Digimon Dark Worlds Tri: Screeching darkness

2 years, 15 days ago
1 year, 2 months ago
20 76083

Chapter 20
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Three years after the Digidestined defeated the Demondestined, the older Digidestined all have a reunion for old times sake. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when everyone’s Digimon partners also arrive in their world, doubling the reunion even more. Despite everyone being happy to be reunited, the Digidestined know that this reunion happened for a reason...And know that trouble is coming.

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Awaken ZeedMillenniumon || FINALE


Jazmine, Logan and Veemon, Guidemon, and Voodoomon all stared up at Lavogaritamon, sharing a mix of different expressions. Lavogaritamon was twice the size of his champion form, hot heat waves emanating off his body, as bits of hot cinders sprinkled forth from the flames.

 “Voodoomon…” Jazmine’s voice was low with pure rage, her fists clenched and shaking as she glared up at him. “I’m gonna kill you for what you did to Troopmon.

“…” Voodoomon glared down at her, suddenly cackling loudly, his voice shaking the area. “HAHAHAHAHA!! You think you scare me? Even if you’ve somehow managed to Digivolve to the next level, my power still far outranks yours…”

“MERUDAINA!!” Lavogaritamon fired a giant ray of heat from his mouth, attacking Voodoomon, but it barely phased him. Voodoomon then whacked Lavogaritamon away powerfully, knocking him to the ground. 

“Oh no… Veemon, we gotta help them out.” Logan says, Veemon nodding.


UlforceVeedramon slowly floated upwards, up to Voodoomon’s eye level.

“Pfft… I ain’t scared of you.” Voodoomon scoffed.

“…You should be.” Logan hissed, glaring up at Voodoomon with tears in his eyes. “Troopmon was my friend, and now he’s never gonna have the chance at living a problem life of freedom… All because of you!! I AM NOT LETTING YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!”

“ULFORCE SABER!!” UlforceVeedramon quickly slashed with his saber, but instead of attacking Voodoomon, he slashed behind himself instead.

“…HA!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Voodoomon cackled. “You think you stand a chance against me with aim like that?!”

“…I wasn’t aiming for you.” UlforceVeedramon says.

“…Huh?” Voodoomon’s smile faded away when he noticed what UlforceVeedramon was really aiming at… It was the strings. UlforceVeedramon’s attack slashed right through everyone’s strings… Taeka and Dracomon, Charlee and Herissmon, Liam and Jazamon, Cora and BlackGabumon, and Hoshi and Kudamon… Snapping everyone out of their puppeted trances.

“Wha…? What the heck is going on here?” Taeka asked, looking around.

“Voodoomon’s been keeping us all prisoner here as our puppets…” Jazmine says.

“Yeah, and he killed Troopmon too…” Logan says. Everyone gasps, all glaring up at Voodoomon, who was now starting to look nervous, as everyone’s Digivices started glowing…







“No…” Voodoomon looked terrified, staring at all the Digimon surrounding him.

“Just face it, Voodoomon…” Jazmine hissed. “…You’re done for.”


Allison’s dreamscape…

Allison slowly walked through a dark void… As she kept walking, her pace slowed down, as her surroundings slowly started forming into her own house. Allison then stopped walked, as visions slowly formed in front of her… Visions of her mom, dad, and herself when she was 10 years old. Allison remembered that these visions were memories from a long time ago, seeing the 10 year old version of her super excited, seeing a commercial on TV of a new video game she was obsessed with at the time.

“Mommy! Daddy! I want it! Can I have it? Please?” 10 year old Allison begged her parents.

“Sweetie, we’ve already told you many times, not now…” Her mom says.

“…Hey, you know what? You’ve been begging us for this game long enough… I’ll buy it for you first thing tomorrow morning.” Her dad says, smiling.

“Really?! Yay, you’re the best! Thank you so much, daddy!” Little Allison smiled widely, happily jumping up and down.

“Allison…” A shadowy force slowly formed next to Allison, its voice echoing in her ears. “You remember what happened after this… Right?”

Allison took a shaky breath, her heart racing as visions quickly flashed in her head of a car crash. The visions in front of her slowly then faded away, transforming into a different memory. Now, her father was gone, and instead it was just her younger self, and her mother, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

“I can’t believe it… He’s gone…” Her mom sobbed. Her mom then picked up a video game case, the same game her dad picked up, handing it to the younger Allison as she walked away. “Here… I hope you’re happy now.” The mom says, as all the visions fade away.

“I… I never wanted this to happen.” Allison says, tears streaming down her face. “My dad… He was like my best friend.”

“It doesn’t matter now…” The voice says. “…He’s gone now. “He’s never gonna come back and it’s all your fault.”

“I…I know.” Allison sobbed. “I miss him so much, I… I never thought asking him for something so simple would end up costing him his life.”

“You really are selfish, Allison…” The voice said mockingly.

