Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 18 days ago
23 22896

Entry 22
Published 9 months, 18 days ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 22: Jolid 68, 2195

      Today is my birthday. Theoretically speaking I guess. It’s weird. It hasn’t been a full year since my last birthday. Thinking about it now, we were about a month from the wedding, which is also coming up. Does this mean I’m a year older? Or 95 years older? 

     Void surprised me with a Dark Gem in the morning. I’m excited to be able to use it. Perhaps I’ll let him hold onto it for later use. Hubert also gave me an extra Mankey Egg he had. I’ve never trained one, so that’ll be fun to get to learn how they are raised. Eerie also gave me a Shiny Fail Pansage later in the day! She remembered that I talked about Pao once before. Boston’s gift I’ll talk about a little later. It was… really special and would make more sense in context. I also got a free spin on Maleeni’s Wheel. It was a really good start to the day.

     The group chose that it was probably important to go to Cherimosa today. One reason being the unknown time restraint of Rye’s message, and the other, my father’s call was still a mystery.

     We were forced to walk into the forest. A fiery aura kept us from heading straight into the canopy by flight. After some exploring we found a hollow tree stump with darkness inside. I agreed to enter first since it was laced with aura. My group tied a rope around me and I walked in with Sol.

     I landed in a cell. 

     Thankfully, Toni and Hubert joined me a bit after. Sol helped me talk to the guard and we mentioned Rye. Soon after, a woman appeared. It was Lifeline! However, she was no longer a Lucario. I keep getting reminded about how much has changed. Lifeline seemed interested in Toni’s own aura ability, but Toni seemed less thrilled. Her slump is really affecting her. Figured it was a bad time to joke about how her not trusting Lifeline was similar to how I didn’t trust Arwin. Write it down here for later. I didn’t feel like getting a punch in the arm as a gift.

      She led us through Cherimosa. People wanted to talk to me, and Boston. I had no idea where they were since we separated at the stump. Later they told me they found a tree full of monkey Pokemon. I’d love to go and see that later. The story reminded me of how Pao told me, "We share food with those we trust”. Good to know the colony there trusts them.

      However, back at Cherimosa, the people looked like a weird mix of Lucario and human. Their once proud city was… decolate. While full of life all around the jungle, it was almost a ghost town here. She led us to the Pyramid and for a moment I was blinded. It was hot. 

     Through the pyramid was a doorway into a desert. Just like it was in the past. Ahead was another pyramid. Traveling to the pyramid, Lifeline explained to me that this was a paradox. A point in time right when Boston jumped to the future. 

      I got… a lot of information today. I’ll jot it down in more detail in my notes, but the just of it was that whatever Boston did set off a reaction, like a bomb, and wiped out almost all life on Voronis. The start of Requis, that happens every year. Legendaries protected some areas and people. Cherimosa was safe due to Colossus, but he had to go back into the crystal. Apparently, my catching of some Legendaries didn’t help. While I let them roam, they were also not where they were supposed to be when the event happened. 

    Somewhere in the midst of all this, life came back to Voronis and people reincarnated. Some retaining their memories, most not. Psius returned and tried to make Reaper again. The other Aura Masters went to Dragonknight to stop him, but used their powers to trap themselves and Reaper in the red crystal that surrounds it now. Making lifeline the last Aura Master. 

    She also told me that the Creator is a paradox himself, making the ‘other mes’ paradoxes as well. Maybe this is a cycle. This is all just speculation, but it makes some sense. 

     While there I also met Delta again. So did Hubert and Toni (she didn’t believe me about him)! He is trapped in Reaper back in the future. I don’t know how he knows this, but I took it as a plea for help. Somehow, he knows. Other Pokemon are in there too, so we have to go get them. 

     Raven is also there. She seemed more powerful than the last time I’d see her. Oh. Right. Future. She seems to be the person that wants to talk to Boston. She went off an an, apparently, taxing adventure to get him and Eerie to that location.  

    When I asked about my family being there, Lifeline went and got Xavier and Rye. Xavier, bless his little heart, was so excited to see me. He was running laps around Rye, who was very slow and aged. Xavier wanted to come with me. I accepted. Of course. How could I leave my son behind? He was a part of my past that I desperately wanted to hold to. 

