Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
10 months, 30 days ago
10 months, 30 days ago
37 12591

Entry 11
Published 10 months, 30 days ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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Not Enough

They’re seeking out the Fireleaf Druids to learn more about the rift, and maybe about Dezzy’s creator too. But Kai has her own quest.

She doesn’t like to leave things unfinished. Every secret must be found, every mystery hunted to its end, no stone left unturned. The person who died meant nothing to her, but he was important to someone. She has something of his, and she needs to find the one who needs it most.

She knows what it’s like to have nothing to store her memories in. It feels like having no memories at all.

He's the first thing they see as they approach Faelari, a town fairly normal but for a few small aspects. Some buildings are accented with glass in bright warm colours like fire, and there's an abundance of overgrowth without the usual tending of weeds and chopping of trees most towns employ.

He’s sitting by a tree next to the dirt road, eyes on the tall horizon, but their strange party easily draws the eye. He lights up immediately, approaching with wild hope in his eyes. “News from Travendair? Have you seen Meriil?”

Before Alistair can break his uncomfortable silence, the man’s eyes fall on Dezzy, the crown of vines and flowers sinking into her spines. “That… That crown is his. It...” His expression plummets and takes his body with it as he sinks to the grass where he was sitting before. “Oh no...”

“I-I’m sorry,” Dezzy stutters out. “There were devils in that cave, a-and...” She touches a leaf sprouting off her head. “Do you want this back…?”

“No. Keep it.” His expression is impassive, widened eyes looking through them. “If Lorenn doesn’t want it back, it’s yours.”

Alistair and Dezzy reluctantly walk off, the latter tossing a final nervous sorry back as she scurries off, but Kai lingers uncertainly behind. She’d been holding onto the token, waiting for this moment to do a tiny good deed, but the sheer pain on this man’s face leaves her frozen.

Gathering her courage, she manages to timidly approach. Sitting down he’s not much shorter than her. “What’s your name?”

“Sedriil,” he mutters, clearly paying her little attention.

“You… were friends, right?”

The question draws him out of his tormented haze, and he briefly meets her eyes. As green as the leaves above. “He’s my… He was my best friend.” His gaze falls again, retreating back into his pain. “I shouldn’t have let him go alone, but I thought…”

The words die and he falls silent. But it’s clear enough. This is the one the brooch belongs to now.

Fishing the little metal leaf out of her bag, matching the one pinned to Sedriil’s own cloak, she presses it into his hand. He stares a moment then closes his fingers tight around it, his eyes welling up.

“Thank you,” he whispers. His voice chokes on tears, but there’s gratitude in it.

She leaves him alone then, catching up with her friends before they can realize she’s strayed behind. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not important. It’s not someone she knew, not part of her quest.

But in all her lonely adventures and selfish, shiny ambitions, it’s little glimpses of suffering that have always made her heart ache. This time, at least, she could do something to ease it.

It’s not enough. But sometimes, you can only do all you can.