Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 21 days ago
23 22896

Entry 8
Published 9 months, 25 days ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 8: Jolid 54, 2195

It all got fucked up.
     I don’t even know where to begin. I’m having a hard time finding the energy to write at all tonight.  

     We made a plan to take the crystal. It all banked on us battling Oleander, the Fire Gym leader, first and Eerie taking him on second. But he arranged to battle Eerie first. We made some quick decisions and Toni and Boston went to go get the item. In the end they were successful and Eerie succeeded in her challenge!


     Apparently the item was a relic of Sumara. It led the Queen straight to us, and in a panic I asked Void to try to hold it, but he got sucked into it. I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid that Jeana would take it and Void with it. I knew Irena could get here and keep it safe, but I wasn’t in any standing to ask her something like that. So Toni did. At the time I thought it was my only option. She took the crystal and Void and went away. Still I sit here unsure if I made the right choice. Toni is keeping tabs on her, but I don’t even know where she is now. 

     In the end Jeana found us in the room. She pointed me out instantly. She took the flute from me saying to come to her when I’m ready to go home. She also noticed Boston. I don’t know what they said to each other but she was obviously upset. SHe then accused me of giving Irena two of the three items she needed and she was going to the mountain for the third. I don’t know what that means. Did I mess up? Was I right that Irena was going to betray me? Was Void ok…

     The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. Sort of went with the flow. The gym challenge was canceled due to the relic missing. We spent some time around the nearly purified waters and traveled to the Heatran statue. Boston found a Manaphy egg. Eerie and I also fought a mountain climber together. 

     At some point we figured to go to Duri and use the Rainbow feather I’d acquired a while ago. My mind was still heavy with the though of Void, but Toni assured me that we needed to try to trust Irena.

     We were able to purify Duri again and witnessed Ho-oh flying over. It was really breathtaking. It lifted my spirits for a time. I got a lot of information from Eliza afterwards. I’ll have to add it to my notes later. While leaving Flint evolved. That made me really happy. 

     Eventually we headed to Caba and camped. Boston and I talked some and I found out that TOni had been lying about not telling her trainer about us. Honestly, I just wanted this day to end. Hoping maybe in my sleep I’d get a sign from Void. At least Boston and my bond grew stronger. I know I can trust him, I hope he believes the same. Which reminds me… I saw a visage of Darkrai near Boston earlier. I know he’s been worried about Synth.

     I was able to catch a Cottonee before bedding down! His name is Cottonway. I’m using him as a pillow as I write. I’m really worried about Void. I can’t shake this feeling that I broke my promise to him again. I wasn’t there to protect him. I can’t lose him again.