CSW monsters

Arachnids: I type of monster feared by most other races. They had a few attempts in the past to become part of the other races, but their eight long spider-like legs and  dangerous fangs were feared and thus no race would accept them into a community.

(Freg) Giant Frogs: A race that has evolved from frogs, a lot bigger then their cousins and are hunted for their abundance of meat that they have. They are also prized for their skin, which is used for accessories like purses and bags. Hibernates during times of extreme winter, even at -100 degrees or lower, government is working on technology to use them and their skin to go in extremely low temperatures, even going as far as to go where the ancient Kiemens lived.

Sludge Cats: Balls of slime that resemble cats. Come in variety of colors. Colors determine personality. Red - always Hostile. Orange - Not hostile, but heals ally monsters. Yellow - Not hostile, but strengthens ally monsters. Green-Neutral. When defeated has a chance to join you as an ally. Blue - Hostile when initiated, otherwise peaceful. Golden - Very tough monsters, and quick too. They're prone to fleeing, but have a large sack of gold inside. Silver - Not hostile, but increase the speed of nearby enemies.

Skeletons: The remains of soldiers that have been brought back due to unrest. Because they have been created long ago, they have forgotten who they were originally mad at and now fight anyone they see.

Espers are an ancient enemy summoned with much skill. Can be very deadly to some races, and use the nature energy around as a source of power. Known esper types are: Foxes, Deer, Bears, Horses, Dolphins and (in extreme cases) Dragons. The espers have different powers depending on what mage you are as it has to do with type of mage, but only some can with skills put into it. So it's a high skill floor but also a high skill ceiling.

Goghma: A six armed creature with 4 Strong insect like legs, and more smaller appendages sticking out all over its body. the extra arms can be used to attack at small ranges but it mostly uses them to protect the many eyes and weak points at spread over its huge 20 foot thorax. its total size is almost 15 feet high and 32 feet in length. Equipped with webs as strong as copper wire, venomous fangs, and an army of arachnids, she is a foe you want to avoid at all costs. It shouldn't be easy for anyone to pick up, and also use them as like rare enemies

Coracons: The Coracons are elite assassins genetically created from the greatest warriors of the past. These  creatures are known for being extremely fast, agile, and strong. Usually they are adept at swordsmanship but the most recent ones have been handling magics, guns, explosives, and other recent creations. They are dealt out during times of war to recon/assassinate, or as hitmen. Only the government of the Selvnis knows how to create them, but other government has bought them in the past, although not in a long time. These creatures can be described as perfect assassins of  light and dark, reflecting the fallen warriors past acts. During the War of the Gods, only 7 were sent out, but out of everybody that fought in the war, they had the majority of the murders. Like I said earlier the color of the Coracons can differ from the warriors past, shining a beautiful white if they did many great things, or the deepest black if they did many terrible things. Usually the Light Corracons are used for wars and duels, while the Dark Coracons are used for recons or assassination. Every government at the time has at least 3 Coracons at their disposal, the equivilent of nuclear weapons at their fingertips. There is one glaring weakness to the Coranons though, if  they are defeated in a duel, they are converted to the winner. Meaning if you are a a magnificent warrior, you can have multiples of these monsters at your disposal. This is why the governments of the world of Caecoroth need the best warriors around to gather them. There is one Coracon that has gone rogue, though, Ga-Shen. The origin of Ga-Shen is unknown but the Selvnis has created him. He was the only Kiemen that we have ever seen, but long gone before the Selvnis could recreate him. Ga-Shen was supposed to be the greatest Cacoron of all time, worshiped because he was a member of a lost race long ago. Ga-Shen was the purest black being the people of Caecoroth has ever seen, to this modern day. But only a few days after his creation he went missing, along with 200 or more Selvnis elite guards killed on his escape. One survivor said that he killed them all with 1 slash each, to the exact same place in the heart. No one has heard of him since, but his name has been coming up recently as a tale to scare children of being a warrior of dark. His name will always be there, lurking, listening. He knows of the modern day, but no one knows of him. Ga-Shen currently lives in his fallen brethren's graves in the place of a once great city, the olden city of Kiemens, long underground in a deep, barren, deadly, cold wasteland.

