Owari-Afterlife logs

1 year, 2 months ago
4 months, 3 days ago
13 29305

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

These are the logs with my characters from Owari-afterlife and any group events

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Author's Notes

Another is eaten and more people reconnect...

Soul: +20

luna: 1210
Liz: 545
Beetle: 535
Bunny: 250

The tales of the house- games and nests

It had been nearly a year since Seth showed up and honestly he hadn't changed much. "Ness were's the popcorn?" Vondila asked from the kitchen. "Did Seth take it?" She muttered before she saw the bag. "Found it!"

Vanessa looked up from her impromptu canvas--the hallway wall--she had taken to painting on to answer Vondila's question before shutting again as she heard her partner rustling with the bag of popcorn.

"What flavor you poppin'?" She asks, putting her paints down to check the kitchen.

"Lazy so the pre popped cheder." Vondila held up the bag. "You got some paint on your cheek." She tapped her cheek to show were the paint was.

Absentmindedly, Vanessa wipes at her face, smearing more of the ocean blue paint across her face, she peers into the bag as if expecting it to contain something other than the just-described food and daintily plucks a couple of kernels out of the bag, "Thanks" she hums.

Vondila snorts. "You smeared it." She reached over and wiped away the paint with her hand. "There."

Vanessa leans down slightly to let Vondila wipe at her, still chewing on the snack; "How's the 'roommate'?" a pair of arms create quotation marks around the word, in the strange boys defense, he hardly bothered them since his arrival and there would be times it was easy to forget he was here, but it was still a strange atmosphere, tiptoeing around him.

"Wish he would tell me what he wants for food instead of just taking food without us noticing." Vondila half joked. "How's painting?"

Vanessa nods in agreement, too many times did he startle her in what amounted to nighttime in here when she found him rummaging through the fridge; "I think it's going well" She hums in thought "I hadn't done it in such a long time but...it's nice, getting back into it"

"Thats good. I mean its best to make this place feel better well your stuck here." Vondila smiled. "Anyways this house feels to stuffed up anyways."

"Thanks for getting the paints together for me" She adds, warmly. Taking a moment to look fondly at Vondila whatever thoughts were forming were interrupted quickly.

Vondila was smiling at Nessa. She really just was glad their afterlife was well a thing. Her feelings were stronger then before.

Blythe was still just sitting in the park she had seen Percy. Not sure why he left her but he had. She had cried for a long time before she saw her switch still in her hands. She couldn't really process anything else. She ended up doing a Zelda marathon till she ascended. She had finished skyward sword and was nearly done the Minish cap. She always played in timeline order. Thats when her screen started glitch and she became overwhelmed. Why did it feel to much? Was this what ascension felt like? This was horrible. When she opened her eyes again, not even noticing she closed them, she was falling on the floor of some house and felt way to much. So she screamed without thinking.

Vanessa yelped at the sudden light and noise, hands reaching out for Vondila, she looks around blindly for the source of the intruder.

Seth had been avoiding Vondila and Vanessa as best he could. He regularly sniped the blankets out of the closets around the house (they kept respawning inside, but his nest never got smaller, so forever-growing nest was 1 good point, at least), and would get food when he wanted it. He didn't eat as often as he probably should have, if he was alive, but he wasn't so what did it matter? He'd been reading one of the books in the library- a fantasy novel he's never heard of before- when a familiar scream pierces through the air and he's up and running towards the sound, nest and book forgotten.

Blythe has long ears and fucked up legs and more arms, but all Seth cares about is that she's here. He kneels in front of her and cups her face gently, trying to ground her.

"Blythe, Princess, hey, shh, shh, listen to me? It's okay, you're gonna be okay. Calm down, I'm here. It's Seth, I'm here. Shh."

Vondila was shocked by the girl showing up. The scream though was unneeded. She pulled out her on reflex to get it shut up. Then Seth was between them and the girl. Oh great Percy ate another cult member.

Blythe was feeling to much she hadn't noticed anything before but the fall it had clicked that something was wrong. She was able to quite down when she heard her name. Seeing Seth her eyes filled with tears. "Your okay." She got out. Her arms to many arms reached for him. "I... what happened?" She looked so scared and felt even worse.

Standing between Vondila and Seth's little reunion, Vanessa eyed the girl curiously, this was the first time she had seen another ghost of a witch since she died as she found her eyes catching on every inhuman feature, as if cataloguing it away.