“I… I know I am…” Allison whimpered. “But even then, I’d still give up everything I have just to have him back again.”

“NO!!” Out of nowhere, Tsukaimon suddenly burst into the area, tackling the shadowy force as it quickly faded away, Tsukaimon looking over to her. “Allison, don’t listen to that stupid voice!” Tsukaimon pleads. “What happened to your dad wasn’t your fault!”

“But it’s true, though…” Allison whimpered. “If I never asked him to buy that stupid game he would still be alive today!”

“But that still isn’t your fault!” Tsukaimon says. “You were just a kid when that happened, and what happened that day wasn’t your fault! That wasn’t something you could possibly predict or prevent, it was just bad timing!!”

“I… I know you’re right…” Allison sobbed. “But I still miss him so much! Even then, it doesn’t hurt any less what happened to him that day… It still hurts so much…”

“I know you do…” Tsukaimon says. “Look, I may not have known your father, but I can tell he loved you a lot. And even if he isn’t here physically anymore… His spirit is always still with you.”

“…Thanks, Tsukaimon…” Allison smiled weakly, wiping off a few tears. “One things for sure… I know my dad would have loved you.” She said… As she hugged Tsukaimon.

Blaire’s dreamscape…

Blaire was walking through a loud, crowded school hallway, filled with many children who were all talking to each other. Blaire had a quickened pace, keeping her head down as she hurriedly walked through the crowds, trying to not get noticed.

“Hey! It’s Blaire!” One of the kids suddenly shouted, pointing to her. Everyone robotically turned around at the same time to face her, all suddenly bursting out into loud laughter. She could hear multiple insults from the crowd, people shouting things such as “Friendless loser!”

Everyone suddenly then started throwing school supplies at her. Blaire quickly ran away from everyone, running into a janitor’s closest and closing the door, weakly slumping down onto the floor as tears formed in her eyes.

Knock! Knock!!

“Go away already!!“ Blaire snapped. The door clicked open, as Dorumon walked into the tiny room. 

“Dorumon… I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else…” Blaire whimpered. Dorumon closed the door, sitting next to Blaire.

“I saw how everyone out there was treating you, Blaire…” Dorumon says. “Is that true? Is that how they always treat you in real life?”

“…Yeah…” Blaire muttered, weakly nodding. “Pretty much since forever, I’ve never really gotten along with anyone at school, never really… Found anyone I’ve fit with or gotten along with. There’s so many jerks at my school that harass me for not having any friends… And everyone else just pretends I don’t even exist.” Blaire paused, sighing. 

“Dorumon… Back when I first met you, and when I went to the Digital World, and I met the others. Even despite all the dangerous Digimon that came at us… That was one of the happiest times in my life. It was the first time in my life where I actually felt like I had friends I could count on, friends that actually cared about me, and I cared about them. But of course that all had to end after I went back home. But now we’re all back together again, and now that I’ve found out Blaine is my brother, I feel that same happiness again, but I know this is only temporary. I mean… What if Blaine decides not to come back to Washington with me? What if I never find a real friend at my school?” Blaire sobbed, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t know what I did wrong, I… I’ve never done anything bad to anyone to deserve this! I hate school so much… I wish I could just leave forever but I can’t… No matter what…”

Blaire sobbed, Dorumon giving her a gentle hug, Blaire quickly hugging him back.

“Blaire, I… I’m really sorry about all this.” Dorumon says, letting go of the hug. “I know I’m not able to be around you all the time, but look on the bright side…”

“Dorumon… How is there a bright side to any of this?” Blaire asked.

“I mean… now that you’ve found out that Blaine is your brother… I’m sure he’ll come with you to Washington.” Dorumon states. “And even if he doesn’t, that still doesn’t change the fact that he’s your brother… You’ll still always be connected to him, no matter what.”

“…I guess that is true…” Blaire mumbled.

“And I know school is rough, as well… The situation you have in school right now is actually similar to the what we went through in the Digital World in some ways… No matter what, there’s always gonna be some jerks out there who wanna take you down for no reason, but you can’t let them win. You gotta keep fighting until the very end. And, who knows. Throughout all that fighting… You might find an actual friend in your school along the way.”

“I… I really hope so…” Blaire sniffled, wiping off some tears. “I know I have to keep fighting… It’s just really hard sometimes, especially without the rest of you around.”

“I know we’ll have to say goodbye again, and I’m really sorry about that, but no matter what… I’ll find a way to see you again. I promise.”

“Dorumon…” Tears streamed down Blaire’s eyes as she smiled, hugging Dorumon. “…Thank you.”

“…Urgh…” Blaire and Dorumon, and Allison and Tsukaimon all groaned as they woke up, looking at the surrounding dark dimension they were in. They all noticed the giant Nidhoggmon fighting MegaGargomon and ExMagnamon, gasping in shock. Lily quickly noticed that they woke up, running up to them.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re all awake now…” Lily sighed with relief.

