Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 6 days ago
23 22896

Entry 16
Published 9 months, 6 days ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 16: Jolid 62, 2195

    Boston woke up today with green hair in his hands. The Creator’s hair. What does that even mean? Why would that, of all things be in his hands? Maybe its a warning of some sort? Or a calling card? Whatever it is, it’s weird. 

     Hubert can also write in the book he found and whatever he wrote happens right after. However, he wrote to remember everything and is now locked into reading for Arceus knows how long.

    We decided to split up. Toni and Boston stayed with Hubert, and Eerie and I, with Copy disguised as Hubert, went to Nomel. 

    I was a bit nervous to leave Boston alone. I trust Toni, but I hoped they will be safe. Of course later in the day my nervousness would prove to be rightly placed because they DID end up taking trips alone after the whole talk about a buddy system! Sometimes I feel like my words fall on deaf ears. In the end they were safe, but now I know why my trust is thin sometimes.

    Nomel was a lot of fun. We spent a lot of time in the Game Corner. Some of the games didn’t make sense to me, but I was really good at the card games. I ended up getting Boston an Eevee from the prizes and myself a Dieno! 

    At some point Copy and I went to check out the treasure map for Muscle Beach that Hubert had gotten on the Sandstar Beach. Thinking it’d be a fun surprise to give him when he finished reading. However, it turned out to be a battle tower run by Steven Stone. I had to fight a clown. Alone. Apparently, HE said too much. Which is his own fault, first of all, and then I had to battle him to leave. I could have sworn we were just going to dig in the sand for a bit!

    Sol did evolve after the battle though! I’m very proud of him! Seeing him evolve made me think of Rye again. I miss him. Don’t get me wrong. I love Sol. I would love for him to meet Rye and then they could train together! I think that would be nice. 

    After that we hastily returned to Nomel to see Eerie’s contest. She won of course. It was a really lovely story of not judging others and being accepted mixed in the contest vibe. I noticed there was smoke within the contest that reminded me of dream smoke. I realized that Dream Doctors weren’t around. Maybe that is why there are so many things happening with dreams recently?

     Tonight we stayed in the Heights. It was too far to return to the others and Hubert was still reading. Tomorrow we’ll rejoin them and make a plan.