Owari-Afterlife logs

1 year, 2 months ago
4 months, 3 days ago
13 29305

Chapter 11
Published 4 months, 5 days ago

These are the logs with my characters from Owari-afterlife and any group events

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Author's Notes

Vondila and Kane meet and an offer is made

Soul: +10

Beetle: 1020
Luna: 925

A meeting and offer

Kane wanders along the beach, avoiding the waves with practiced ease as he lets himself zone out a little. He has nothing to fear, now that he's dead, and all the time in the world to let information from his witch- and other sources too- filter into him as he zones out. He might not be able to learn anything the conventional way anymore, but he still finds new information, sometimes. His witch sees new things, new magi, new technology, new everything, each time it forms. He's much more in tune with it than your average despaired magi is with their still-rampaging grief seed, but that's also just a side effect of his wish.

Vondila was out running along the beach. She wasn't sure if see needed to run to keep her body in check now but it was also just nice. Nice to get out that cramped house and see the ocean. It looked so different in death. It reflected a sky that was always warm and always shifting in twilight. It was nice. The stars were high up but they almost always seemed to dance then stars did in life. The only thing that would make this better would be her twin. She had no interest in getting her twin to die but still it would be nice to fill that annoying void. She just wished things could be better in general though. There were those cult members in Percy's house and then Nessa and Aeron. It was kinda wild.

Kane heard footsteps thudding along the sand, and pulled himself to the present, shaking off visions of his Witch's last time being hatched. He finds a woman, a bit shorter than him, running up in what's assumeably a habit kept from life; exercise. Kane notes the information away as if it matters, and raises a floating hand in greeting. It's as the woman gets closer that recognition flickers behind his visor. Oh, she lost her arm in his witch. Some other magi had been attacking her in secret, inside his labyrinth. He hoped she hadn't died without knowing about that little turncoat.

"Hello." He doesn't open with that information. He's learned not to blurt out things about people, they don't tend to like it.

Vondila sees a odd magi wave and greet her. She comes to a stop. "Hey." She says almost confused. Why did his weird body seem familiar. "Have we met?" She asks. Maybe he was one of the magi when she first made a contract... or maybe she recognized his coruption. She fought so many witches it was hard to keep track.

Kane shakes his head idly.

"I don't believe so, though I think you've met my witch several times. I think I've seen your face through it at least twice." Kane offers her a hand to shake.

"Kane Roux. My witch is named Prometheus."

Vondila nods slowly and takes the offered hand with her prosthetic. "Its not normal for a magi to see through their witch." She would knew with how many despaired magi there was in Percy's house. He really needed to stop eating grief seeds. "Vondila Morson." She stated back to the name given. She honestly never cared to learn witch names. "Sorry never asked Eb or Flow for witch names."

Kane hummed, and shook her prosthetic.

"My wish involved endless knowledge, so... I see more than most, anyway." He explained, before a wry smile twisted his lip.

"Would me describing it as the witch your friend shot you during until you lost that arm help ring any bells?"

Vondila blinked. "Wait a fucking minute." She pressed her hand on her forehead trying to think. "That back stabbing two faced little bitch. If I ever see her again I will make her fucking regret not fucking off from Seaford." She hissed out as it clicked that was what Belladona got Ophelia todo for that stupid deal. "Oh and Cox will be getting an earful from me as well." She seethed.

Kane winced.

"Ah. So you hadn't known. My apologies." He thought for a moment about the mage he'd witnessed. Oh, that was funny.

"It seems... Ophelia, was it? Is trapped underneath a building in Old Seaford. She won't be able to leave it anytime soon." He focused on Von again. As he does, her current situation unfolded in his mind; her crush and several others are trapped in the house of a living magi due to his wish and *ability to eat grief seeds*, okay. Fun. Wonderful new knowledge, how grand. He schools his expression, as the specifics of Vondila's life- her family, sister, wish, walpurgisnacht, community, and death- filtered through him. Right, of course. And she's one of those people who doesn't want to talk about her problems. But others in her little house might. Fuck it.

"This offer is not explicitly for you, but. I am an unlicensed therapist for magi, in death, if you know anyone who might benefit from that sort of thing...?"

Vondila blinked and then smiled. "Good. That back stabber should get worse but if she's trapped she's trapped." She wondered which building the bitch was trapped under in old Seaford and if she could turn it into a dance club to torcher the fuck. She snapped back from her musings at what Kane said. "I have cult members trapped in the place I'm living. They could use a lot of help to get out of that cult mind set." She stated not really seeing the need to explain why with how Kane described his wish.

Kane nodded.

