Owari-Afterlife logs

1 year, 2 months ago
4 months, 10 days ago
13 29305

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

These are the logs with my characters from Owari-afterlife and any group events

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Author's Notes

Von tries to take nessa out of the house... after this the house wont let anyone out through anything but Percy's bedroom window.

soul: -20

Luna: 725
Liz: 920

The tales of the house- doors and windows

Vondila was grabbing some bags from the kitchen. It seemed like two things had become clear to her in death. One she still needed food and two reusable bags were everywhere. It would be the first day Nessa would be going out of the house since ending up here in March. It had been nice and calm though the two of them... it was easy to forget somedays they died kinda horribly. "Nessa?" She called out to her friend crush.

Nessa kept giving herself a once over in the mirror, having to contort herself to fit slightly, fingers prodding experimentally at the hole in her abdomen. Vondila had assured her that there were other people carrying left overs from their witch transformations in town but the thought of others seeing her like this still sent butterflies in (non-existant) stomach, hearing her companion call out she hums loudly in response; "yeah"?

Vondila followed Nessa's voice. Seeing the other in the bathroom she smiled. "You ready?" She asked. Her voice soft not wanting to upset the other.

Standing up a little straighter, she smiles a bit more warmer as she see's Von appear; "As I'll ever be" She guessed, stomach flipping and heart hammering.

Vondila held out her hand with a warm smile. "Then let's go. It's kinda cool how Seaford is."

Gently, Vanessa takes her hand, once again letting Von take the lead she bit down her anxiety, trying to metamorph those fears over how people will react to seeing her into excitement over seeing the city. The way Vondila had explained it to her sounded beautiful.

Vondila gave a soft squeeze to try and comfort and reassure Nessa. They walked to the door and stood there for a moment. "Ready?" She asked softly.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. Steeling herself for her first step outside the house since she had died, she braced herself for a whole new world and new beginning. "Ready" she smiled, taking her first step, only to knock her head on something. "OW-!"

Vondila nodded and walked through the door first and then was tugged back a bit as Nessa stopped. She turned around at the ow. "Whats wrong?" She asked with worry.

With a frown, Nessa glared at the doorframe, did she bump into it?

"S'nothing" She mumbles, trying again, leaning down further to make sure she had cleared the space only to crumble as her knees and arms connected with something in front of herself; "What the-?!" she yelps, reaching in front of her and feeling resistance.

Vondila watched Nessa as she tried again. When the other pressee on nothing she tried and her hand went right through. "What? Why won't it let you through?" She murmed. "Does it hurt?" She asker with worry.

This time, Nessa tries pushing all of her weight against the invisible wall; "Is this someone's idea of a prank"? She asks, annoyed before composing herself to look at Von; "No..I mean, it did when I walked into it but that was more the bump then anything. It's more like...pushing against compacted snow or sand? Like it's not hard until I actually try to go further" She explains as she figures it out, trying from different angles to escape.

"Then lets try the back door." Vondila offered. Hopefully this was just some bad joke someone was playing. She still was trying to figure out parts of practical magic without her soul gem.

Giving the front door one last grim look, Nessa nods, turning on her heel to march towards the back door.

Vondila walked to the back door and stepped through it. She waited for Nessa on the other side.

Jutting out her jaw in defiance, Nessa took long strides towards the exit, only to be similarly impeded.

She smacked her hand against the barrier angrily; "Why is it only affecting me?" She asked, annoyance setting in.

Vondila looked confused then thought. "Come on maybe Percy's bedroom window will work." She offered. "Its how I got in first time."

Pursing her lips in doubt, Nessa nods, making her way up the stairs, annoyance was fueling her so far but soon anxiety would set in. Was she doomed to spend the rest of eternity stuck inside this home? Did Percy hate her that much that he somehow cursed her beyond the grave? She doubted he had that power, but she still found herself wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt as she stared at the window.

Vondila got up to the room and noticed it was different. There was less stuff. She pressed her lips but didn't focus to long. She opend the window and looked out. Okay latece and plants still there. "Okay." She smiled at Nessa not letting her own worry show.