"Hey, Princess, there you are." Seth runs his thumb gently over Blythe's cheek, and gives her a sad little smile.

"You're dead, Blythe. We all are, Birdbrain's on the roof upstairs, she can't get in but we can say hi, if you want. You okay?"

Vondila watched and took Nessa's hand. She didn't need protection and she felt like Nessa's need to be a shield was not good anymore.

Blythe leaned into the touch. She missed Seth. "I thought I still hadn't ascended. I knew I was ready but thought it took longer when nothing happened." She muttered still trying to process. "Yes. Is she okay? I did my best to help but I wasn't enough."

Seth hummed.

"It's almost instantaneous, once you're ready. Your test should've shown you that, Rosebud." He nudges her gently, and then stands up to help Blythe to her feet- hooves? Feet.

"Birdie's okay. Well. She can't get in and I can't get out, but with a window open I can still hold her hand. We haven't seen Maddie yet, but I'm sure she's around somewhere too. Birdie said you and Yu-Shan helped her, for as long as she could hold on. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help."

Vanessa startles a bit at Vondila's touch, but quickly squeezes her hand back. "Whose Birdie"? She asks Vondila, eyebrow arched curiously.

Vondila shrugged. "No idea. But guessing another cultist." She offered honestly as confused at Nessa.

Blythe listened still trying to just deal with the overwhelming feelings. "I wasn't tested either... I got yelled at for failing Birdie and... and locked up in my room... with... nothing cause it was.... all in you room." She hiccupped out.

Seth gently pulled Blythe up so he could hug her properly.

"Shh, Princess. It's okay. You're with me now. It's okay. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you, help you keep everyone going. I let all four of you down, and I'm so sorry for that."

"Wonderful" Vanessa mutters before clearing her throat"Uh..." It felt awkward just standing there observing but also she didn't necessarily feel okay with the idea that there were more people living here than she knew of.

Vondila watched the pair and sighed. She had no need to watch this shit. "Come on show me the painting." She tugged Nessa towards the area she had been painting in.

Blythe let herself be hugged. It felt weird and when she tried to hug back she just felt to much physically. "I'm glad your here now." She muttered.

Seth pressed a kiss to the top of Blythe's head, ignoring how he needed to get up on his tiptoes now rather than lean over a bit like before, and tugged her towards the stairs.

"Let's say hi to Birdie, she'll be happy to see you, I'm sure. She's feeling a lot more things now, in general."

Nodding as she peels her eyes of off the witch, Nessa leads Von to the hallway to see her Mural of the ocean opening of the sanctuary.

Gia had been curled up in her nest under the morning sun, purring gently underneath her thick cape. Finding things to keep herself occupied while on a roof wasn't exactly easy, and while she did leave her nest every now and then for snacks or shiny objects, she didn't really wander much. She's blinking awake drowsily as there's soft noises from inside the house, and she turns longing eyes to the open window.

Vondila follows and when her eyes land on the painting she grinned. "It's here you know. When we figure out how to get you out we can go there. I didn't go in yet... It hurts to go in alone."

Blythe struggled to walk. Her feet felt so well wrong. She practically clung to Seth so she didn't fall. At the stairs she almost slipped off the step but large wing arms shot out and stopped her from falling. What did her witch even look like if she had this many limbs.

Seth was happy to help keep Blythe upright. Once they're upstairs and in the library, he gently tugs Blythe towards the open window.

"Birdie! Guess who dropped in! Come say hi!" He steps up to the window to stick his arm out for Gia, hoping she's actually nearby still.

She has to lean to do so, but Vanessa rests her head atop of Vons; "I'd like to see it again" she hums.

Gia pops her head up, blinking owlishly at the library and waiting for her eyes to adjust. She perks up when they do, beaming at the pair. "It's you!"

Vondila leans into Nessa. "Yeah but you did a wonderful job so far capturing the view." She then pointed at two stones sticking out of the water. "That there was blown up by Walpirgas. It used to be one chunk but then boom two." She explained. "Not sure if you were ever out that way before becoming a magi."

Blythe walked into the room her ears? Grazing the door way. She let more tears fall seeing Gia. "Gia!" She cried missing her as much as Seth. She practically stumbled over her face hitting the magic barrier keeping her in. "I'm sorry." She babbled. "Sorry I couldn't help more. I made sure they wouldn't use you to hurt anyone again... your witch I mean."

Seth smiled, stepping back to let Blythe have more room at the window. He leaned against the wall next to it, pleased, and crossed his arms.


