Love Letters

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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April 7, XXXX

April 7, XXXX

Dear ROSETTE, (the name is scrawled beautifully and ornately)

I hope that form of addressing you is more to your liking! 

Ah, so you are interested in our country? Our own library here in the castle has plenty of texts to peruse if your interest remains, as you say, "piqued". We did not go into details on the exact distance between our homes, however I am sure I could send a carriage for you to be picked up if you would be inclined to visit. 

Aside from the library, I could put aside some personal time to show you about Abyri. Our country is truly something to experience at its fullest, and I would be more than happy and proud to guide you around. 

Of course, this would also have to coincide with your own schedule, so do let me know if any of these suggestions interest you! The mid-spring weather is quite lovely in Abyri as well and the flowers that bloom are unique to our kingdom, if my own charming company is not enough to persuade.

I look forward to your decision!

- Princex Alastair