Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
10 months, 30 days ago
10 months, 30 days ago
37 12591

Entry 37
Published 10 months, 30 days ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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What Matters

She has to make it right.

That was what she did, right? Fixing people’s problems, laying them to rest if she can’t. No stone left unturned. Maybe Nazriil was the end goal, but this is what was really important. What made it possible to face that destiny in the first place. The little things.

Her magic fizzles, her hands coming away painted red. He doesn’t have long, a few minutes maybe. There isn’t time.

“Kai, it’s no use,” Alistair mutters, his eyes elsewhere as he rolls a bandage over his wounded arm. Dezzy hovers anxiously nearby, her magic far too explosive to be of any help.

But she couldn’t just let this one go. There was someonein there beneath the body oozing with blood and shadow. Just like there’d been someone beneath the angry cultist with eyes that couldn’t match the hatred on his face.

She hadn’t always been able to save them. The lich’s dragon with his empty stare, choking on the dark runes covering it. Her magic had failed her then too. Or the Maldrus monsters made of half-formed corpses, too far gone to help. She couldn’t save everyone. Sometimes all she could do was stop it from happening again.

But if there was a chance…

Something ignites within her. Deep purple wisps of magic glow at her trembling hands as she lays them on his chest, the shadow emanating from his body drawn into them.

If she could possibly do anything…

For one long moment, the unnatural darkness hovers there. And then it’s pouring into its new vessel, too fast, too much to control.

Dezzy’s cry is the last thing she hears. By the time she registers her mind fogging over with shadow, by the time she can fight it, in just a blink, she’s already gone.

But the memory of that conviction holds fast in her.

If she can possibly do anything, then she has to try.