Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
11 months, 1 hour ago
11 months, 1 hour ago
37 12591

Entry 31
Published 11 months, 1 hour ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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Back to the plaza where the festival once took place. She rushes ahead of the others, almost expecting it to look just as it did that day.

But of course, it’s empty. The tents and stalls are all gone, the colour drained from it. The fountain still burbles pleasantly, and a few tables are set around to rest on, but the stormblossom pedestal once decorated with flowers is just bare stone. Even the sky above is misted with clouds, when it was bright and sunny the first half of the festival.

And Dezzy still doesn’t remember.

As she strokes the stone pedestal where the stormblossom petals once lay, Kai backs away. It isn’t working. If she can’t make it work, then Dezzy will never get her memories back.

If only it rained like it did that day… Maybe that would finally be enough.

Shine catches her eye, Alistair’s glaive strapped to his back. He’s looking off elsewhere, arms crossed, while Star and Dezzy are distracted. They won’t notice if she just…

Lightly she places a hand on the glaive’s blade, so powerful now it hums like a lightning bolt about to strike. In her head, she calls out for Vindicir, prays for rain.

Her eyes pop open and she looks hopefully above. But the clouds hold their water for now, not even a distant rumble of thunder to get her hopes up. She leaves the plaza disappointed, and it takes a long time for sleep to come.

A crack jolts her out of the cot, and she stumbles on sleepy legs over to the window before she’s fully conscious. Outside, the rain is pouring with a vengeance, pitch black peering into the night but for when a lightning crack illuminates the world for a single brilliant moment.

She places her hand on the cold glass, watching the water run down it in torrents. Despite everything, she smiles.