Kai's Memories

Kai Show More
1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
37 12591

Entry 22
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Once a small goblin, now something else.

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Good Luck Charm

She’s making more friends. And not the ephemeral contact she used to have, the simple sharing of smiles or brief conversation that would put almost everyone she’s met in the ranks of friendship.

But real friends. People, like Alistair and Dezzy, that she wants to keep around. She’s collecting them like gems, and she wishes she could keep them too safe in her possession, never let them go.

But eventually, you have to say goodbye.

She’s scared to. Because if Nisse finds Balmin, she doesn’t know what will happen. And he’ll have Rasmeon with him, but even she’s stronger than both of them combined, and she’s just a goblin.

If she has to go, she will leave something with him instead. A token to remember them by, a vow that she’s safe, that she’ll come back. That she’s going to keep her promise.

She finds the shell, bursting with rainbows that reveal themselves when twisted in the light, smoothed to a perfect mirror by the waves. It feels like it’s been forever since they stood by the shore. Since then they’ve learned about the Tetracore, smuggled him out of Vast, closed a rift to the Shadow Plane.

She presses the shell into Balmin’s hand and then envelops him in a hug, as much as a little goblin can envelop. Before he can say anything, she scurries off towards where her friends are waiting. She can’t bring herself to say goodbye.

They’ve still got a long way to go. She hopes he’ll be safer here.