Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 21 days ago
23 22896

Entry 17
Published 9 months, 21 days ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 17: Jolid 63, 2195

    The update of the morning was that Hubert was going to take 2 more days to finish reading his book. We decided to let him stay up on Snowpoint. With Kiche there it would be very safe. We all went to Wamelo to meet up halfway. Oddly enough, Hubert came to join us soon after. It seemed that it took the others to leave to break the spell?

    He spoke of meeting a shiny Celebi. Relief washed over me. She was safe, in a way. I had been feeling really guilt about what happened to her in the rift. He’d also found out that him and Pine worked on Reaper. I figured as much with the dreams he’d been telling us about. The next things he told us shook me. 

    He said that he was here to help me. Tell me that I was here to stop The Creator. Apparently we were linked together. The Creator and I. I appeared because he became human. Hubert’s memories were implanted by the Creator to stop him from helping. He also helped create the capsules, or ‘catalysts’ for Reaper. Sounds like he and Pine had an unknowing hand in it all.

    If I’m being honest. I don’t know what this all means. Was my coming here not a coincidence like I had thought before? Was there some plan I wasn’t aware of in the works? Why me? How was I tied to the Creator? Why did I have to defeat him? What was he even doing that I had to stop?

    The Rangers were watching us, so we had to move on. Not having James around is proving really hard. I don’t trust those on the force anymore. Not after what we’ve seen. I feel like such an idiot going directly to the Rangers now when I got here! 

    We went to the Temple of the Guardians to track down where we thought Giritina might be now. Boston had had a vision of 1-2 legendaries down there. However, the door was locked with a key we didn’t have. I noticed that it looked like the hands of a Galade and Gardevoir clasped. We had to get the key from Dragon’s Den. 

    While leaving Toni claimed to see Tapukoko. Strange. They should be on Alolah, not Voronis. However, that Pokemon reaching out to Toni makes sense, with her connection to electricity. 

    Another strange thing happened. The armor I’m wearing released. The grip it had seemed to ease off. I heard a voice. 

    “Come. Find me where we first met. I showed you my trust. Please do not forsake it.”

    It was Necrozma. This surprised me in a way. Last time I met Necrozma we fought. He hurt me really bad. I had hallucinations for days. Now he was reaching out to me? Perhaps 100 years does take a toll. Regardless, I’m not one to turn down a Pokemon’s trust.

    We traveled back to where I found the armor, but nothing. Deciding to go on the Dragon’s Den and figure it out from there. I’m a bit worried that if I wait too long I’ll miss an opportunity. I don’t even know where we fought Necrozma. We never stepped foot outside that cave.

    We ended up camping outside the Den. Spoiler alert, the guy in the den is still alive, and still very crazy. Food tonight made me a little tipsy. 

    I had a dream tonight.

A woman that looked very similar to a Gardevoir. Saying the same line that are on the statue. 

    We’re in the right place to find her love, that’s for sure.