Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 9
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Art Camp

Honestly when you think about the changes and revelations she's been through, there isn't much more to learn.

At least that's what Nadhiya thought. Nahrin proved to give her more to think about. An innocent enough question but one that made Nadhiya realize one part of her life still felt lacking.

"Why do you have the shop, you could just make gems and sell to a random vendor for a high amount of money."

This was true. Her ability to make any gem she wanted at a high quality was useful in generating money. She didn't have to set up a shop where she made jewelry for others rather than just the gems to sell. Nadhiya paused in her packing up of supplies. It was day one of the art camp and she was to be meeting Nikolai shortly. If her sister didn't distract her at least. Nadhiya took a moment to consider the question.

" I like making things for people."


Nadhiya didn't get to respond, as that's when Nikolai came knocking and she had to rush out. The question was stuck in her head during the whole set up, right until a small cake child showed up in the tent and asked to make bracelet gifts. It was the sheer happiness and love this child had that started to tug at something in Nadhiya's mind. It was only as they were packing up and talking about the kids and adults alike that they had today, Nadhiya realized what had happened.

She had felt joy at hearing that her creations would be loved. That someone was going to be extremely happy receiving them. That was the answer to her sister when she returned to their room. She wanted to make things that made people happy. She wanted to be someone that brought smiles. Whether for someone directly or because her item would be treasured by someone receiving it as a gift. This was why she did the job. Not because she needed money or something to keep her busy.

It was the second day when her mind wandered to the idea of apprentices. It was too bad she couldn't get one to mind the shop and learn from her, but everyone in her realm knew her as a princess and would either seek to use her status or it would be a tough road to try and find someone-

Wait. HER realm she couldn't get an apprentice from...but what if she got one from Mahou/Wahou??? Her eyes lit up but then she had to focus once more on the second day of the art camp..and that idea was soon put even further out of mind for now when the volcano erupted and sent rocks hurtling towards the tent they were in. Why. W H Y.