Love Letters

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 12
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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June 6, XXXX

June 6, XXXX

Dear Rosie,

My siblings were definitely of their own league, but we always got along even with the age gap. They were in fact good people, even better than I. The details are foggy, but sometimes I dream of a fire in the middle of an ocean and I can hear them call out to me. It should be more frenzied, but their calls were calm. They tend to wake me up gently.

I would send my deepest condolences back, but I trust your judgement on your own family and will hold hope all the same that your sibling returns home safe. My situation is a little more concrete.

On a much, much brighter note, I see you are slightly caving into my notes request! I will gladly share with you what I have gathered over the years of curating the plants around the castle grounds. We have caretakers that tend to the gardens and various plant life around the castle, but I much prefer to have my hands directly involved. 

Oh, I do indeed recognize that flower! Red spider lilies actually grow right here in the kingdom. I am quite fond of them myself; their silhouette provided for an impressive inked-brand upon my skin.

Our interests keep crossing I see. In time I can compose and play something for you on my guitar, but I know you do not really desire to hear it anytime soon. You know, for someone who wishes to keep their distance you are making it very hard when you express these hypothetical requests.

Back to the stars, my family has found a few in their legacies and they have since been recorded, but I have none of my own yet. I do log a few anomalies that I see and keep my eyes toward them, but they are not as fascinating as a brand new discovery I suppose.

I appreciate your honesty and admit that I lose myself to my kingdom and the dedication, but I promise it is not all so bad. Who knows, maybe when I become ruler I can enact a better research program for the stars and use that as my excuse to push more toward it.

That sounds wonderful that you are considering having an observatory built! If you need any help with blueprints and schematics I am sure we still have ours in the library somewhere. I could also always stop by your place of residence and see to the construction myself.

I hope days are treating you warmer than my meetings and councils.

We will speak again next letter.