“Ugh, my head…” Allison groaned. “What the heck is going on here?”

“Nidhoggmon’s been keeping us all in this dimension and putting us all under his nightmare spell…” Lily explains. “I’m just glad everyone’s awake now.”

“WHAT?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!” Nidhoggmon roared, his voice shaking the area. He glared down at everyone… Lily and Lopmon, Jake and MegaGargomon, Axel and ExMagnamon, Erik and Labramon, Blaine and Ryudamon, Allison and Tsukaimon, and Blaire and Dorumon… All of them glared up at Nidhoggmon, who looked incredibly furious. “HOW THE HELL ARE ALL OF YOU AWAKE?! HOW EVERY SIMGLE ONE OF YOU BREAK PAST MY NIGHTMARE SPELL?!”

“You wanna know why, Nidhoggmon?!” Lily shouted, taking a step forward. “I don’t think you’re as strong as you think you are… You’re pathetic, hiding behind your Eyesmon and your nightmare syndrome powers, taking advantage of us at our weakest moments… But you know what?! We’re stronger than you think, Nidhoggmon! We have each other now, so we’re not gonna let your stupid nightmare powers scare us anymore!!”

“…” Nidhoggmon had a look of pure shock on his face, before it twisted back into pure fury. “Well, if my nightmare powers don’t work anymore… THEN I’LL JUST HAVE TO KILL YOU ALL INSTEAD!!”

“…Not if we kill you first.” Blaine hissed, everyone’s Digivices starting to glow…










All of the Digimon all glared up at Nidhoggmon, who looked a bit nervous, but kept a confident stance. “Pfft… Your Digivolved forms don’t scare me! MELTDOWN!!” Nidhoggmon fired a heat wave from his mouth…

“GOLDEN ARMOR!!” But Ouryumon quickly charged forward, blocking the attack with his own body…

“HEARTBREAK SHOT!!” “METAL METEOR!!” Beelzemon and DoruGreymon quickly took this chance to attack, knocking Nidhoggmon back a bit…

“HA!! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!” Nidhoggmon cackled.

“LIGHTNING SPEAR!!” “GARGO MISSILE!!” “DRAGON OF THE SUN!!” “PYRAMID POWER!!” “MAGNA BLAST!!” Everyone else attacked, doing a lot more damage. Nidhoggmon weakly fell to the ground, weakly struggling to sit up straight, groaning in pain…

“You’re done for, Nidhoggmon…” Cherubimon hissed. Everyone attacked all at once…

“HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!!” As Cherubimon landed the final attack, Nidhoggmon letting out an ear piercing scream that shook that area… As he poofed into a massive cloud of dust. The dust swirled around in the air, Cherubimon approaching it as she absorbed his data.

“He’s actually… Gone…” Lily huffed, letting out a huge sigh of relief. “…Thank god…”

“Uh… So we do we do now?” Axel asks.

“We still gotta look for the others…” Erik says. “But how…”


“FRAGARACH SLASH!!” Slayerdramon attacked Voodoomon, him and the other Digimon winning the fight against him. Herissmon and Guidemon were the only Digimon not participating, watching the fight. While everyone was watching the Digimon fight, Herissmon poked at Charlee’s leg, catching her attention.

“Hey, Charlee? There’s something I wanna talk to you about…” Herissmon says. Charlee was silent for a bit before answering, looking up at everyone fighting.

“Can it wait a bit? Maybe until we get out of here?” Charlee says.

“But… It’s really impor-“

“AAAAAAAAGHHHH!!” Voodoomon let out an ear piercing scream being attacked again, struggling to stand up straight…

“Urgh… I…” Voodoomon weakly whimpered, looking down at Jazmine with an almsot saddened look. “Jazmine, I… I thought we were friends… How could you… Do this to me…”

“You’re the one who started all of this…” Jazmine hissed. “We could have had a normal friendship if you didn’t kidnap my friends and kill Troopmon!! I’m sorry Voodoomon, but… It’s too late. You’re beyond saving now.”

Lavogaritamon slowly flew up to Voodoomon’s level, power welling up in his body…

“MERUDAINA!!” And blasted an incredibly powerful attack… Poofing Voodoomon to dust. Voodoomon’s data then absorbed itself into Lavogaritamon’s body, as he landed back on the ground.

“Thank god he’s finally gone…” Liam sighed.

“Yeah, but… How do we get out of here now?” Jazarichmon asked.

Crckk… Suddenly cracks started forming on one of the shadowy walls to their right… The wall quickly shattered and disappeared, revealing the other group on the other side, everyone staring at one another in shock.

“Taeka…?” Lily looked over at her sister.

“Lily!” Taeka took a step forward, about to run over to Lily… But the whole area suddenly starts to shake violently, knocking Taeka off her balance. Cracks slowly started forming in the walls all around them, as a low growl was heard that echoed in everyone’s heads.

