Love Letters

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 11
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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May 30, XXXX

Spring, May 30, XXXX

Dear Alastair,

Ah, I had suspected you had siblings at some point if the castle's portraits were any indication. I send my sincerest condolences, I am sure they were good people just as you are.

We actually lost a sibling not too long ago as well. He vanished into the night one day and we have not heard from him since. I worry about him constantly and cannot help but the worst befell him, but that would be inaccurate to think of a Fluffypants. We are hardier than that, though there could be a few things to... Ah, I will not bore you with the rest of this thought, just know that you are not alone in missing a sibling.

You are also correct on my own family. Charismatic... is a word for us, haha. Prideful on a good day, your worst nightmare on a terrible day.

If you have notes of your own gardening I could propose sharing mine via parcel, though copies of course. That journal never leaves my side. Lycoris radiata is something growing in my personal area lately. Their blooms are magnificently spindly, rightfully earning their nickname the "red spider lily". I am including a sketch I did quickly of my personal favorite bloom from this batch.

I have also been recently looking into fungi and how they could cross into floral plants potentially. My ultimate goal is a secret, but again if you share your own ventures in gardening perhaps I can be persuaded to open up a little (but do not expect too much).

Oh, music! I love music as well. My instrument of choice is the harp, through I love many string instruments. I have yet to pick up a guitar, but from what I have heard of them briefly at gatherings their sound is very particular. I think I would like to hear you play someday.

Oh my. The stars... now that is certainly an interesting topic. I have read texts on star-charting before, but to know someone who practices it is very intriguing! Have you found any new stars in our sky? Were you able to log them, like how I have my journal?

If you want me to be honest, in the short time I have known you I could see you pursuing a scholarly role in the stars if not for your brtual attachment to your people, not that that is a bad thing mind you. I just wish you could do things you actually want to go for without the weight of nobility baring down. The way you wrote about it was very passionate, I can tell how much it means to you.

On an entirely separate note, I will be speaking to my family in regards to adding an observatory to our manor.

I hope the meetings are treating you well.

Until next time,
