Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
11 months, 2 hours ago
11 months, 2 hours ago
37 12591

Entry 27
Published 11 months, 2 hours ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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A Real Home

They’ve been home three days now.

It feels good to think that. Home. Somewhere permanent. Somewhere she belonged.

Dezzy’s curled up on the couch like a cat, Topaz on a nice warm spot of the carpet near the fire, Alistair tinkering away at their items. She lays half on the table to watch him, the firelight dancing on half her face. Outside the windows the night is just a little too dark, but inside the house, the candles and lanterns give off more warmth than a tiny flame should.

Tomorrow they set out again. Tonight they sleep in their beds or their gardens for the last time.

Wistfully she finds herself wishing that every day could be like this.

It was fun, the tizzy of decorating and running back and forth between the house and Travendair, trekking out in search of new flora with Dezzy, beating up a bunch of bandits and finally becoming a real adventurer.

But with the excitement of the day done, relaxing in the living room with a fire crackling pleasantly in the hearth, a deep satisfaction overcomes her.

She can’t keep her eyes open, but there’s no reason to fight it. The rhythm of the hearth and Alistair working, the feeling of warmth and safety, easily lulls her into a pleasant doze.

She couldn’t ask for anything more than this. Someday she hopes every day will be just like this one.