Monster handbook

Lusts [Hostility: 2 | Status: Very Common | Population rank: 1st]
Pride [Hostility: 9.7 to 8 - Status: Very Rare - Population rank: 6th]
Greed [Hostility: 9 - Status: "Stable" - Population rank: 4th]
Envy [Hostility: 5 - Status: Rare - Population rank: 5th]
Gluttony [Hostility: 4 to 3.2 - Status: Common - Population rank: 3rd]
Sloth [Hostility: 0 - Status: Extremally Rare - Population rank: 7th]
Wrath [Hostility: 10 - Status: Extremally Common - Population rank: 2nd]


Giant eels:
Great ravens:
Island aurochs:


a fighter (lawful evil - human)
monk (chaotic evil - human)