“You all really defeated those two, huh…” A voice echoed, with a deep, angry tone. “I can’t believe this… But fine… I guess… I’LL JUST HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU MYSELF!!”

The walls completely shattered and broke apart, the area shaking so violently that everyone was knocked to the ground… Suddenly passing out.

…Everyone quickly woke back up again, now floating around in a dark, abyss, all completely freezing in horror at what they saw in front of them…


…It was a Digimon, who was easily the size of a massive building, it’s body twitching uncontrollably, with some bands of digital energy circling around it’s body.

“Wha… Are you… Supposed to be the true dark one?” Cora asked.

“Correct… I am ZeedMillenniumon. And this is my dimension. Since you’ve all defeated the other two members of the Shadow Triad, you’re all caught in my trap now. What those two did to you all will be NOTHING compared to what I’m about to do…” ZeedMillenniumon growled. Everyone looked terrified, especially Guidemon, who was shaking with pure fear and horror.

“You… You’re not supposed to exist…” Guidemon whimpered, pointing up at ZeedMillenniumon.

“Hm? What are you talking about, Guidemon?” Blaine asked.

“See those digital bands of energy wrapped around its body?” Guidemon asks. “The Digital World created those to suppress its powers… Even the Digital World itself doesn’t want you to exist.”

“That’s right, little one. That’s why I live in my own dimension…” ZeedMillenniumon says. “Now I don’t want any of you puny, inferior mortals to speak again until I’m done talking, alright?”

“Pfft, what makes you think you can just boss us around?” Liam scoffed. In an instant, a shadowy hand suddenly popped out from below Liam, grabbing ahold of him and tightly choking him. Everyone gasped in complete horror, Jazarichmon quickly attacking the hand, causing it to let go of Liam and disappear. Liam coughed and gasped, one of the group members helping him stand back up.

“H-he won’t speak anymore, ok?! Just don’t do that again! Please!!” Jazmine pleaded and panicked.

“…Fine. But I won’t repeat myself again.” ZeedMillenniumon growled. “Anyways, like I was saying, I’ve been living in this dimension for thousands of years, waiting for my powers to slowly grow stronger. While I’ve been waiting here, I’ve been watching everything that’s been going on between both worlds. Since my dimension is between both worlds, I have the power to look back and forth between both worlds, and also communicate with each as well. It’s how I was able to find the Demondestined, thus gaining partners for the Demon Lords. I wanted to use the Demondestined to take over the Digital World for me before I gained the power to break free, but you all ended up defeating them. What a shame…” ZeedMillenniumon paused, looking over at Beelzemon. “…You know what, Beelzemon? You’re actually the only Demon Lord who chose the right side… You’re the lucky one here.”

Beelzemon didn’t respond, glaring at ZeedMillenniumon, everyone exchanging horrified expressions.

“You all even defeated the other two Shadow Triad members as well…” ZeedMillenniumon continued. “I know you’ve all been ruining all of my plans, but I’m almost impressed by how powerful you all are… Or… Maybe I’m just envious of your freedom… Maybe I’m so jealous… That I just… Wanna… KILL ALL OF YOU RIGHT THIS SECOND AND FINALLY BREAK FREE.”

“We’re not gonna let you break free…” Slayerdramon hissed. “We’re taking you down before you can do anything to us.”

“Don’t even try to stand in my way…” ZeedMillenniumon hissed. “Besides, you Digimon are not the ones I’m gonna kill first. I don’t know how every other Digimon who has fought you all before was too stupid to notice where your real powers come from… What the true threat to me here is… YOU KIDS.”

A shadowy hand quickly popped up again and grabbed Blaine, violently choking him as well.

“NO!! STOP IT!!” Erik screeched, but before he could do anything to help Blaine, he was quickly grabbed by another shadowy hand, also choking him as well.

“Once I take out you kids, you Digimon won’t stand a chance against me…” ZeedMillenniumon growled.

“GOLDEN RAY!!” “DRAGON KING’S BLADES!!” Anubismon and Ouryumon quickly attacked the shadowy hands, freeing Blaine and Erik.

“STOP DOING THIS!! PLEASE!!” Jazmine screamed and pleaded.

“SHUT UP!! I’ve had enough of you kids thinking you can just get away with ruining all of my plans…” ZeedMillenniumon growled. “Playtimes over, kids, now… Lights out.”

One by one, shadowy hands popped up and grabbed each of the kids, roughly choking all of them…

“Look out!” Charlee pushed Herissmon and Guidemon away from her, as she also got grabbed and slowly being choked…

“TIME UNLIMITED!!” ZeedMillenniumon then let out a giant roar, creating a giant, dark portal which led to another pocket dimension… All the dimension were quickly sucked into the portal as it quickly closed, trapping everyone’s partners inside the dimension.

“No no no, this can’t be happening…” Herissmon whimpered nervously.

