Emanuel's Diary

1 year, 5 months ago
9 months, 18 days ago
23 22896

Entry 4
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Delve into Emanuel's thought process throughout the days on his new adventure. Written in first person from Emanuel's point of view after a day has ended.

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Day 4: Jolid 50, 2195

     When morning arrived and Void returned. I talked to him about leaving without talking to me first. He seemed to adamant about being hungry. I felt a cold feeling in me. We came to agreement to try to moderate how and when to eat. The feeling went away. I've noticed that he's a bit more blunt with how he speaks. However, he hadn't been speaking much before all of this, so perhaps its just him growing up. I'm glad he's getting stronger. In fact our bond seems stronger too. Almost like we coexist now. It's hard to explain. In the end as long as he's safe, I'm happy. 

     I headed down to breakfast with the others. The fruit buffet was delightful. Toni seemed to think other wise. Rather loudly. Listening to the news I heard that Victor Sol had been taken in. Good thing too. Seems that he was wanted. There was also some information on Contests as well. During breakfast, Eerie informed us that she'd been getting texts from some random person that watches her streams. They want to meet her in Cherol and that it was strange that she was traveling with a Sumarian. That made me on edge. That meant that this person is stalking Eerie, and more importantly, the whole group. Boston told me that Victor Sol mentioned some kind of purge. What did that mean? 

     I'm starting to stress out about traveling with a famous streamer while Boston's Sumarian lineage can be seen from a mile away. I decided to maybe do some digging at the Ranger station that was here in town, if it was still in town. Maybe get some info on what's been going on. Maybe even see if James left a note. 

     Before we left breakfast, Eerie pointed out to me how many people looked sleepy in the area. I assured her I was aware of it all and was dealing with it. After we left the hotel, Hubert, Boston, and I went to the Ranger Station. The two girls headed off to shop. At the Ranger Station I reluctantly handed over my credentials to get a bundle of my old notes and information. As well as a message left to me by James. Boston also did the same to try to see if he got a note too. I was a bit nervous to do this, because out information would be in the system now, but I didn't know how else to get this information other wise. It's hard not having James around to wave a badge and make things happen.

     I listened to the message he left. He was a lot older in the video. He had a beard, and Dee looked different. In a more powerful way. He sat down in his normal 'James' way of turning the chair the wrong direction and spoke. He knew that I had gotten taken into a time rift, but no one believed him. He told me that Boston seemed more interested in running his kingdom and to 'take that how [I] will'. He'd been only give 5 years to look for me. The video marking his 4th year. I tried not to, but I teared up. I missed him. I hadn't seen him in the 5 years we'd stopped adventuring. It struck me as strange that Pine told me that Boston had been searching for me, but James claimed he didn't. Perhaps Pine was just telling me what I wanted to hear after all that time. In the end, I don't believe whatever Boston was there was mine. As funny as it sounds the Boston traveling with me now feel like mine. Our stories match too perfectly. I think the other was an imposter, or- more of a different one. 

     I looked up what took James away from searching for me. It's selfish, but I thought it was some big conspiracy that they wouldn't let him keep looking. However, it was his job that he had left in Sinnoh. Made sense. James was always married to his job. It was generous for them to allow him 5 years at that. Nevertheless, it was good to see he left something. I wondered if there was more to find in Feijub. Asking Boston about his message, he just said that James said that he was 'under arrest'. That checked out. 

     We ended up heading to find the girls after and then went to the Power Plant. Toni seemed to be trying to avoid the Gym. She had her reasons, but ribbing her a bit about it felt good. For a short time. Till she bullied me again. Somehow Boston and my mugshots got brought up and now my contact info in Toni's phone is when I got booked in Duri. Good times. 