     Rye one the other hand… This is going to be really hard to write.

     Rye had held on waiting for me. He was so small. I’m so proud of him. He walked to me all on his own. I wanted to… I wanted to meet him halfway, but he wanted to show me. As he collapsed in my arms he faded into aura that Sol caught and held onto. I could barely tell him how much I loved him before he passed. I think he knew. It weighs heavy on my heart, that he waited for me so long and I didn’t even know all he went through. 

    In his room there were monitors and equipment. A feed of my home, Snowpoint, was there. And other places, like my home in Kanto with a strange woman on the screen. This was the room the phone call came from. If that was the case, then where was my dad? I know I’d heard his voice. 

     Lifeline told me it might have been a prank from Xavier. Being a ghost type, they play tricks. If that was the case, I know he didn’t mean it poorly. Not on purpose. Lifeline said that my family might still be in Kanto at this time. I could stay here. 

     “You don’t owe anyone anything”

     That’s what she said. I could live out the rest of my life doing research in Kanto and leave this all behind. If i wanted

     I thought about it for a moment. 

     But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to continue research in Voronis. Learn the secrets of the island. Not knowing what happened here would eat me alive. The answers were in the future. Boston was in the future. I couldn’t leave him. I didn’t even know if my parents were even here. Either way I looked at it. I’d lose something, but Lifeline also said that I might be the only person that cared enough to fix this. If I could fix this then this wouldn’t be an issue. 

     Boston eventually arrived with Eerie. Raven then promptly took him up to the machine in the Pyramid. While he was up there he floated something down to me. It was a baby Colossus! I’d seen the bigger one with wings outside with Delta. He seemed to recognise me. I took him with me. In the end I had to.

     Whatever Raven did. That machine. It was like a Reaper, but better. I hadn’t even noticed it with everything going on. She set it in motion and sat back to let it work. Some of the Lucario in the building also were in on it. I don't know what she was trying to accomplish, but we ran. Boston somehow was able to open a portal. Temporarily shifting one eye and a strand of his hair blue. 

     Hubert tried to stay behind to stop it. I didn’t see what happened, but I think Boston somehow forced him to get through. Hubert had worked on Reaper. He left guilty. I agree with Boston though. We can’t lose him to something like that. We needed his help. 

      The portal to the paradox was destroyed. We all made it out, except for Raven and the remaining Lucario that didn’t want to leave. Lifeline was pissed. She’d been betrayed by someone she thought she could trust too. Had Raven been working with Psius the whole time? I didn’t really know her very well in hindsight…

     We bedded down in some of the abandoned buildings. Boston and I shared one. I didn’t really want to be alone tonight. He gave me the Victini Orb for my gift.

     “I want this to help you. You have to get your victory. I want it to be your hope.” 

     What he said put a smile on my face in the shadow of this long day. I spent time with it tonight. It didn’t reveal any secrets to me. I think I’ll have to find Victini for that.

     Sol told me that Rye wants to be put to rest at the bottom of Mirror Lake. There is a deity there that has to be appeased first though. I’d do it. Anything for him.

    I find my thoughts drifting tonight. Swirling like Zubats caught in a gust. That other time we were in didn’t make sense. Two Groudons of different ages. Cameras pointing to the future and past. Toni had even told me that Mnt Vanille was gone in that time. But yet it stands today. What people were spared with the protection of Legendaries or regained their memories after reincarnation? How fast did the island recover if there was history of Psius returning and a War that Sumara fought? So many key people are still around after all that. They must have been kept alive by a divine force or come back with knowledge. 

     And then what of me? I was caught into a portal about the same time the bomb went off. Why? Coincidence? Divine interjection? Was that the Sanctum’s defense mechanism? Seems very planned. Here I thought it was a freak accident, but clues are adding up that maybe it wasn’t. 

     I don’t know. All I do know is that I am here now. Stuck again. Maybe there’s a reason for it all. Perhaps holding to that idea makes this easier. I just want to know why.