Owari-Afterlife logs

1 year, 2 months ago
4 months, 10 days ago
13 29305

Chapter 8
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

These are the logs with my characters from Owari-afterlife and any group events

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Author's Notes

Belladona and Luis talk after both have been sharing the same space without knowing it... They love each other but need time to heal.

Soul: +20

Luna: 1153 words | 1125 points

Beetle: 1069 words | 1035 points

Reconect and disconect

Luis knocks on the door to the storage room, since Bells had indicated that was where she'd be, when he'd wanted to talk to her. He lets out a breath, still getting re-used to having full depth perception again. At least reading gave him fewer migraines, now.

Belladona was laying on some bedding when Luis mentioned he was also in the sanctuary. Getting up was odd. The floating hand reacted differently then her floating foot. The knock on the door caused her to turn around. Luis. She missed him so much. Opening the door she smiled at her boyfriend. "Hello mi rai." God she missed that nickname.

Luis smiled at her, and offered her a hand.

"Hola, mi Reina." He missed her. Of course he'd missed her. She was one of the most important people in his life, and he needed her like he needed to breathe. He tilts his head at her.

"Have you really been in here this whole time?"

"Since like the 30th yes." Belladona stated. "I mean its only been a few days... and well I wasn't ready to go home..." She said with sad sigh and played with her new prosthetic. "I was also just to tired to walk over there."

"I've also been staying here since I died, Donny." He glances at the new arm, and studies it.

"Aeron went all out with that one, didn't they? It's so different from your other two."

"Ah." Belladona looked at the arm. "Yeah the whore that killed you killed me not once but three times. Had to cut off my arm cause it was limp and mid battle I called for a new arm and well Aeron made me this." She explained. "Luis it was hell dealing with Rose corp on the beach. Kritanta had a bunch of grief seeds she kept causing to hatch on us and then some of the rose corp fucks despaired on us. The only witch that wasn't a bitch to deal with was Alexander's witch."

"...I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wish I could've helped." He bit his lip, trying to think.

"I'd offer to go looking for her but... fighting her won't do much. Just knock her out for a while, and that's... less than satisfying." He sighed.

"I'm glad Alex was good for one thing, at least."

Belladona cupped Luis' face with both her hands. "You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault that there was a murder hobo in town that took you from us." She said her voice not leaving any room for arguments. "I mean the others did finish it all off in the end. I was still outside when Kritanta showed up and then fucked off." She stated. "I didn't think everyone was going to come out of that alive... and well I was right."

Luis leaned into her touch, cupping the backs of her hands with both of his.

"Y'know, it's weird getting to see out of both eyes. But it is nice to see you properly, again." He rubs his thumb over her knuckles.

"I talked to Romeo, during that day. Just after you... died, apparently. He finally took a nap."

Belladona looked down at the mention of Percy. "I... How was he? Things were kinda a mess after you died."

"He was a mess. But... he's strong, and he's going to be okay. And he knows if he shows up here too soon I'm gonna kick his ass." Luis huffed a little.

"I love him, and Sierra, but... with us gone, he's... probably not going to stay with her. They're allowed to do what they want, while they're alive."

Belladona chewed her lip at the later part. "We probably weren't going to be staying together much longer if I lived... we all had a fight and it didn't end well." She stated. "Percy wasn't around and Sierra had closed in on herself... well I was focusing so much on getting better to be able to not think about anything. I also don't think it helped that Percy brought your body to the house... and well I put it in the backyard and got those beetles... cause what else was I meant to do with a body I couldn't really do anything else with." She took a deep breath. "I was mad about everything and I let it out on them. I fucked up."

Luis pulled his hands away from his face to squeeze Belladona's cheeks.

"He admitted to that, too. He was really upset about the last time he got to see you." Luis smiles, just a little.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm sorry any of you had to deal with... me. I shouldn't have been so stupid." He squishes her cheeks together twice.

"It's... it's going to be okay. You can talk to him, to both of them, again with a weegee board. It's not the end of the world." He grins.

"And like I said. Once they're here, we'll all be together again!"

Belladona tried to lean into the touch but the squeeze made her whine. "We all do something stupid. I mean... I had an idea to get a really nice crown and put it on your skull. Your wonderful and stubborn Luis... It's just we're magi and well our lives are shorter... Luckily we get this." She pulled her hand away and waved it around. "I mean the biggest downside to death is I can't see your pretty green eyes anymore. Though they're still pretty just purple... all purple."

"Yeah, that was... new. Your eyes are the same color, except it's the whole eye." He rubs his thumb over her cheek gently.

"Mari's eyes being pink was so jarring. I should have expected it, but... it didn't occur to me that she'd look so... different, after dying, either." He sighs.

"But yeah, we've got time. All the time in the world, even."

Belladona chuckles. "I bet I would look even freakier with my old nurse outfit." She said with a grin. "Yeah also those that witches are all weird as well. Like black sclera and all these other bits." She added. "Alexander has like a shadow arm... and then there was a fish girl that showed up... I think it was Naomi. Then Anatoli is a furry now." She said that last one with a laugh.

"Charlie talked to me with a weegee board before I got here, I kinda... knew that part. She has a big gold ring floating around her, and porcelain rabbit ears with cracks all over her skin, now." He snorts.

