Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Frozen Treat

It was as she was returning from the exhilarating skydive and impromptu broom ride that Nadhiya found Sunday Sundae. An ice-cream parlor bustling with people and chatter. The thought of a sweet treat after the fun she just had was too tempting to resist, honestly. It helped that this whole parlor felt welcoming even from the outside, strawberries growing on vines around the door frame and from the planters beneath the windows.

As she entered, a cheerful voice welcomed her to the parlor with a laugh tacked onto the greeting. Nadhiya was pleased to see someone so passionate and lively behind the counter. The woman seemed to be passionate not only about the product she was serving, suggesting flavors confidently, but also passionate about the people she was serving. It hit something within Nadhiya, reminding her of her own passion and love of seeing others smile .It was clear to see this woman loved what she did.

Nadhiya shook her head and cleared the thoughts away with the motion, and stepped forward when it was her turn. The woman introduced herself as Vescana Belrose with such a bright and infectious smile, Nadhiya couldn't help her own forming in response. Once Nadhiya introduced herself and answered a few of Vescana'a questions, the woman proposed a game. Nadhiya would allow her to pick the type of ice cream she would have today. If Vescana got it wrong, Nadhiya would be allowed to choose a flavor for free of her own choosing. If Vescana was correct with her choice, then Nadhiya would have to do her one small favor. Nadhiya, intrigued, took the game.

Vescana, much like Nadhiya with her own passion, had an eye for what she did. She nailed the creation she served Nadhiya, not that the taller woman was complaining.

When asking about the favor she wanted in return, Vescana laughed and produced a small map. She admitted to having this for a while and while SHE knew what was at the end of this map, it was no fun because that was cheating. Nadhiya would take at least one friend with her, follow the map, and find the hidden gem at the end. At the mention of hidden gem, Nadhiya seemed to perk up. Sure she was a bit skeptical about this all, but she couldn't help the curiosity that was also welling up in her. The sense of adventure. Besides! It was only right to honor her side of the deal she made, right?

With icecream in hand, and map in her bag, Nadhiya headed back to her room.