Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 10
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Wahou Island Adventure

Sometimes your instincts say fight. Sometimes?

Sometimes you realize there are more important things to do. Nadhiya had a split second to decide to defend or attack. When he heard the children though..? There really wasn't a choice, now was there. Being a princess meant many things, some that Nadhiya did not agree with. But risking innocents just to sate the itch to fight, even if for a noble cause, was something she could not and would not ever do. Granted that the alternative now, what she was already moving out to the front to do, was not going to be pleasant. With a command for everyone in the tent to stay inside, she nodded to Nikolai. He was going to be her guard and watch her back.

With a deep breath she stamped her foot to the ground, causing crystals to erupt from underneath. All the crystals in the earth and the tent behind her rushed to her aid. With a swift motion of her hands, the crystal climbed higher and higher. Nadhiya could feel her eyes shifting. She could feel the crystals surging in her blood just under her skin. As her crystals grew, she felt the first impact. It reverbrated through the crystals but did not break them. The top closed off and protective shielding spikes grew before her.

Her hair whipped around her, eyes glowing and pure crystal..she felt a single drop of blood slip from her nose but kept her hands raised as another impact of molten rock hit her shield.

Halfway through her attempt of holding the shield, she felt her body start to give, only for a very familiar magic to touch her crystals. A figure PHASED through them, and soon was side by side with her. There were whispered words she couldn't hear but she could feel them. Could feel the way her crystals shifted. Strengthened. Repaired. As new crystals joined in.

Nahrin had arrived. It eased the strain off of Nadhiya, and within a few hours the threat from the volcano was at least gone. She felt her knees hit the ground but then a small form was pressed against her and frantically checking for any wounds. Finding none, a drink was pressed to her lips. She didn't bother reopening her eyes as she blindly swallowed, finding the drink to be something sugary in nature. Oh. That's good. That was really good. Huh. Nahrin still remembered Nadhiya's flaw.

Part of her wanted to go find Yin and the others to make sure everyone was alright but...frankly she was just too tired and her eyes hurt. Nahrin helped her up and provided a shoulder for her sister to use, speaking softly to someone else. Probably Nikolai.

Together they headed back to the room, where Nadhiya promptly just passed the fuck out. She'd think more about serious apprentice things and passions again later.