Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
10 months, 25 days ago
10 months, 25 days ago
37 12591

Entry 4
Published 10 months, 25 days ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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The First Memory

She wakes. The roaring in her ears cannot drown out the heartbeat pounding in her head.

Her eyes are shut tight, but the black behind them flickers, colours rolling over them as she feels the sun beating hot down on her face. Despite this, she is cold. Water rushes over her lower half, chilling her as it sprays against her face, then recedes. She clings to consciousness.

She's sat up and opened her eyes before she's made memory of it. The first thing that truly etches itself into her mind is that. Brilliant blue, moving in all directions at once. Waves lapping at her knees. Clouds and gulls circling above. Despite the dizzying movement, the horizon is strangely still and empty.

She is small. With simple brown clothes that have been wrung and torn, blue hair matted by the waves, water dripping down that's soon bleached dry by the sun. As she stands, her legs are only just strong enough to carry her.

And she is alone. On either side of the beach that stretches nearly as far as the ocean is no one. In the wisps of where there should have been memory is nothing.

Just darkness.


Her mind trails over that, unable to sink its claws in, so her eyes wander. Behind her, just off the beach where the sand mixes with dirt and shrubs, a road leads on between the trees. She knows roads. They always lead somewhere, many places perhaps. But eventually, they end.

Her legs carry her on an aimless wander. The next time she thinks of the ocean, the next time she wonders, she's gone too far to turn back.