Love Letters

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
13 3690

Chapter 8
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

long ago, correspondence by letter was the best way to start a friendship.

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May 8, XXXX

May 8, XXXX

Dearest Rosette,

I am writing this letter mere moments after you evacuated the premises in a  frenzied rush. The rational part of my mind is telling me that you had a family emergency, and so you had to leave immediately and understandably so. The irrational side, and also my heart, are telling me otherwise, and that it was something I have done to upset you so fiercely that you had to leave at once.

I was under the impression that we were getting along fine, and even saw your face soften when I took you to the castle's garden. I wonder, did seeing any of the flowers make you upset? Flowers can hold bold meanings and memories for people, but I hope no ill memory was brought up from seeing one.

Although I do not know the truth of what happened I hope everything is okay at your home and that you are safe.

Only write back to me when you are well.

- Alastair