“Urgh…Herissmon…” Charlee weakly groaned, despite still currently being choked. “If this is… Our last moment together… Please… Tell me what you were gonna say earlier… And make it quick, urgh…”

“Charlee, no! I… Charlee… I WANT YOU TO BE MY PARTNER!!” Herissmon screeched, tears forming in his eyes. “I’ve spent so much time trying to look for the perfect partner, and I’ve finally found now, but… I DON’T WANT YOU TO DIE NOW!!”

Suddenly a small, bright light appeared above Charlee, forming into a Digivice…


“What the…” ZeedMillenniumon looked at the shining Digivice in confusion, slightly squinting its eyes at it. Charlee managed to wrestle one of her arms free from the shadowy hand’s grip, grabbing the Digivice.


The second Charlee grabbed the Digivice, it exploded into an even brighter light, Herissmon’s body glowing…





“RAAAAAAGHH!! QUELLRISE BLAST!! Rasenmon let out a powerful roar that shook the area, unleashing multiple tornadoes that cut right through all the shadowy hands, freeing the kids…

“GYRO SMASH!!” Rasenmon then unleashed a powerful punch, punching a hole right through ZeedMillenniumon’s pocket dimension, freeing all the Digimon who quickly escaped, everyone glaring at the baffled ZeedMillenniumon.

“WHAT?! H-how is this even possible?!” ZeedMillenniumon asked.

“You underestimate how strong the bond between Digimon and humans really are, ZeedMillenniumon…” Taeka says. “How we can do anything if we put our minds to it.”

“…And we’re gonna prove just how strong we really are.” Charlee says, pounding her fists together.

And with that, the Digimon all started attacking ZeedMillenniumon, many of the Digimon throwing powerful attacks at them…

“CHRONO PARADOX!!” ZeedMillenniumon quickly fired two rays from both its mouths. The few Digimon who only barely got scraped by the attack took a lot more damaged, getting knocked back a bit.

“They’re so powerful…” Anubismon huffed. “How are we supposed to beat them when their attacks are that strong?”

“I still have my Magna Destroyer attack…” ExMagnamon says. “If all of you can combine your attacks with mine, I might be able to create an attack strong enough to take out ZeedMillenniumon… Or at the very least stun them.”

“Yeah, that could work…” Cherubimon says. “We just need a few of us to distract ZeedMillenniumon while we lend you our powers…”

Everyone nods in agreement, as Cherubimon, Slayerdramon, and Anubismon go over and distract ZeedMillenniumon. ExMagnamon holds his arms up, forming a golden energy ring above him…


The rest of the Digimon all blasted powerful attacks into the rings, a great amount of power welling up inside of it.

“You three! Now it’s your turn!!” Rasenmon shouted. Anubismon, Cherubimon, and Slayerdramon flew back over to ExMagnamon…

“HEY!! GET BACK HERE!! CHRONO PARADOX!!” ZeedMillenniumon fired at everyone…

“GOLDEN ARMOR!!” But Ouryumon flew forward, quickly blocking the attack from hurting anyone.

“PYRAMID POWER!!” “HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!!” “FRAGARACH SLASH!!” And the other three also gave their powers to ExMagnamon, the ring growing even bigger and more powerful. Then, everyone’s Digivices started glowing…

“Lend your Digivice’s powers to ExMagnamon!” Guidemon says. Everyone holds their Digivices up, as beams of light pour from each device, absorbing into ExMagnamon. This made the ring even bigger as energy poured firm the ring, ExMagnamon struggling to hold it. ExMagnamon moved the ring down to face ZeedMillenniumon…

“MAGNA DESTROYER!!” ExMagnamon fired a massive, golden ray of power, everyone also attacking again at the same time… The force of the attack was so powerful, that it ripped ZeedMillenniumon’s body right in half. ZeedMillenniumon’s body slowly started to rip and crumble apart, bits of its body falling off and slowly turning into dust, ZeedMillenniumon screeching in pain, the sound of its screeching shaking the area.

“NO… NO!! I WON’T… LET THIS… HAPPEN!!” ZeedMillenniumon screeched, it’s limbs weakly wriggling about as it tried to grab ahold of its own body, trying to put itself back together, but to no avail. ZeedMillenniumon’s voice got weaker as more of its body split apart and faded away, slowly disappearing.

“It’s no use, ZeedMillenniumon…” Rasenmon growled. “You’re done for. SPIRAL VANISH!!“ Rasenmon then fired a giant drill, which completely pierced through what was left of ZeedMillenniumon, who let out one last loud roar… Before completely being poofed to dust.

“Whoa… It’s really over now…” Taeka says, smiling. “We did it! YEAH!!” Everyone cheered happily.

“Thank goodness this is all over with how…” Jazmine sighed with relief. All of the Digimon then reverted back to their rookie forms, as a portal slowly formed in front of everyone… A portal that led to the Digital World.

