Love Letters

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 9
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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May 18, XXXX

Spring, May 18, XXXX


I suppose it is my turn to apologize for something.

The second visit to your castle was going just fine for me as well; I assure you your reading on me was probably too perfect for my liking. Those you have working around the castle are wonderful, wonderful people and made sure that my time there was nothing but well-spent, even with you there with every step in a hallway, or a new room. Or back in the library. Or down in the main kitchen, leading into the dining room with chairs placed awfully close.

Everything was wonderful and yet... too fast. I saw the way the maids looked at me, glances fixed upon me as we walked side-by-side as you chattered on about the history of the castle. I think they were seeing what my own eyes saw in yours in the garden, and that was a longing (or hope) for something substantial and permanent. They stared and I felt as if I was on constant watch, silent bets being made in the backrooms on how long it would take for me to fall into your arms.

I am writing to tell you that I need time for matters like these, for matters of the heart. That sounds far too poetic, but hopefully it gets what I am trying to say across.

From the brief time we have had together I can tell you are nothing short of amazing Alastair, but again this is all too quick and I would rather get information through letters before making someone deal with the burden of falling in love with me.

Not to sound cliche, but this is a matter of myself, not you.

With that being said, hi.

I would like to start over.

My name is Countess Rosette Maria Fluffypants, but you may call me Rosie. I live in a manor with my eclectic family whom I all adore very much. My closest confidant within the family is my twin brother, Maximus, who perhaps you will meet one day. Technically you met a few from my family already, but chatting with them would prove to be interesting.

In my own time I dabble here and there in a few things. I like to write, I like to paint, I like to cook, I love to garden and research. I have recently taken on alchemy work, though it is a bit of a pet project of mine and something that will take time to perfect.

Do you like how I snuck 'time' back in as a subject here? Please, I hope you do not end up hating me for pushing you away, and instead that you are understanding. It is all I ask for. Write back about your day, about what you do in your daily life, anything at all like that would probably help.

Don't hate me

- Rosie