Nadhiya's Journey

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 6
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

There are lessons to learn as you walk through life, and this is only the start to Nadhiya's journey on rediscovering herself.

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Wedding Dress

Perhaps Nadhiya should have been more worried about the favor her sister was going to ask. She was just assuming it would be something like 'don't argue with mother as much' or 'go to lessons ' or 'don't swear as much' . Things like that. Things Nadhiya somewhat struggled with but was genuinely trying to get better at anyway. What was asked of her wasn't any of that.

Nadhiya stared blankly at her sister, her heart feeling like it was in her throat.


"I want you to tell me why you didn't come to us when he betrayed you. Why you felt like you couldn't come to us, lean on us. At least me! We were incredibly close, and I'm your older sister! Why couldn't you tell me. Why did you just bottle it inside, and even worse let him continue to belittle you! We love you, Nadhiya! We would do anything for you, and you know this."

Nadhiya stayed silent for longer, and just as Nahrin started to look like she was about to be hurt that Nadhiya STILL wouldn't talk...Nadhiya spoke up.

"It hurt. That day..? When he betrayed me.. I had picked up my wedding dress.."

There was a quiet gasp, and Nadhiya felt the spot on the bed next to her sink into the ground. Arms wrapped tightly around her.

"we had been engaged in secret for a while, and he promised to ask my mom proper. I should have known with the way he kept putting it off. It hurt, Nahrin. That was three years of my life in love with him. and I WAS in love with him. But I should have known. I was hurt though, and I wasn't thinking. I was acting on my emotions and as you know I have an incredible temper. But instead of directing it at him, I directed it at myself, and the ruins, and then I ran. I wasn't thinking, I was just..running. Running from my problems and my responsibilities and my family that actually cared and could help me get over this. I hurt the people that mattered most ...and by the time I realized this it was too late in my mind to come back. I thought you would hate me.."

"I resented you, somewhat. you left so much on our shoulders to bear, and we had to handle the public in regards to your disappearance as well...Mother was not happy..but ..I could also tell part of her was terrified we would never see you again. Despite how she acts, as the eldest I was the one around her most..and I can read her a little easier than most. The thought of losing you. One of her precious terrifying. It's terrifying for any mother, really. "

Nahrin brushed away both of their tears. "...can I see it ? Can I see the wedding dress.."

Nadhiya hesitated but eventually nodded and changed out within the bathroom of the room. She came back out in a beautiful white and teal ensemble, complete with a light pink, transparent, veil. Nahrin's eyes widened and she stood. "Can I do your hair? And your makeup . And jewelry!" The way her sister circled about her and gently touched the fabric had Nadhiya eventually relaxing and she nodded.

"....sure. Not like I'll ever get the chance to wear this to a wedding-"

Her arm was gently smacked and a fierce glare greeted her. "Don't you EVER say that. You are beautiful, and strong. Sure you can use some work on that temper of yours still! And that mouth! But that honestly adds to your charm. You do what you say and want, you just need to even it out with some thinking." Nahrin got on her toes to tap Nadhiya's temple. "But you are wonderful the way you are and anyone that can't see that does not deserve to have you by their side!"

After the impromptu lecture and encouragement, Nahrin forced Nadhiya to sit down and began to style her hair, makeup, and jewelry. Soon Nadhiya was staring into the reflection of a proper Bhasura bride...but with a Nadhiya flare.

"See..perfect. " Nahrin wrapped her arms around Nadhiya from behind in a hug, resting her head on her shoulder and smiling at her reflection.