Love Letters

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 13
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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June 10, XXXX

Spring, June 10 XXXX


As promised I am including some notes from my personal flora encyclopedia. I am trusting you with these, and if I hear of a book being published with my specific findings I do know your location to put an end to you.

(In all sincerity, please take care of the notes. This work is my life at this point.)

By "inked brand" are you referring to a tattoo? As in, you have a red spider lily tattooed onto your skin?

That's a beautiful choice, and also explains the red splotch I saw on your shoulder very quickly the day you were under-dressed. Do you have any other tattoos? I have wanted one myself, but it is hard to narrow down to a singular idea currently.

As for the dream you mentioned at the very beginning, that is quite curious and oddly specific. You know, I am actually pretty good at reading into dreams for others. If you so request my services, perhaps I can take payment in the way of a song on guitar?

The days have in fact been warm where I am, but you honestly worry me Alastair when you passively bring up how cold your nobility meetings are. Have you taken a break in a while? Perhaps you could use a vacation.

Either way, glad to hear from you as always, but don't think I did not see how you sent off the last letter as "Yours", we have discussed this as well.

Yours truly,