Nodding at Von, Nessa steps onto the ledge, so far so good. But as she leans forward to get out she bumps her head once again on the barrier; "Why is this happening?!" She cries out, frustrated.

Vondila chewed her lip. "I don't know." She stated softly. Getting closer to the window she pushed her hand on it and felt for magic... nothing. "I have no idea if its actually magic or something else. I still can't really do much magic or well haven't figured it out without a soul gem."

Shoulders sagging with a sigh, Vanessa takes a moment to compose herself. For Vondila.

"You can go ahead, I'll keep trying. Who knows, maybe by the time you get back, I would've made it to the yard" She tries to joke, hoping Vondila won't worry.

Vondila had been excited to go out with Nessa. "It's not like we don't have food here. I can head out tomorrow." She thought for a moment. "What about we have a movie day?"

Vanessa smiles weakly at her; "I'm sorry" She knows it's not something she's doing on purpose, but she still felt the need to do so.

"If you're sure, I know you were excited"

Vondila hoped her flushed face was hard to make out. "I was excited to spend time with you more then anything."

Smiling softly, Vanessa held one of her hands out to her; "Thanks. We can keep trying later but maybe after I make sure I don't have a bump on my head"? She tries to laugh "Got a bit knocked around during the attempts".

Vondila nodded. "For course. You would think in death we couldn't get hurt but that seems to be a lie." She commented. "Honestly I still have no idea how most of this shit works. Like why are we stuck in these outfits when I see other people in definitely not magi outfits. Or how practical magic works outside of the ones that affect ourselves." She was rambling. "But at least we have access to every movie on tvs... or is that just Percy's TVs."

Sitting on the bed, Vanessa hums as she listens to Vondila theorise, it was easier to listen than let herself spiral, she had learned in the weeks spent here.

"Maybe because they can access their wardrobes at home"? She asks, a small joking tone in her voice to hide her own fears of being trapped here.

Vondila pressed her lips. "Maybe... Did Salem move then?" She had been by the condo in the first month and there was no fabric even in the house. She had wanted to see if the notes were there... They had been moved so Salem had read them. God she wished she could tell Salem she wasn't gone gone.

"Maybe?" Nessa muses "it Might've been painful to stay, with you gone" she points out.

"Or I could be wrong about the wardrobes" she adds, not wanting to sound callous.

Vondila nodded. "Probably right... I mean we lived there for years and it wasn't exactly dog friendly so Bridgette couldn't move in." She sighed. "I just hope she's okay."

Lips pressed into a thin line, Nessa reaches out to comfort Von more. She had been worried, since arriving here, they only had Percy's word that Belladona had given her word about not hurting anyone but she had also told them that she would hurt everyone, so it was hard to simply trust her, the best they could hope was that with Vondila gone Belladona's anger would have nowhere to go now.

She rests her head on top of Von's, gently running her thumbs up and down her arms and sides to soothe her; "I'm sure the others are keeping an eye out on her." She assures her.

Vondila leaned into the touch. "Yeah... It just... feels wrong to not see her every day. Last time that happened she tried to starve herself."

Nessa holds her breath at that, hoping that this time Salem would be fine; "I mean, I don't believe Ana at least would let her do that, and you said she has Bridgette too. She's got a support system now" She says, hoping it'll help Von feel better.

"Yeah your right but it's hard not to worry. We're not the same little girls that got thrown into the foster system." Vondila says. "Do you think your parents will look for you?" She asked not really wanting to talk about Salem much more.

She presses her lips into a thin line, long spindly fingers interlocking with eachother; "If they notice, I guess" she feels a lump in her throat "I uh, I tried calling them, before..." she gestures to herself "so maybe they know something was up"? She almost sounded hopeful.

Vondila leaned into Nessa. "Hey you got shitty parents. I know what that feels like, remember I don't even know what happened to my dad after he dropped us off with some social worker. So we're same boat on bad parents. Those that matter like Salem and Ana will remember and care about us." She didn't bring up Percy with them being trapped in his house.

She smiles, happily letting Vondila lean into her, one arm pulling her closer as she rests her head ontop of hers, she hums. She could stay like this, for a while. They could try going outside tomorrow...