     While we were in the Power Plant, Toni decided to evolve her Rhyhorn she got from Altir Caverns. When she did, it caused a power surge. The evolution itself was breathtaking. I'd never seen anything like it. I think I almost blacked out. This was a Pokemon never seen before and only theorized in the notes we found. Ryhcorn. However, it didn't look like how the notes were depicting it. It seems to be some sort of pseudo-legendary. Toni also looked like she gained a power up from the evolution. Her spark was more... sparky. Literally. Even Trix seemed to get a bit of a surge from it all. 

     All the commotion caused the owner of the Power Plant, Jote Maaprios, to come out and see what was happening. Taken away by Rox, the new Ryhcorn, he offered us a tour were previously there was none. Looking around the Power Plant there were tons of electric Pokemon that were helping fuel the energy. There was a bit machine that held Zaptos feathers inside. Jote explained that the feathers act as a catalyst for the Power Plant. In the final days of the year, during Requis, Zaptos, and other legendaries, visit the island to repower the island. Zaptos choosing the Power Plant. Apparently, the story goes that there was a trainer long ago that helped catch a lot of them and imparted his kindness on to them. Zaptos was caught by someone troubled, who then over came it, so did Zaptos. I couldn't help but wonder what I was able to impart on the Pokemon and Legendries I caught. I hope that Delta and Colossus were ok. Colossus was still just a baby like Void when I got swept up. I had a feeling Clayton was doing well, maybe teamed up with James. Apollo and Zephyr probably spent a lot of time at Pine's before moving on. Also miss Atlas, where ever he may be. I was starting to feel very lucky to still have Void by my side.

     As we continued to explore, Jote explained the rich history of Voronis. Kwii was a neutral town. Strange to think there are towns pitted against each other now. After the tour he mentioned that there were Mareeps for sale. I ended up purchasing a pet one. I didn't have the money to by a battle ready one. Besides, training one up might be fun. As we were heading out Jote mentioned wanting one of the Rhycorns. He'd pay a lot of money too for one. 200,000-300,000 Credits. 

     We ended up heading to the Gym after. Jote is apparently Adalade's adoptive father. He's also an X-Champian. I found that very interesting. Finding our way to the gym we met with the trainers. They ended up having to call Adalade to get her to the gym. We all agreed to a 5 v 5 battle once Adalade showed up. Once the battle was up we fought. It was a really good show on everyone's part. Toni's Pokemon, Rox, did a lot of damage. She ended up getting taken out, which bummed Toni I think, but the opposing team only focused on her because of how much of a power house she was. At the end we won, and Flint evolved! I always loved him being a Toracat. It brings back so many memories. We got our badges and goodies and decided to heal up before we left.

     Toni stayed behind while we went to the center. Meeting up with her again she mentioned meeting Ireena. Strange. I didn't know that Ireena would try to meet the group. I found it odd. I did warn the others to be wary, but not completely untrusting. I wasn't really sure how to feel myself. 

     We decided to head to Wamello. Eerie had a sponsorship offer over there and it was on the way back to Altir Cavern, so it worked out.  On the way we stopped in the middle of the river to fish. Eerie was able to get a Feebas, and Boston got a Shelder. I was lucky enough to pull up a shiny Magikarp! I named her Koa. After we left the area, we passed by two statues of Mega Gallade and Guardivore. I remembered this was around the area of the Guardian Temple. I was curious to explore, but Boston pointed out that it could lead back to Sumara like it use to. Understandably he was a bit anxious to go there, so we continued on to Wamelow.

     Once in the city, I noticed barricades around Sandia and wondered what had happened. We went straight to the big General Store and began to shop. Boston was kind enough to get me a massive upgrade to my Pokedex. I am able to flip out my screens now and sort everything in front of me! As well as auto dex! This feature will help me so much. After a bit of looking around we headed up to the Lucky Lotto, where Eerie's sponsor was. We got stuck in there for hours playing the Lotto game. I was able to get a Froakie, Psychic Plate, and a Fiery Feather. I also got the item Left Overs, but the professor traded me a Flame plate for it. 