"If I was, I never paid attention" she admits, only mildly aware that  the others had moved from their spot. 'It's so weird thinking that everyone just thinks that was a freak hurricane. That there's a witch that powerful....could they be here too?' she thought to herself.

Gia slipped forwards to lean her forehead against the barrier, eyes fluttering shut as she chirps softly. "Thank you. Shshshshshhhh. Calm down. You did good. We did good. You know? We did good. We did our best."

Vondila shrugged. "It wasn't like that was a chunk of beach that people used. I mean it was rocky more then anything. Also it's kinda far from your condo." She stated.

Blythe pressed her forehead onto Gia's even with the magic she could fee Gia. "I tried my best." She repeated. "Your witch was pretty Gia. Had familiars like all of us."

Seth hummed, tapping a pattern on his elbow idly.

"Is that... a good thing? Having familiars based on others?"

Vanessa nods; "Still, I miss it. If I was gonna be trapped anywhere I'd rather it was there" She admits.

Gia blinked and pulled back, cocking her head as a little chicken popped its head up from next to her, trilling self consciously. Gia cooed and scooped Lover into her lap, running her fingers over the pretty bird's feathers and gently preening it. "So everyone met my little birdies?"

Vondila made an iffy motion with her hand. "I mean there's no real beds there or a kitchen. Let alone no sun light. Nessa your to pretty to not have sunlight to light you up more." She said without thinking. Her face felt warm. God why did she have to say things like that?

Blythe nodded. "Yeah. It took seeing the one for Maddie to make me realize it was you though." She muttered. "I left Yu a letter... she was the one that brought me food well I was locked away. I was stuck in my empty room for a month." Tears stung her eyes. "I got yelled at so many times for failing you and the team."

Seth hummed softly, and leaned into the window so he could scratch the bird's chin lightly.

"Well, you're here now. We might be stuck here, but we'll figure something out. It could be so much worse. At least the others stuck in the house aren't too pushy about interacting."

Vanessa stood up a little straighter, head lifting of off Vondila's head as she rubbed at the back of her neck shyly at the compliment.

"I think summer suits you too" She mumbles, slightly taken aback.

Gia passes her chicken through the window, the bird clucking softly as it flaps softly. "Here. I can't hold you, but you can hold Lover. And... I'm here. Just out the window. I didn't leave by choice, I promise."

Vondila turned her face away hoping that her blush couldn't be seen. Dammit why did Nessa have to say things like that in such a friendly tone. "I will say its interesting that weather and stuff still happens here but nothing ever goes wrong from it." She stated trying to move on from her flushed face.

Blythe took the familiar and pressed a kiss on it head. "I know. It was better you got to be outside. I think... I think if you ascended in the basement or by... Ms. Rose's hand I would have gone with you at that moment." She stated. "I know its our destiny but... it did need to be so painful."

Seth reaches out and scritches Lover's chin lightly, smiling softly.

"You feeling overwhelmed, Birdie? You can lay down for a bit. We won't go anywhere." He promises.

Flushing slightly at the sight of Von's reaction, her hands begin to fidget as she agrees: "it's nice, watching the rain when it happens" yup. The true sign of being close with someone was talking about the weather.

Gia nodded, blinking very slowly at him. "I tend to sleep more when it's warm. Night, Blythe, Seth. Be good to Lover for me." With that she sank back down, curling up under her feathery down.

"Yeah it is." Vondila answered. Her mind wondered to the idea of snuggling under some blankets with Nessa- Nope stop those thoughts. Nessa didn't need her to a gay idiot right now.

Blythe yawned. "I think sleep sounds nice." She snuggled into the blankets. and her feather arm reached out and pulled Seth in without her thinking. She just curled into his body hands keeping the familiar close as she drifted off.

Seth hummed. His book was on the edge of the nest, but it might be nice just to lay down with Blythe for a bit. The book won't go anywhere, after all.

"Soooo..." Nessa continued fidgeting, do you wanna see my other paintings? She gestures back to the master bedroom, aka their shared room where Vanessa had already consumed what canvases Vondila had managed to provide. "I'm sure their fine catching up" She notes about their newest roommate. She hoped.

Vondila nodded. "I'll need to get you more canvas." She wasn't sure how much Percy would like them painting on his walls... though she did wonder did this edits affect the living world cause if so.... Maybe she could leave a message to Salem then... but that would also freak her sister out to much. Now is not the time to over think shit.