"Good. Hopefully it's an improvement." He sighs.


"So?" Belladona asked after a long moment of nothing.

"Now what?" He licks his lips, and finally steps back, adjusting his gloves nervously.

"I haven't been to your place yet 'cause it felt... weird to try and stay there without anyone else, it's so big, and..." He glanced towards the main room, frowning.

"I missed this place a lot, I've been playing the games in here and... I'm just... not sure what to do, now."

Belladona thinks. "I have no idea... I've spent so long trying to plan how to get rid of Rose corp that..." She sighs. "I just want to exist and get used to all this." She admits.

Luis nodded.

"Yeah. I've... been coming to terms with stuff, too. I talked to Thea, after I got here. She can't come out the Sanctuary, it freaks her out, but... it was nice." He runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't know how to... just be, so I've been distracting myself with trying to beat all the high scores on the videogames in here."

Belladona chewed her lip for a moment. "Well what if... we just try and learn how to just be?" She rubbed her arm a bit. "Like Luis all the hell we've been dealing with is all you ever got to know as a magi. Sure you knew of magic before but not the personal way it really is... and well I never really got a moment to try and be since Walpirgis."

Luis hummed.

"...okay. What does that mean, in plain terms? Would we just be... hanging out?"

Belladona nods. "Not for ever but just for a bit... I think I... we both need to real learn ourselves. I still want you to be part of my life... death? But also I got so used to always having three people to be there for me no mater what... that when one person was gone... it all fell apart." She said tears stinging her eyes. "Fuck... sorry."

Luis cooed at her gently.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I... I get it." He wipes her tears away, holding her face gently.

"I... I was so mad at myself, when I got here. It was... it was all because of one stupid miscalculation. And... if you need time, then that's what you'll get. I understand, I do. We're s'posed to talk about things, you're not a bad person for grieving, either. Sierra and Percy grieve differently, and that's okay, too. If you need time to grieve yourself, then that's what you'll get. However long you need."

Belladona leaned into the touch. "Right... Thank you." She was quite for a moment. "Anyways its not forever... and we can still be there for each other but also relearn how to be on our own." She rambles a bit.

Luis squeezes her cheeks once.

"Yeah, 'course." He grins.

"And you can catch up with old friends. Like that uh... Lilt guy?"

Belladona snorts at the mention of Lilt. "I missed him. If there is anyone you want to meet and connect with... how ever you want." She wiggled her brows a bit with that last bit. "All I ask for when we're both ready to come back together is you give me the dirt."

Luis laughed.

"I'll think about it. I... my first crush was Percy, then you and Sierra, so... I might not have anybody else, you know?" He smiles.

"But you can have fun, too."

Belladona grins. "Lulu you don't always need a crush to have fun with people. Just consent."

"If I'm gonna fuck someone, I wanna have a romantic connection to them, and so far... that's been just you three." He sniffs, glancing down his nose at her.

"So there."

Belladona laughed. "Alright alright. But if you do find another just let them know what will happen down the road." She pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Also... you can still stay over at my house when ever you want... it's also your house too. I've been there when its empty but I might not stay."

Luis nodded.

"I'll be there if you are. I don't think I could sleep in that place if it was empty."

Belladona nods. "I mean its here, there or Percy's... but from the sounds of it Percy's is also off the table."

"I loved Von, but if I tried to share a place with her and Vanessa and a bunch of Rose Cunts I think it'd be counter productive to learning not to focus on being mad about those motherfuckers anymore."

"I would also get into a fist fight with Vanessa which might lead to Von and I fighting again." Belladona sighs and pinches her nose. "Also depends on which rose corp fucks are in there too."

"The fucker who Percy ate without him witching, and Blythe. Also one of Alexander's sisters." Luis scratched his cheek, under the scar.

"Ah so just a big old fist fight house." Belladona said with pressed lips. "The only person you listed I won't fight is Alexander's sister... cause like no real beef there besides she's related to a cult leader."

"It was the one that hatched on top of Percy and Alex, where Aeron got the big scar across their whole face?" He frowned.

"I don't think I'll go near that place until Percy dies, honestly."

"Thats still a witch not a person." Belladona shrugged. "Same honestly. It was never a place I was at a lot anyways."

"Well he has two, and the other one hangs outside of Percy's house, but I didn't think you'd recognize names." Luis huffed.

"I used to spend time there, but... it'd feel weird, now. Like... I could go to mi mamá's house, too, but that sounds... evil, actually."

"Alice and Crystal Rose... Like Alexander I did meet them before... just weren't problematic prone." Belladona stated. "Lu your mom sucks... and the most annoying part is she probably doesn't even care your gone... if she ever found out."

"I mean, she got deported so jury's out on that end, but... I was the kid she liked better. She was awful about Mari because she never liked her." He frowned, and played with the hem of his glove.

"I... I don't know what to feel, about her."

Belladona nods. "Thats okay too. I mean I can hate her but thats me you can feel anything or nothing."

Luis nodded, and then jerked his head towards the TV in the main room.

"I think... I'm gonna play some Mario Kart." He'll deal with everything else later.

Belladona grined at the mention of the game. "Do you want a challenge?"

Luis grinned.