“Whoa… Is that supposed to be the Digital World?” Jazmine asked.

“Yup… And we all know what this means.” Lily sighed, everyone sadly exchanging looks with their partners as they approached them.

“This sucks, Taeka…” Dracomon sighed. “I can’t believe we have to say goodbye to each other again!”

“Hey, don’t be sad about it, buddy…” Taeka says, giving a confident smile. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again someday!”

“I’m sorry I have to go again, Lily…” Lopmon sadly muttered.

“It’s fine, I understand…” Lily muttered, trying to hold back tears. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll really miss you, Erik…” Labramon whimpered. 

“Me too, Labramon… I really hope we’ll see each other again someday.” Erik says.

“I’m sorry, Blaine. I really don’t wanna leave you again…” Ryudamon says.

“It’s fine, I knew this would happen again anyways.” Blaine sighed. “Goodbye Ryudamon, I’ll miss you.”

“Goodbye Cora, I love you.” BlackGabumon says.

“I love you too, BlackGabumon. Goodbye…” Cora says.

“Aw, I’m so sad now…” ExTyrannomon whimpered.

“Yeah, me too, but hey, we might see each other again someday…” Axel says, smiling.

“Jake! Can I have my phone back? Please?” Terriermon asked.

“Geez, that’s it? Alright…” Jake sighed, pulling Terriermon’s phone one and handing it to him. “I hope that’s not the last thing you wanna say to me…”

“Of course not! I also wanna say…” Terriermon quickly hugged Jake. “Thanks for being my partner, Jake. I’m gonna miss you.”

“…I’ll miss you too, buddy.” Jake says, hugging him back.

“This sucks…” Tsukaimon sighed. “I’ll miss you, Allison…”

“Yeah, I know… I’ll miss you too, buddy…” Allison says.

“Noo… Logan, you think we’ll see each other again?” Veemon asks.

“I’m sure we might…” Logan says, smiling. “…So don’t worry, Veemon.

“I’m really gonna miss you, Hoshi…” Kudamon sighed.

“Me too, Kudamon… Goodbye.” Hoshi says.

“No, not again… I don’t want you to leave me!” Blaire sadly huffed, holding back tears.

“Hey, it’s ok, Blaire… I’ll find my way back to you again.” Dorumon says. “I promise.”

“Aww, no. I missed seeing you again…” Jazmine sighed. “You think we’ll see each other again?”

“I’m sure we will!” Vorvomon says, smiling.

“After finally being reunited again for so long, I hate saying goodbye again…” Jazamon sighed.

“Me too, but… We might see each other again someday.” Liam says.

“Nooo! I just got you as my partner! I don’t wanna say goodbye!!” Herissmon whimpered.

“Hey hey, it’s ok, Herissmon…” Charlee says, smiling. “We’ll see each other again someday, alright? I promise…”

“I’ll miss you all! Goodbye!” Guidemon waved goodbye to all the kids, as everyone hugged their partners one last time… As all the Digimon went through the portal. The portal quickly then started to close, as a light slowly filled the area, temporarily blocking everyone’s vision…

…And once everyone could see again, they were back in their world. Now laying in a soft patch of grass, in one of the parks in the city.

“Whew… Thank god that’s all over with how…” Taeka says.

“Yeah, but… I hate that we had to say goodbye to our partners…” Jazmine sighed.

“Yeah, me too…” Lily also sighed. “I’ve had to say goodbye to Lopmon three times now, but it doesn’t hurt any less than before.” Lily states, everyone nodding in agreement.

“So, uh… What do we do now?” Axel asks. “Besides taking a nap for like, a million years?”

“We… Move on with our lives? Just like we’ve done before.” Logan says.

“Yeah, you’re right…” Blaine mumbled, staring down at the grass. “…God knows I have a lot to think about now.”

A week later…

After everything that had happened, Allison, Logan, Hoshi, Charlee, and Blaire all returned back to their home states. Everyone else moved on with their lives for the next week or so, doing their own things. 

One day one of the group members then started up a group chat, which featured Taeka, Lily, Erik, Blaine, Cora, Axel, Jake, Jazmine, and Liam.

Group chat…

Jazmine - Whoa group chat!! :O Heyyy how are y’all doin?!

Cora - I’m good :D I’ve been texting Charlee the past few hours or so


Lily - Bruhhh Taeka you are so weird

Axel - It’s been a while since we talked ^^ Who started up this group chat anyways?

Blaine - It was me.

Erik - Oh, really? Did you wanna tell us something?

Blaine - Yeah. Remember how I told you guys earlier about Blaire and my parents wanting me to live with them in Washington?

Jake - Yeah?

Blaine - Well, after taking some time to think about it, I decided that I wanna live in Washington with them, so tomorrow morning, I’m going to the airport tomorrow and officially leaving New York.

Liam - DAMN FR?!


