Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 21 days ago
23 22896

Entry 23
Published 9 months, 21 days ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 23: Jolid 69, 2195

     Early exploration was on the agenda today. We packed our things up and decided to head to Maleeni’s before tackling Sandia with Eerie and Hubert’s free tour. On the way there was a sighting of what we believe to be a Voronian Blizel. 

     After all the dailies we went to Wamelo and entered the Sadia building with ease. Immediately we started to snoop. I was hesitant because I figured the Creator would expect us to tamper with things. Trix helped me out a lot with her ability to see through walls and relay the information to me. 

     Our findings concluded that the 8th floor was something secret. Of course we had to know. Using Binary to control the elevator we made our way to the 9th floor eventually. Where, as I guessed, receptionists were waiting for us. Expecting our arrival. 

     The Creator hadn’t arrived yet, but Eerie was allowed into his office before us. She gave us a sneak peak through a live stream while we waited. Eventually, he arrived. I felt on edge. I had no idea what would happen with him.

     He led us inside and tried to make proper introductions even though he’d met Boston and I before. It felt like a front. Like he was trying to save face. Speaking of face, he had burn, ice, and electrical scars on his face now. They were from his tussle with Jeana.

     He was very front and had little he seemed to try to hide. Other than the, ‘I’ll kill you like I killed the others’ thing. He told us of his grievances with Jeana. She was apparently building a bomb. An upgraded Reaper. 

     He also showed us Irena. She was in a tube. Half of her was formed to looked like a Mewtwo of sorts, but more feminine. He claimed that this was how he intended to keep Irena from turning into Psius, by keeping her alive as a Legendary. She was Psuis’ reincarnation. She would be fully formed in 6 days.

     He wanted the groups help to stop a terrible fate from befalling Voronis. As we were trying to get information from him, The Creator said something relating to Toni’s gym leader. She mentioned that Jeana was with him, and just like that he was gone. I’m not going to lie. I was frustrated. Just when I feel like I’m close to getting information I need something like this happens. I don’t want to blame Toni, but the filter on her mouth is nonexistent. 

     We had been warned the traps would be reset in 5 minutes without the Creator here as a host. We made out way out after using every minute we could to investigate a bit more. As we were leaving, Trix noticed a door with a chest and a depiction of Arceus behind it. 

     We spent a bit of time exploring the other floors that we had access to now. They were doing a lot of work with breeding and Dynamax energy. The mysterious 8th floor was supposedly a way to get into the caverns where they were mining the Dynamx energy. 

     I was able to convince everyone to go back to the 9th floor. I knew it was suspicious, but I needed to get into that room. Besides, if the Creator knew everything then he’d know we would do this and would have worked to prevent it. Solid excuse. 

      We got back into the room, no issue. The receptionists even let us in. Something felt off about all this. The door to the room I wanted into was open. It wasn’t trapped. Just a table, the chest, and the image of Arceus. I went up to the image and played the flute. It began to shift and move and a vision of Arceus appeared. It wasn’t fully them, just a fragment. They offered me one question. I wanted to know how the Creator and I were connected.

     “You are tied together because he is tied to me and I am tied to you.”

     With that they left me with a gift. A Shard of Arecus. It was a piece of their horn. I’m a bit stunned. I had no idea Arceus was tied to me. I knew I’d accepted the offer to the Sanctum, but at the time I didn’t know it was under Arceus’ rule. It was never announced I guess? Maybe I should have just known? I’m… honored really. I’d always wanted to step under Arcues’ wing. Not in the religious sense, but to be able to absorb whatever knowledge they could provide me. 

     Boyish fantasies aside. I got what I wanted. Nothing else was i this room. The chest ended up being empty and trapped. This was the Creator's giant play house. I knew it. He was placing falsities in the area to play with us a bit in our snooping. We gathered everyone up to leave again. Apparently Hubert almost fell to his death. He really needs to be careful. That’s the second time this week.

     Before we left a second time, I left a note on the Creator’s desk detailing my concerns for working with him after being threatened. We’ll see where that leads. In the elevators, the snooping continued. Toni and Boston made their into the elevator shafts and some how coaxed a Gmax Kingler to take them down in it’s mouth. Hubert, Eerie, and I ended up having to give chase. 

     The chase led us back down into Alter Cavern. It was a beautiful outlet with mushroom Pokemon. Hubert found an egg that hatched into a Azurill! We explored a while until we came upon the cave where we found the Nosepass and the other Pokemon. I found Axel here.  

     Toni started to mess around with the crystal in the middle of the room and activated something. She was able to gain her relic! 

     We set up camp and discussed our feelings about the adventure so far. I’m a bit worried for the others. I just feel like Boston and I being here has dragged them into a mess they didn’t want. Granted, I think Toni would have found her way into the mess regardless, with the quest Arwin has her on. 

     While dining on our meal, a feather dropped into the soup we had left out for Arceus. We were all brought into a dream world along with other figures. The Creator included. A voice spoke out to all of us. It addressed us as the holder of the relics. The final relics have appeared, and the relics had back been shifted to their respective owners.

     When the vision ended the stopwatch was missing from my possession. Guess the guy that it belonged to wasn’t dead after all. 

     I wonder when I will unlock my relic. I’m starting to think that it’s tied to Arceus based on today's events. To think that I could have passed up gaining all the items to craft it. I sometimes wish it made noise normally. I think I would like to learn to play an instrument like this.