Love Letters

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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April 13, XXXX

Spring, April 13, XXXX

To Alastair,

Oh, that lettering sure is something. Did it take long to write out my name in that fashion? Honestly Alastair I am not worth the hassle, though it is quite pretty... My name in plain lettering is just fine, but I will take this as a start.

I greatly appreciate the carriage offer, but if I were to head back to Abyri it will be with my own transportation and volition. 

You are lucky that my mind is steering itself toward paying a visit to your royal library.

Expect me within the week, in around three days. I can get there in a day, but I am giving you time to prepare for my arrival. You do have tea at the castle, correct?

No matter, I will bring my own selection and a tea set in the off-chance that you only house the abhorrent drink that is coffee. I must have my tea with every sitdown of a book.

Yours Truly,