Lily - AW MAN ;-; I’m gonna miss you Blaine

Cora - Aww ;-; I understand why but I’m still gonna miss u!

Axel - I’ll miss you too, but it’s nice that you’re gonna be able to spend time with your family now :)

Jazmine - AWW NOOO ;-; We haven’t even got to hang out again and you’re already leaving?! I’m gonna miss u…

Jake - We’ll all miss you Blaine!! We all gotta be supportive about this guys :o

Taeka - AGHH YOU’RE RIGHT- Sorry if my message made me sound like a bitch Blaine

Blaine - It’s fine.


Axel - What time are you leaving at tomorrow morning?

Blaine - It’s at 8 AM.

Jazmine - UGHH NOOO I HAVE AN IMPORTANT TEST AT THAT TIME!! I don’t think me and Liam will be able to make it Blaine I’m so sorry :(( Goodbye tho, even tho we haven’t known each other that long I’m really gonna miss u! I’ll try and text you whenever I can :D

Liam - BRUHH FUCK SCHOOL I STG- Nah but fr I’ll miss you too, and good luck in Washington

Blaine - Thanks. I’ll miss both of you too.

Erik - I’m really sad to see you go, but I’m glad you’ll be able to spend time with your family now :) I’ll miss you Blaine

Axel - Uh so Blaine, what time are you leaving at tomorrow?

Blaine - I’m leaving at 8 AM sharp. You guys can meet me there so we can say goodbye one last time if you want.


Erik - I’ll be there too :)

Blaine - Good.

The next day…

Taeka, Lily, Cora, Axel, and Jake all met Blaine and his grandfather at the airport, while Erik was late, still not arriving at the airport yet. They were all talking indoors for a while, before they led Blaine outside the airport, wanting to show him a present they all got him…

“SURPRISE!!” Blaine’s eyes widened with shock looking at the present they gave him… It was a black motorcycle.

“Whoa, I… I can’t believe it…” Blaine stared at the motorcycle in shock. “You guys really got this for me?”

“Yup! We all pitched in to buy it.” Axel says, smiling. Blaine was almost at a loss for words, his eyes looking back and forth between the group and the motorcycle.

“Wow, I… this is amazing, guys. Thanks, I love it.” Blaine says. “But um, how exactly am I supposed to get this over to Washington?”

“…We have no idea!“ Taeka confidently answers. Blaine smiled, chuckling a bit.

“Man… I’m really gonna miss you guys.” Blaine says.

“Yeah, so we are.” Jake smiled, looking around. “Hey, where the heck is Erik supposed to be anyways? It’s not like him to be late for something like this.”

‘I really hope he didn’t change his mind about coming over today…’ Blaine thought to himself, feeling a bit saddened. 

Everyone suddenly then heard quick footsteps running towards the group… Everyone looked over to see Erik running towards the group at a rapid pace… Erik then quickly skid to a halt right in front of Blaine, Blaine noticing that Erik was holding a flower in his Erik. Erik was breathing heavily from the running, as he quickly got down on one knee, holding up the flower.

“Blaine…” Erik paused, taking a deep breath as he looked up at Blaine with a sparkle in his eyes. “…Please let me be your boyfriend and come to Washington with you!”

“WHAT?!” Everyone was unanimously shocked by this. Everyone in the group exchanged shocked expressions. Blaine’s face flushed a bright red as he was silent, staring down at Erik in wide eyed shock.

“What, is there something wrong with the flower?” Erik asked. “This was all I could get at the last minute…”

Suddenly the flower went limp, as all the petals fell off. Erik’s face fell to sadness as he sighed, standing back up. “You know what? This was a mistake, I should probably go…”

“No!” Blaine suddenly grabbed Erik’s hand, stopping him as he pulled Erik a bit closer to him. Erik gasped quietly at this sudden maneuver, his face going red.

“Don’t go, please.” Blaine says. “Please, just continue with what you were saying.”

“Ah… Ok, I…” Erik took a deep breath, recollecting his thoughts. “Look, I’m really sorry I haven’t talked to you much the past week or so. That’s all my fault… Ever since you confessed your feelings to me, I’ve just had so many thoughts swirling around in my head…”

“I’m really sorry I put that all on you so suddenly…” Blaine says. “I’m still so horrible at showing off my emotions properly, and I shouldn’t have done it to you the way that I did…”

“No, it’s fine! I’m not mad about it anymore…” Erik says. “This whole week I’ve kept thinking about if I felt the same way about you, if I still only liked you as a friend, or if I wanted something more, and I’m sorry it took me so long to finally give you my answer, but I’ve realized it now…”

Erik took a step even close to Blaine, their faces an inch apart as he rested his hand on the side of Blaine’s face, who gasped quietly as his face grew even redder.

“Blaine… There’s nothing that would hurt me more than losing you. Not only as a friend, but as a partner too. I do like you that way, and I’d like to be your boyfriend… That is, if you’d let me.”