"I thought there might be a possibility they would. I'll know specifics when I meet them." He clasps his hands behind his back, the floating arms pulling his cloak open more as he does.

"If you ever want to find her building, I suppose I could point it out on a map, or show it to you later. It seems to be abandoned, at the moment." He smiles a little.

"Is there anything I can help you with, while I'm here? Asking me a question will give me the answer, so long as an answer currently exists."

Vondila nodded. "Then I guess I wont need to tell you were Percy's house is then." It was less of a question and more of a half joke. "Though I bet you would be no fun to try and play a card trick on." She said with a sigh and her mind drifted to her twin. "Why can't I have a dream with Salem?" She asked... she had tried so many times and everytime nothing. She didn't really know anyone else alive besides Fawn and she felt like it would be weird to talk to Fawn. They were never close during that short period they really could have know each other.

"You made a wish for her. There are... rules in the afterlife, and while other magi can talk to her, you cannot until she dies." He answered. His smile was soft, attempting to comfort.

"It's a price you paid, to give her magic. You guaranteed her a place here, but you won't be able to speak to her until she dies and chooses this afterlife. The nonmagi afterlife is barred from us, but she and other wished-for nonmagi can hop between them easily."

Vondila nodded her heart hurt. That void was going to take a long time to be filled and even then she didn't expect Salem to choose her over the others in her life. They were twins but in reality if Salem lives a long life then they would have only been together for such a short part of it. "Thanks." She says not letting her tears form. "Well at least I know one day I'll see her." She said with a smile. "It just better be a long ass time from now."

Kane hums.

"I'm sure you'll be the first to know she's here." He nods softly.

"I'm glad that wasn't too upsetting, I know some magi don't take well to that information." He shrugs his shoulders- though really, with them detached from his arms, it's more of a reflex than a real attempt at relieving tension- and focuses on an earlier point Vondila said.

"Also, about card tricks. Just because I know how they're done doesn't mean I won't be impressed by a skill you possess and have honed for years. Other magicians watch each other practice tricks even when they all know how they work, to appreciate one another's skill at misdirection. And I am not omnipotent; even if I know what to look for... I don't see everything." He reaches up to pull off his visor.

"I need this thing to see, actually. I'm blind as a bat without it."

Vondila snorts at the comment about him needing glasses. "You know theres a spell to fix that mr. knowitall." She teased. "Fair its just I wont be able to use it as a distraction with you." She stated. So what if she was dead her pickpocketing was still something she did... at times and she always put it back.

Kane huffed.

"I know of it. But my gem's disguise form was a glasses chain. I wasn't sure if I could change it, and the thought of popping out my lenses made my skin crawl." Kane sniffs.

"Oh, right, your little pickpocket habit. What do you expect to find, if you do that?" He was asking in genuine curiosity.

Vondila shrugged. "Not much anymore. Maybe some useful info that can assist me." She explained. "You could do the spell now as well. That way you wouldn't be so blind." She stated with a smile. "I mean what if you lost your glasses? Even if you know all I'm guessing its still a pain in the ass when they get misplaced."

"They were a pain, but it was... a small piece I could cling to, of familiarity. Suddenly knowing every fact ever was... a jarring and unsettling process, especially when it came to my family and the like. So it was... comforting to keep them." He scratches his cheek idly.

"I could, I suppose, use the spell now. Some spells are harder to do now than others, too."

Vondila kinda understood what the other meant by holding on to something small just so the overwhelming pain didn't take you out. She heard the bit about spells and nodded. "Yeah. It seems like a waist to know all the spells to make the items for the sanctuary now." She sighed. "But aren't we just our soul? No need for a soul gems."

Kane hums.

"We are just our souls, so some spells that require a specific motion with the gem just don't work right." He smiles softly.

"I'll give you my number, and you can let me know when your housemates would like to meet me."

Vondila nods and pulls out her ghost phone. "Honestly it might be best if you just show up. Most of them aren't really talkative if you prep them for it." She admits. "When you just jump them they talk." It sounded rude but it was true.

Kane hums.

"Of course. That makes sense, I know those types of people." He smiles softly, and exchanges numbers with Vondila.

"Unless you'd like me to follow you back, we can table this until a better day. Fair enough?"

Vondila thought for a moment. She did want to warn Nessa at the very least. "Come by tomorrow I have to get food still." It was true she still had get some food for supper these fucks ate a lot or there were just a lot of them. "It's Percy's house. Which hopefully you can figure that out." She half teased. "Message me when you get there... its odd to get in."

Kane gives her a salute.

"Of course. I'll be sure to let you know when I find it. Say... 3pm tomorrow?" He offers.

Vondila nods. "Sounds good see you then Kane." She waved and made her way to collect some food.