Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 7
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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In light of both the events that just happened, and also Yin was on a date with Kardia, Nadhiya once more dragged Nahrin out with her onto the island. This time it was near dusk, it was the carnival time and she wanted to have some fun! It was so different to their events back at home. No less lively of course~! But there were more water based games and such in this carnival! And other attractions they didn't have back home! Nahrin was just as excited to be going to the carnival. Especially with her sister who she had managed to mend a bridge.

It was just another reason to get more sister bonding and fun time in. So both would take what they could get before they had to go back to studies back at home. This time it was Nahrin tugging a laughing Nadhiya along the path, as she turned her head this way and that, observing everything. Nahrin couldn't decide if she wanted to try the food first! Or a ride! Oh or mabye a game!! Ah..those prizes were actually super cute..but if they were anything like the games at home they would be rigged for sure. So with a pout and a disappointed look she tugged Nadhiya away to go get something to eat.

Or well she tried to. Nadhiya held fast, feet easily digging into the ground and not budging an inch. Instead she turned to the vendor. "I would like to try~" The first attempt was like Nahrin thought. Nadhiya tossed the ball but the milk cans things did not move much. Or only a very few knocked down. Not enough to get a prize. With a sigh, Nahrin side and went to turn away. Only to hear the tell tale sound of SEVERAL bottles just. breaking. Turning back she instead found Nadhiya with a satisfied grin, pointing to the cute crystal rat stuffed creacher. It was a soft pink color with purple crystal shaped fluff on its ear, tail and paw. It was giant, and took both of Nahrin's arms to hold it close.

"A crystal rat for you, My Princess~"

A delighted giggle escaped her and she hid her face in it. "...Thank you sister. I think I will name it Diya. It will remind me of you when I am missing you dearly."

Nadhiya's swooped her sister up into a big hug, easily holding both her and the rat in said hug. Goddess, she forgot how ADORABLE her older sister was! Anyone interested in her better watch out, there would be hell to pay if anyone broke her heart!

With a quiet plea to set her down, the two continued on their exploration of the carnival until Nahrin grew tired and it was a bit too late.