Erik leaned forward as he gently kissed Blaine, Blaine quickly kissing him back.

“Awww…” Everyone smiled at this.

“Wha… Am I the only one who has no idea what’s happening right now?” Taeka muttered quietly.

After a few seconds the two boys pulled away from their kiss, leaning their foreheads against one another.

“Of course you can be my boyfriend, Erik…” Blaine says. “I’d like that more than anything.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Urgh…” Nearby everyone could see Erik’s mom slowly approaching them, sturggling to carry a bunch of luggage.

“Mom! Oh no, I’m so sorry…” Erik quickly stepped back from Blaine, running up to his mom and helping her carry the luggage. “Here. Mom, I, I’m really sorry for leaving you like this…”

“It’s ok honey…” His mom smiled, kissing him on the forehead. “I’ll miss you, but I’m glad you’re leaving with somebody you care about.” His mom says, the two hugging.

“I love you, mom. I’ll call you as soon as I land.” Erik says.

“Um… Blaine?” Taeka nervously walked up to him. “I know Erik must be the person you had a crush on…” Taeka says. “I’m really sorry about exposing your crush like that, it was really wrong of me to do that…”

“…It’s fine, Taeka, don’t worry about it.” Blaine says, giving a quick smile. “Honestly if you never did that, I don’t think I ever would have found the courage to tell him in the first place… But if you ever do anything like that again… I will kill you in your sleep.”

“Yeesh, chill out man!” Taeka says. After Erik finished saying his goodbyes to his mom, he walked back over to Blaine and the others, holding his hand. “Let’s go.”

“NOOO!! I don’t want you two to leave!!” Taeka whimpered loudly, suddenly hugging the two. Everyone else walked up to them, also giving them hugs as well, saying their final goodbyes. Erik and Blaine walked up to Jake, about to say goodbye to him as well, but he was distracted by something on his phone.

“Jake, are you serious right now? Get off your phone!” Lily says.

“Wait! Guys, you seriously gotta see this…” Jake says. Everyone walks over to Jake, looking at his phone screen, where he was on YouTube, on a YouTube channel that Terriermon had made.

“Terriermon… Uploaded a video?” Lily squinted her eyes at the screen. “…10 minutes ago?!”

“What the? How the heck does Terriermon even get phone service in the Digital World?!” Axel asks. Everyone looked closer at the video, which was titled: For our partners. The video’s thumbnail showed everyone’s partners, and Guidemon as well.

“Play the video!” Taeka says, Jake playing the video…

Terriermon: “Hey, everyone! Um, I really hope you all will be able to see this video! Otherwise this will be really awkward and for nothing! Um, this video is for all our partners, and we just really wanna tell you all something super duper important!”

Dracomon: “We all just wanted to say, we all miss you guys so much!”

Labramon: “We’re all super sad that we had to say goodbye again…”

Ryudamon: “Yeah, and it sucks that we only really get to see you all when we have to fight bad Digimon…”

BlackGabumon: “Yeah, but hey, there’s a bright side to all this!”

ExTyrannomon: “Well, this isn’t exactly a good thing, but there’s always bad Digimon that are gonna show up, that we’ll have to defeat…”

Lopmon: “But everytime that happens, that always means that there’s a chance we’ll be reunited again.”

Veemon: “But hey, look on the bright side! There’s always a chance for humans and Digimon to live together someday!”

Tsukaimon: “Yeah! And Terriermon also has something cool we’re gonna do as well!”

Vorvomon: “Terriermon said that he’s gonna let the rest of us borrow his phone as well…”

Jazamon: “So the rest of us will make videos as well.”

Kudamon: “Well make videos every day, showing off everything that’s going on in the Digital World.”

Dorumon: “Or anything else that happens here.”

Herissmon: “Um, Charlee, if you’re watching this, I just wanna say… I really love you and miss you! Oh wait, did I go off script?! I’m so sorry!”

Terriermon: “It’s ok, Herissmon! Um, anyways… We’re all gonna make videos on my channel every single day for you all, just to show how much we love you and miss you! I know we won’t be together physically, but hopefully this will still be a way for us to stay connected to one another!”

Guidemon: “And I know I’m not anyone’s partner here, but I hope you’ll all be fine with me making videos as well!”

Terriermon: “Anyways, I think that’s it! Goodbye everyone!”

Everyone: “WE ALL LOVE YOU!!”

Everyone was emotional watching that video, especially Jake and Erik, Erik tearing up and Jake sobbing, as Lily hugged Jake, and Blaine hugged Erik.

“…Those little guys are the best.” Taeka says, everyone nodding in agreement.

Everyone said their final goodbyes to Blaine and Erik, finally watching them leave and walk away, everyone heading back home.

Despite having to say their goodbyes, and many members of the group having to go their own ways… Everyone was happy. No matter what happened now, they all knew one thing. 

…Everyone was looking forward to whatever would happen in the future.