
Terratinelese is the name of the island that the Wintiko pack live on. The island is Laniakea territory and the Laniakea government has slowly began to make contact with the natives on the island. [Terratinelese is a territory that belongs to Laniakea (a neighboring continent)]

Natives & Lore

Spoken languages are Dragonic & English

  • forgotten descendants of humans
  • have lived long enough to withstand the island's food chain 
  • Have pride in their ancestors & tales of the world beyond the island
  • have outlived the cannibals
  • a foot taller than cannibals & strong enough to wrestle bears
  • terribly intelligent & maliciously clever
  • have sacred laws
  • believe dragons are their gods
  • the living symbol of the island's cruel and treacherous love
  • he has reached the peak & gone beyond its extent
  • has learned 1000s of tricks to survive on the island
  • bears no malice, but just wants to "help"
  • his "lesson" will end if you succumb to his kindness or surpass him completely

Native wildlife

64% of the island is wildlife (plants and animals) 31% is the undead (liches, wendigos, ghosts, etc) 5% are the natives (cannibals and lizardfolks)

Most of the wildlife is actually vegetation while the other half are mostly Dragons, Dire wolves or Black Killers (often mistaken as either one) and Velociraptors Most of the dragons see though are half dragons minding their business. If you actually run into a dragon (commonly wyverns) you’re dead, unless you run into the Wintiko pack then you have a 15% chance of living

Velociraptors are often used as steeds or farming animals for the natives (mainly humans tho)

bleh there's a few small islands near by, but only 2 are inhabited with life (mainly dragons)
everything else is just vegetation, mountains, or volcanos
There’s 5 large islands & 8 small islands


Quick note: Island Rot is apart of the lore however imma change it up a bit. 

  1. Natives are not affected by the disease 
  2. Black Killers, Angels, and Demons aren’t affected 
  3. Any undead creatures are also not affected (eg. liches, ghosts, spirits, etc.)  
  4. The only way to not get the disease is to wear a hazmat suit  
  5. The soil and water are infected as well (thus why natives are immured) 
  6. There is a temporary cure  
  7. The only other way to avoid being infected is if you’ve been blessed by a God or Demigod

Wintiko pack lore

The Wintiko pack is the most feared & interesting pack in human and elf kind. Most Black Killer packs run like an oligarchy, but with out the 2 kings and instead 5 to 6 leaders (Ephors). However, this pack was like a wolf pack combined with an oligarchy as there were 2 alphas, 2 betas, and 5 to 6 ephors.
Gods[rank] - (1)Ted, (2)Oliver Henry, (3)"Patricide"#7047, (4)"Gator"#5018, (5)Goldie, & (6)Brother

Wolf & Noir - “Alphas”
Goldie(5) - Beta/Ephor?  Ted(1), “Olivia”(2), “Patricide”(3),  “Gator”(4) & Brother(6) - Ephors
Fang & “Medrash”/Loki - ???

Wintiko pack community: largest to smallest
1. Dragons from Wyverns, Drakes, Lungs(like Chinese dragons) & many more
2. Black Killers (obviously)
3. Wendigos
4. Dire wolves
5. Half human/dragon (or any other half breed)
6. Others (hellhounds, demons, & at rare dark angels)

Some of Wintiko’s fucked up rules
- Any members young must eat the flesh of their kind and watch the devouring of any traitors of the pack. Because of this some traitors are kept alive (but badly beaten) and later eaten in front of all of the packs young from that year.
- Members who’ve show traits of possible betrayal must be confronted in trail which in most cases are just miscommunication, but others will often have that member leave the trail missing fingers, toes, chunks of their ear, teeth, tail & etc.  
- Food is food. Trespassers are considered food unless they have voiced their opinion of joining besides that anyone is food.
- It’s tradition to keep the skulls of members who’ve died and mount their skulls in shelves like those of catacombs. The family members have the right to do whatever they want with their body if their wasn’t any instructions from the deceased beforehand. That includes eating the body or keeping their skin, tail or wings.
- Anyone who tries to find loop holes in the rules will be killed

Important Gods and demigods for the Wintiko pack:  
(gods) Amura, Wrath, Sloth, Pride, & Gluttony
(demigods) Jersey, San, Timmy, & :(

The pack is on an island so the majority of the land is covered by jungle/forest, there’s a few grasslands and mountains
The majority of what the Wintiko pack hunt is boar, deer, moose, elk, ram, bear, elf, sheep, caribou, human & angel.