Owari-Afterlife logs

1 year, 2 months ago
4 months, 10 days ago
13 29305

Chapter 9
Published 1 year, 16 days ago

These are the logs with my characters from Owari-afterlife and any group events

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Author's Notes

EXP: 3

SOUL: +20

PUR: -10

Star: 935
Luna: 715

Weegee Dreams- Blythe and Chara

Blythe had found an oddly private area of the house. She pulled out the Weegee board she had and sat down. Looking at the board she hesitated. What if it didn't work? Or if this all goes wrong. She ran her fingers through her hair a bit before setting her fingers on the planchet. She then started to spell C H A R A. The board started to glow white then her eyes glowed. The area didn't change but the noise of the others was gone. Blythe closed her eyes waiting to hear the other.

Chara had just put penny to sleep and was sleeping soundly with aria purring beside her, when suddenly something felt strange, she began to dream and appeared in an area she never seen before "w-where am I?… I feel like Alice in wonderland right now…" she noted looking around and then stoped and looked at a girl who while different, was definetly the same girl, "B-Blythe?" She asked slowly walking over.

Blythe opened her eyes at Chara's voice. "Chara!" She said with a tearfull smile. "It worked! It really does work!" She started flapped her hands in excitement, well just one set of hands.

Chara knowing this was probably a dream but didn’t care ran over and hugged Blythe as tight as she could tears in her eyes, "I-I missed you so much! I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t have helped you, protected you like I wanted to, I’m sorry I made you think I was only friends out of pity when my own trauma was at fault. I’m sorry I couldn’t have been a better friend… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…" she just cried to her friend.

Blythe hugged the other with her large winged arms. "I missed you too." She cried out feeling the physical touch of the other was nice. "I messed up... I let myself get in my head that you only were friends with me out of pity. I let my parents crap about me take it too far. I let myself think that Rose corp was right... I know there was truths there but the whole way of doing it wasn't right. I let that pull me away and I hurt you... I wasn't strong enough in the end." She cried.

Chara still looked at Blythe crying, "Blythe your one of the strongest people I ever met, you were just doing what you could. I never EVER blamed you for leaving, was I hurt by it, yes but I knew rose corp was manipulating you, so please, don’t blame yourself for any of this ok?" She then smiled remembering something, "I don’t know if you remember it as you were in witch form at the time… but there was a momment you seemed to recognize me… and in your own way tried to keep me safe by putting me in the flower crystals… when that happened, I-I knew our friendship was real and strong… and I think it always will… course for me I keep an old ritual… oh im rambling like an idiot." She chuckled still in tears but was just so happy to tell her friend how she felt.

Blythe looked at Chara with tears still in her eyes. "I did mess up though. I chose Rose corp in the end cause my phone messed up... I then thought my sister died when she didn't." She said trying to calm down a bit. "I have no idea what happened with my witch... I just know Percy ate my grief seed." She muttered. Hearing the mention of the other call herself an idiot Blythe shook her head. "Your not an idiot Chara... You are a wonderful person and the fact you still see me as a friend after as everything is..." She didn't know how to say what was in her head.

Chara wiped her friends tears and then her own. "I figured they’d do something like that… but you know I kinda owe you an explanation… for why when we hung out I used to just follow along…." She noted having never told Blythe her trauma or what her wish was becoming a magi. She didn’t really need to, but it was long over due they heard each other’s past…

Blythe leaned into the touch a bit. She missed her friend and the fact the touch was so real made her heart calm a bit. "What?" She asked softly.

Chara sighed, “you see… at the time we met I was still in a troubled state from abuse from my dad, physical, verbal, and emotional… one day he hit me in the face… I ran out and couldn’t take it anymore… that’s when zen showed up… my wish was the physical and emotional strength to escape that hell. Then not long after becoming a magi I lost 3 of my mentors, and I was scared of lossing any more friends, and since I didn’t have much experience… I tried to follow the crowd. I still do on occasion, but… the memories are always there…” letting her get a close look at her scarred up arms, “I’m sorry again for making you think I was only friends out of pity, I genuinely cared the entire time I’ve known you and wanted to protect you too… so I’m sorry again… for everything…” she teared up again the guilt of making her friend think she wasn’t really her friend weighed heavy on her…

Blythe listened and felt her guts turn. They both went through hell and made their wishes to deal with it. "Chara... My parents were also abusive. They tried to cure my autism and told me no one would like me well I was still sick... My sister and I ran away and a year later they found us and thats when I made my wish for the one thing that grounded me." She explained. "I'm sorry for not thinking you could protect me when things got really bad. I just wanted to be safe at the time and let it get in my head that they only cared in the end." She rubbed at her eyes.

Chara continued hugging her. "I’m sorry too, but don’t apologize about thinking I couldn’t protect you… to be honest while i try so hard but i never actually SHOWED that I could… I know this is a dream… but you have no idea how happy to talk to you again and properly apologize for everything…" she said wiping her eyes.

Blythe wished she could make Chara know now its real... but she couldn't. "I've missed you a lot... But please don't blame yourself for what I did. I did it." She said. "I'm just glad I know now the reality of it all."

Chara smiled nodding "ok, thank you, I guess my ritual kinda worked…" she then decided to explain, "before every performance, I do a small thing to honor all those I cared about who passed away… I say each one’s name into my soul gem, pray to have them know I always carry them in my heart, and then give the soul gem a kiss before going on stage… your name is the most recently added, but I genuinely do keep you and everyone close to me I lost to my heart" she explained smiling "well that and the songs I write too, I know right after I lost you a song came to mind and was a good one to release my feeling, but now I know how you feel, I don’t think I need to sing it to keep my guilt…" she explained smiling.

Blythe was confused by the mention of a ritual. She was the one that used the baord. At the explanation of what Chara does she teared up a bit more. "Thank you. I know this will be confusing but one day you'll truly get whats happening... just don't let that be anytime soon okay?" She said in a weird cryptic manner. "You deserve to play on every stage you can."

Chara kinda figured out what Blythe meant “I swear to you I’m not dying anytime soon, there are others I need to protect too, hell there a little girl only recently living at my place cause she was living in the park… and to her I’m a big sister… Nall also I can’t leave behind, and several others…. But when the time does come and if I really see you again outside of dreams, maybe we can play games again,” she smiled soon realizing their time together was starting to come to an end. It felt too fast but she knew this couldn’t last forever…

Blythe nodded glad the other understood. "Yeah!" She said with a teary smile. She didn't want her friend to die but she did hope her friend was able to die a true magi death. "Maybe a game night and you can get to know my other friends and datemates." She said hopeful.

Chara nods smiling “I’d like that a lot” she smiled but noticing she must be waking up as light started to surround her to leave “love you my friend, and I guess it’s till next time we see each other, ok?” She smiled as she started to fade from view.

Blythe saw Chara start to fade and so badly did she want her friend to stay but the other had to wake up. "See you around! I'll make sure to reach out with a weegee board more often!" She said as Chara vanished. She looked down at the blank board that now lay in front of her. She was glad Chara didn't hate her... and she was glad the board worked even with her trapped in this house.

Chara meanwhile woke up slowly, aria gently licking her nose with a gentle meow. Chara smiled "well aria, I had a really great night… I think we are gonna live well…" she smiled looking outside happy the guilt and regret was finally gone, and she looked forward to the next time she hung out with her friend again, even if just a dream…