Love Letters

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 10
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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May 24, XXXX

May 24, XXXX


I cannot say that I am not sad to find out that it was my own actions that made you run, even if it was only partially and you say it is more on you.

From the moment we met out on the balcony I felt there was something about you that was different (forgive my own cliche). The way you held yourself with such an obvious air of confidence, while not caring to know of my noble status at the same time. It was very different, frankly beautiful, and...

Right. Slow. That is right. I want to do okay by you, so I will do this as slowly as you need. Forgive me.

If you are starting over I can do the same.

My name is Princex Alastair Cordelia di Erebos. You already know how to refer to me.

I am an heir to my kingdom of Abyri first and foremost; child of Anahita and Arno di Erebos, the Queen and King.

I too had siblings before, long ago, however I am the only surviving child in the family. I miss having the companionship of siblings, bickering and all. I would love to meet your Maximus and the others of your family some day. From the party they came off as very charismatic individuals, though that should be obvious given yourself and if you are all from the same blood family.

I too love to garden in my spare time as I mentioned before. I would love to hear about the plants that you grow, and I was quite interested in that personal journal you brought up in person. Flowers and their meanings are highly respected here in the Kingdom, so it is always wonderful to hear of outsiders sharing in that knowledge and gratitude to the flora around us.

I love music and have taken lessons in quite a few instruments up to this point in time. Sitting down with my guitar or in front of a piano after an exceptionally long day of diplomatic meetings and lessons is most likely my favorite way to wind down.

Well, one of my favorite ways, as I believe the top spot would have to go to spending time in the observatory for star-charting. It sounds like more work, and it honestly absolutely is, but it is calming work for me. To gaze into a telescope and watch as the universe unfolds itself in the evening for all to witness its nightly parade of pinpricks of light, to realize a formation has appeared in the sky in a place it was not before, quickly jotting down in notes and on maps of what you have discovered. There is an honest, chilling thrill to it all and if I were not so dedicated to my people I would set it all aside to become an astronomer. Imagine that though, the Princex of Abyri suddenly giving up their title to become nothing more than a star scholar! The very thought of that makes me chuckle, but I would be lying if I said I did not indulge myself in that fantasy time to time.

No, I do love my people too much to abandon them like that, and I understand my place in this world. I will always settle for it at least being a hobby I can attend to.

Speaking of nobility and its never-ending list of duties, I am being called away for a meeting. I hope your days are doing well, Rosie. 

Until next letter,

- Alastair