Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 4
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Treasure Map

Yin was her first thought when she considered who to bring along for the treasure map expedition. Not only was she a close friend, but she was also highly skilled with magic should anything pop up. It didn't take much thought at all to settle on Yin as her partner for this.

At least it had been until she was just about to leave. As she was grabbing her bag to leave her gaze fell onto the figure peering out the window with wonder. It hit Nadhiya that this was Nahrin's first time seeing so many trees all together, much less the ocean. This whole island was something new to her and though initially Nahrin wasn't supposed to be here... Nadhiya couldn't send her back. This was in both a literal and figurative sense. Nadhiya physically could not send her sister back but she found she also didn't WANT to. Despite the tense atmosphere the two tended to have around each other, Nadhiya couldn't deny her sister's presence was nice.

It reminded her of when they were kids.

That thought entered her head and made the decision for her. "Nahrin." Nadhiya called out her sisters name. The gaze switched from the outside world to inside, as Nahrin focused on the taller female. A slight tilt of her head signaled the silent question. "Want to go on an adventure with me?" Nadhiya held out her hand, grin in place.

Surprise flashed across Nahrin's face before a bright smile escaped her. "Always!"

Emotional pain hit her sharply as she realized that the soft smile before was nothing compared to this truly bright and excited smile before her. Was Nahrin just pretending to smile most of the time? Was she actually not happy? Had Nadhiya completely fucked up - She had. She had left her elder sisters to take care of the younger ones alone. Left Nahrin with an arranged marriage to someone she knew was a cheater and an asshole...and just. Ran away.

Her resolve to take Nahrin on this adventure strengthened and she clasped her hands with her sisters. "Then lets go! Wanna read the map?" "Only because I know you are useless in reading them!" A giggle escaped Nahrin as she walked hand in hand with Nadhiya out of the room. The map was passed over and the two started off on the adventures. Together they found the first clue, the start of the whole map. True to Nahrin's words, Nadhiya stumbled over the riddle, completely confused and frustated. Nahrin nudged her gently and laughed before explaining how to solve it. There was smiles on their faces, and laughter in their words, the whole time they traversed through Wahou.

Nahrin was enamored. The culture. The people. Nadhiya could tell her eldest sister wanted nothing more than to stop and talk to people and ask questions. So they did. Sure it made the 'quest' they were on suddenly take hours longer, but it was worth it to see the light in her sisters eyes. It was just approaching lunch when they ended their quest, finding themselves at a hidden marketplace. Well, more so it seemed this one was the main one away from the tourists. It was peaceful. Plenty of people but none of the tourist-y attitudes or vendors trying to make a quick buck.

This was where they spent the rest of the day, laughing and talking to people. Nadhiya noticed apprentices and soon got talking to a few that seemed interested in her crystal work as well, sharing stories and thoughts and how the system worked on Wahou. Nahrin had a grin on her lips as she saw her baby sister motioning with her crystals and showing them off in an impressive display. This was the spark she had lost. It was nice to see it back.

At one point the topic of game system games had been brought up, and seeing their confused looks they were instantly invited over so the apprentices could teach them. With excited grins the two princesses agreed and followed after the group of Wahou residents.