Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
10 months, 25 days ago
10 months, 25 days ago
37 12591

Entry 7
Published 10 months, 25 days ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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First Blood

She promised herself that she wouldn’t kill, not unless she had to. The beasts, rockeaters she’s heard them called, charge at them with their teeth bared and the sharp plates on their back shining. They’re not giving her a choice.

But when she slashes out with her daggers more in instinct than anything else, as innocent blood flies, she finds herself petrified.

They’re just animals, just simple creatures. She’d kept her distance from anything big enough to see her as prey, sticking to making friends with the little fuzzy ones. Once a long, slinky little furry thing decided it didn’t like her offering and took a sizeable chunk out of her arm, but she’d just winced and pried its teeth off. It went squealing back into the woods. She never would have hurt it.

What’s the difference now? When she hesitates, one of her companions is quick to finish it off with glaive or fire, the former wielder shooting her a look as he passes by.

They manage to bring even him in his shiny scalemail down later on, and she tells herself it’s self-defense, that she doesn’t have a choice.

But it still feels… wrong.

The worst part is that it gets easier.