’S GONNA KILL US ALL!!”

“Terriermon! For god sakes, calm the heck down.” Jake says. “Sir, I am so sorry about him...”

“Heheh...” Doctor X laughed. “Ahh, Digimon... What fascinating creatures, aren’t they? Their anatomy is so interesting... How they’re simultaneously digital, but living beings with physical forms at the same time.”

“How... How do you know about us? And our Digimon?” Blaine asks.

“I’ve been researching Digimon for years, I know how to track every single one that’s in the area...” Doctor X responds. “And I know about the bad Digimon that have been popping up in our area lately... I’m guessing you all must have taken care of them, correct? Thats real good. Nice to have some good Digimon around to protect us all from the bad ones...”

“Um... Sir? You’re not gonna like... Take us away, or kidnap us or something... Are you?” BlackGabumon worriedly asked.

“Oh, no no! Of course not, that’d be illogical...” Doctor X responds. “I may research Digimon, but I wouldn’t be cruel to them...”

“Um, no offense, but... Why exactly are you here then?” Liam says.

“I just wanted to pop in and say hi real quick... Make sure you’re all good people.” Doctor X says.

Beep! A loud text notification pops out from Doctor X’s phone, as he reads something on it for a quick moment. “Hmm... I should probably get going now. It was very nice to meet you all, though. I hope we run into each other again.” Doctor X reaches into his pocket, pulling out a buisness card he gives to Jazmine. “Call me if you need anything. Goodbye now.” And before anyone can respond, Doctor X leaves.

“Um... Does anyone know what the heck just happened?” Lily asks, everyone exchanging bewildered looks.

“Guys, something doesn’t seem right here...” Blaine says. “How the heck did he know about our Digimon?!”

“Maybe he has a Guidemon with him as well?” Guidemon says.

“Hey, where’s Herissmon?” Labramon asks, looking around. Lopmon looks over at the cupboards, opening one up to see Herissmon hiding in there, huddling up and looking pretty freaked out.

“Eep! I-is he gone?” Herissmon whimpers.

“Herissmon, why are you hiding? Are you alright?” Erik asks.

“What? I just... Sorry that guy just, um... Creeped me out is all.” Herissmon says, stepping out of the cupboard.

“Can’t say I blame you. That dude gave me the creeps as well.” Liam says.

“I don’t know about that guy...” ExTyrannomon says. “Can we even trust him?”

“I don’t know, ExTyrannomon...” Axel sighs. “Either way... Let’s be careful.”