     While there the others got some really cool things too. Boston got a stop watch, but when I held it Irena suddenly appeared before me, stopping time, and told me it was a Genesis Relic. One of the ones I needed. During our conversation she let drop that I have a Genesis Relic. Me. I had no idea. I remember agreeing to something in the library, but at the time I didn't know it was Arceus' Library. I didn't think I'd gotten anything of the sort, and if I did, what? Boston ended up letting me keep the relic. I was really appreciative. 

     Afterwards Eerie and I went up to the roof while the others shopped some more. There was a guy that needed water, and gave us a TM when we helped him. There was also a little girl over looking the railing and an old man. I went ahead and checked on the girl. Seems that her father was in the Sandia Corp. building and hadn't come to pick her up yet. After some conversation we learned that the father brought her Pokemon parts home sometimes. Fingers pointed to him experimenting on Pokemon. She ended up running home to her mom after a bit. I came to learn that the older man was looking for his home that wasn't there any more. He ended up disappearing mid conversation. A ghost we think. He said some things that reminded me of the Wamelow bread lady. I wonder if he was married to her.

     We then headed to Altir Cavern. We explored around, going deeper than before. Looking ahead, I found a Graveler digging thought a tunnel. Watching it for a while, it cleared a path to a new area before evolving and Eerie catching it. There Hubert sent his Onix to dig ahead. While we waited I noticed odd spray pain on the walls that ended up leading to a hidden door. However, we could figure out how to open it. 

     About that time we realized that we'd left Hubert to go on into the cave alone. Rushing after him we found ourselves in a beautiful cavern covered in red and blue crystals with a giant blue stone hanging from the ceiling. There were all sorts of rock Pokemon around the area harvesting and sorting stones. In the middle was a throne like structure with a Nosepass on it. We split up into different directions. I went to go and study the Aron around. While I did Boston had gone up to touch the blue stone and got blasted back down. He had had a vision when he did so. When he described it, it sounded like Vanille Mnt, but with clouds. Maybe Mnt. Cornet. 

     After that excitement was over, I found and Aron that dug up an amber rock and gave it to me. I introduced him to Dante and asked if he wanted to join me. It seems like they kicked up a rivalry and I got myself a Aron named Axel. As we were about to head out. Toni shared with me a vision she had gotten from Rox. Apparently there is a darker blue stone that fell from the one on the ceiling that causing the transformation in the Rhyhorn. That was very good to know. Eerie also had gotten the Nosepass and Hubert a Roggenrolla. Hubert went ahead and closed up the tunnel he'd made to keep the Pokemon safe in their ecosystem. I must admit, Hubert's kindness sometimes astounds me. He has so much care for everything around him. 

     As we exited we noticed Pokemon starting to patrol in a orderly fashion. They had to be owned. We hunkered down and watched them dig out areas and keep guard. Eventually two scientists with Sandia logos on their coats came out and collected something and walked off. Eerie ended up recording the conversation and turned it up for us to hear. They were collecting something called 'Clear Stones' and taking them to make something 'Upstairs'. They even mentioned that the stones in this cave could alter legendries. Moving up to see where they were digging, Boston and I realized that the 'Clear Stones' were blank Mega stones.

     At this point we knew it was time to act. Hubert used Grey to tunnel down till we hit a metal wall. We ended up breaching the wall and made contact with the scientists on the other side. We got into a scuffle with them but ended up apprehending them. Through some research, mostly looked at through Hubert, we learned that they were creating a virus that attacked Pokemon cells to create the energy needed to make Mega stones. Seemed that Gigantamax energy seemed to repel it though. After gathering evidence, we left. The group and I started to think that the rangers at the entrance to the cave were tied to the secret lab. Now there is no telling if the Rangers Union is in cahoots with this research syndicate, and who ever this Diamond Queen is. 

     We headed back to Locust for answers. Learning that the Diamond Queen is the ruler of Sumara, Jeana. We ended up burying the tubes of goo we took in the Psychic Biome. Figured it would be safer outside than in the Professor's Lab. Then we set up camp to sleep.