Foliage boar: These boar are found in heavily forested areas and are easy to anger. They have come to adapt to their environment by keeping moss attached to their backs that grows as they do. Can be found in the forests of Dellisance and Sesibog.

Mind eels: These slimy creatures lurk in lakes and rivers, awaiting small pray to kill. They secrete an acid out of their frontal skin glands and squirt it at a target. If the acid gets into the creatures body it travels up and within 30 seconds it can control the basic movement of the creature. This acid does not work on humans or any larger creatures, but it still hurts them as it is acid. Hunters love to kill these because of their acid. They can be harvested and the acid can be concentrated into poison hunters love to use on their arrows. It's a cheap acid but many make a living off of harvesting these Mind eels. ||| (Giant eels) Swift and numerous predators that inhabit the open waters. They have a length of 10 meters and are as thick as the average human torso. While they usually stick to deeper waters it isn't strange for them to appear in places where your can still reach the sand. As a general rule it's never a good idea to wade deeper than where your chest is beneath the water. Panicking is a surefire way to get their interest, stay still and they might mistake you for a piece of driftwood.

Raven: Ravens are birds that attack small to medium prey. They are usually in grasslands or forests, since there is a lot of small mammals to kill and eat. They aren't to hard to deal with, with a simple bow and arrow, or a gun. It does get annoying since they swoop down and attack, then instantly fly back up. It's hard to hit with a basic sword but any ranged attack kills it pretty fast. Their feathers are used for pillows, charms, or other things that need soft feathers. They are pretty useful for their talons as well, since it can be used in a pinch as a small knife. ||| (Great ravens) The only creature to rival the wyverns in terms of wingspan, the great ravens are opportunistic omnivores whose diet consists mostly of fish, foraged fruits, and carrion. Despite this the ravens are not above eating living flesh and hunt by crashing down from the sky with their sharp talons outstretched, instantly killing their prey by severing the spine. Great Ravens are known for their clam and inquisitive temperament and the haunting sound of their cries at sunset.

Jedin: A large species of duck normally around 10 feet in height that live around the calm waters of Challtase. They make their nests along the beaches of Challtase, which the Galles usually quarantine off so tourists do not disturb them. They can be very territorial and will fight any that come near their nesting grounds. Some have been know to be tamed and made as mascots. The Galles use those that are killed (whether that be through hunting or natural death) as food to cook for guests and the feathers for their mattresses and pillows.

Gorkie: Pronounced: Gore-key. Sizes of these may differ depending on the amount of fish and vegetation they can eat. Smaller versions of this crablike creature are more docile and less territorial. Though they can grow very large in the deep ocean and are very dangerous and aggressive. These versions are colossal in size and have very protective shells. Their claws can be chopped off to be used as bait for Shaerkons and sold for a high price among fish vendors. They also have a fresh water relative that is much smaller, similar to mudcrabs in Skyrim. ||| (Titan hermit crabs) Oversized Crustaceans the size of pickup trucks. They spend the night feeding in the ocean, but when the sun rises they crawl up from the depths and bathe in the early morning sun while cleansing themselves of parasites. They can reach speeds of up to thirty five kilometres per hour and their claws exert enough force to cut through hardwood like cardboard. While not particularly aggressive they are curious creatures. Occasionally they molt their giant shells.

