Love Letters

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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April 29, XXXX

Spring, April 29, XXXX


No, I do not think I will be forgetting the image of you scrambling around in nothing but your sleeping bottoms anytime soon. It would have been a smoother time if you had at least tried to act collected when you saw me being escorted into the castle, though I did enjoy seeing your noble shell break so early in the morning. My advice is purely for your sake, not my own.

How does three moons after this letter is  delivered sound to you? I will even arrive around noon to give you sufficient time to dress in your robes or whatever else your royal attire consists of.

Scheduling aside, your castle was surprisingly warm and inviting to me. I was so engrossed in the vast amount of texts your library stocked that I had barely noticed the time passing until my eyes strained in the darkness with no sunlight creeping through the large window.

I actually have a confession about that window. I may have made a ... slight tear in the curtain when I went to draw them together for the evening. You see I had lost my balance, and my nails found purchase in the left curtain before I could fall completely. I mended it to the best of my abilities, but if you or anyone else happens upon it do not be alarmed of a sudden moth swarm, 'twas only I. If you require compensation for a new curtain I would completely understand if you required money from myself and to never have me back in the castle again.

Such is the life of a clumsy fool, woe is me!

- Rosette Maria Fluffypants