Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Beach Episode

After settling into the rooms they were provided, Nadhiya knew exactly where she wanted to go. It wouldn't be the same as the sands of home, but walking barefoot across the beach sands would still carry a similar effect in clearing her mind.

Within thirty minutes Nadhiya was changed into some shorts, a tank-top, and a pair of sunglasses. Bag over her shoulder, she attempted to avoid most of the major crowds. It wouldn't work if she was surrounded by too many people. She wouldn't be able to focus clearly. An attempt was made to find a secluded spot where she could just wander and think in peace. Though, perhaps think was the incorrect word to use in this situation. In fact, it was the opposite of what she wanted to do. Nadhiya's intention was to clear her mind, much like meditation though through a different method.

The crash of waves greeted her first, followed swiftly by the languid whispers of the sands and crystals beneath her feet. A smile formed on her lips and she felt the tension in her shoulders easing up. It wasn't the sands of home but it would do. A deep sigh escaped her and she let everything just fade into the background. The quiet voice of her instructor commanding her to just breathe resonated in her mind. Release the anger. The pain. All of her thoughts. Just feel the sun and sand. Hear them. Just. Breathe.

And that's what Nadhiya did, returning to her room only when the light faded and her skin began to cool.