Shaerkon: Pronounced Share-con. Shaerkons are a very large and predatory fish. They resemble sharks in shape, but they are very intelligent; however, they do not have a conscious. Shaerkons will attack anything their size or smaller. They are solitary creatures that swim in the deep ocean and prey on gorkies. Their favorite foods consist on gorkies, large fish, and worrtis. They have been reported on rare occasions to swim to shallow waters when they are running low on food. They also have been reported to sometimes swim together in a small "pack" consisting of 3-5 Shaerkons during or around mating season to fend off potential challengers. These creatures have an incredibly odd ability, and that is the ability to sharpen and hone blades. It takes a large quantity of these teeth to be able to sharpen larger weapons, so it is favored by archers and assassins with small blades and arrow tips. Large quantities of these teeth can be sold for a high price and are sought out by high level merchants and weapon dealers. These creatures can sometimes grow to a colossal size and are the apex predator of the deep ocean. "If you spot a shaerkon and are not prepared to hunt them, it is too late for you. You were spotted long ago and have been deemed prey. It is then when you should thank your god and await death." - Quote from a Worrtis Shaerkon hunter

Gremin: The Gremin are a subhuman race that are known for making burrows underground. They tend to scavenge old cities and abandoned villages, but the nests that have higher populations even attack market streets and shops. They are around 2 feet high and have brown skin with green dots and stripes on them, presumably to blend into their environment underground and close to grass. They have large ears to listen underground and sense worms, or any other prey that might be underground. They tend to have a low IQ than most of the 7 races, but some have been known for having an on-par IQ with the other 7 species. Usually the ones with higher intelligence tend to have an affinity with magic and tend to be the leaders of the nest. They're nests are usually around 7 feet underground but can span miles in length. Farmers have a terrible time with them since they can burrow underground and take their crops. They don't have much of a use to society except to annoy them. Often low skilled warriors take quests to kill Gremlin for a small amount of money.

Gigglemorph: "Gigglemorph's are small, gremlin like creatures who love gold. They'll do almost anything to get their hands on it, even kill people. An individual Gigglemorph wouldn't stand a chance against even a lyn, but a pack of forty or fifty could even kill a grown Centran. Some variants of the Gigglemorph, Fiesties, have small amounts of venom tucked away inside their sharp needle like teeth. A pack of those nasty creatures could deal you enough venom to stop your heart in mere minutes. Though, the damned pests despise silver, only the God's know why. Just throw a small pouch of silver coins at 'em, and they'll dart off." -Ya'rgal The Giant. If there's less than 20 in a group, they'll flee from you. If there's anywhere from 20-30 they'll watch you from a distance, waiting, but will flee if you get too close and if there's over 30, they'll be very aggressive until there's less than 20 left. Fiesties are always aggressive if there's more than 15, since that's enough for the venom to kill you if all get a hit off.

Mimic: "In hidden dungeons and dangerous tombs, one thing is a discoverer's worst enemy, the Mimic. When you open that "chest" a surprise will await for you. A SWOL as FUCK mimic. he beats the shit out of whoever tries to open them, then fucking eats you whole like a snake. They are not capable of feeling emotions like fear or disgust. They only feel emotions like "GAINS" and "FUCK YEAAA BRO". They are merciless and can easily kill a more unprotected adventurer in a couple of mighty blows. You can't physically overpower them without being a man devoted to physical strength. Many try to use magic to stop them, which is unfortunately enough to stop these beasts." ~ Some random explorer I found near a tomb.

Thrallis: Maybe it lives where the Centran lives. Looks fire-y. It can breath in water and land, but can't fly.

Tiumpoulí: Pronounced Tee-yum-pou-lui or loo-e. They are just like mini predators that try to hunt the lyn, but they get overpowered by their magical prowess.

Guremon: This is a monster so ancient that it does not remember its true home or origin. It is compiled of runes held together by a Soul Crystal which is where the spirit of the Guremon resides. The Guremon do not have a strict shape and can transform into simple forms  that range from 3 feet to 9 feet depending on the amount of runes gathered. This monster is adept in the ways of arcane magic. Able to fire powerful blasts and lasers.  However, the Guremon are still made out of rocks which means that, even without  a weapon, they can pack a serious punch, and their defense is naturally high.  A drawback of being made out of rocks thought, is that items such as armor, food and potions are of no use to them. The Guremon Don't have one determined area that they live in. As their thoughts have been lost to decades of existence, they roam to different continents, spread out across the world. It is unknown how the Guremon are made or who made them, but there is a record of only 36 existing in the entirety of written history. There is no record of what happens when a Guremon is killed.