Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 5
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Gamer Rights

Technology was so different in Wahou and Mahou versus her home realm. They had similar concepts in some cases, though powered differently between the two realms. However the concept of gaming systems was completely knew to Nahrin and Nadhiya. Both settled down and watched the apprentices do a few rounds of the game before they were offered a controller as well and a chance to play. Glancing to her older sister, Nadhiya offered up a grin. "Ready to get your ass handed to you, princess~?"

"Language!" Nahrin scolded as she adjusted her grip onto the offered controller. She was ready to fight.

They were honestly horrible at the game, if the snickers behind them amounted to much. And yet the two sisters were nudging each other and snarking off, taking shots at each other's actions as they played. It was a scene of almost normal sister rivalry. The apprentices certainly seemed to be amused by it. It was when a fighting game was offered up that Nadhiya sat up and grinned to Nahrin even more.

"How about this, I win this match, I get to ask you to do one favor for me, you win, and you get a favor. Anything goes! Deal?"

Something lit in Nahrin's eyes and she sat up straighter, into a extremely proper and rigid position. She held out her hand to her sister. "Deal." It was immediately agreed to, perhaps Nadhiya's first warning her sister was serious. Nashiya didn't pay attention to that though, and the game was started, the players chosen. The apprentices in the back gave quick run-downs on each character chosen, stating best two out of three would win the deal.

Nadhiya was confident. It was a fighting game, how hard could it be? It really wasn't hard for her, and the first match she completely destroyed her sister in it, shooting a grin at Nahrin. Nahrin's gaze was on the screen however and there was a look in her eyes Nadhiya should have recognized. Nahrin was a tactician. It swiftly showed in the second match, as Nahrin out-maneuvered Nadhiya with grace. The third match followed in the same footsteps, not even a close match at that point. Her fingers were quick but her mind was quicker and soon Nadhiya was out of life.

"I guess I win, princess~" Nadhiya felt her eye twitch at Nahrin's sass.

"Fine fine! It's time to go though so you can ask the favor when we get back to the hotel" They bid the apprentices farewell and quickly headed home, just barely beating the sky's decent into sleep and the moon's waking.