Dragon lore

"Once Wrath was angry with a kingdom of people called the Amaritans, the Amaritans were a conquerors group of people and had won many wars with the power Wrath had given them. Wrath was happy for the Amaritans over their victory, but he was also quite angered by the fact they never praised him when they had won a victory they praised a different God, only a few know of. Angered by this Wrath sent a meteor to destroy the entire  Kingdom but Durgon swooped down and was big enough to carry all the Amaritans on his back to his vacant volcano. Now the Amaritans live on underneath Durgon. They shortened their name to the Amar to show they have changed their ways, now they live a peaceful life on the Mountain with the biggest and most powerful Dragon as their protector." - Ty, Leader to the Nine Divines

Akatosh Leader to the Nine Divines(Amar community) or Durgon(Dragon community)

:( - The Demigod of Dragons
":( protects dragons that aren’t under Akatosh’s protection. They mainly kill dragon hunters and torture the fuckers for information. They often break out dragons that have been captured and experimented on."

Akatosh/Durgon - The Leader to the Nine Divines / The First and Longest living Khan
"Wrath raised Akatosh to be a killing machine and greedy piece of shit at that. This has caused Akatosh to be one of Wrath's favorite creations and :('s favorite. Akatosh is feared by many dragons for slaughtering thousands of dragons, the various claims of witnesses seeing him consuming the corpses and his enemies young. Akatosh is currently living in the 2nd biggest volcano called "The Dragon's Wrath" and the world's largest tar pit. Akatosh was being watched over and cared for by :( the demigod of Dragons, but later defied their help and protection."

Níðhöggr - The Mother of Dragons / The Cursed One
"The second oldest living Khan and sister of Akatosh and Alak-Hul. "

Alak-Hul - The Khan of Nature
"Alak-Hul mated with a hot earth dragon named Chusi and later had Carnan, but the mom died due to complications. Alak-hul was greatly saddened by this and almost killed himself if it weren’t for Carnan who was reminded of Chusi. They had a normal father-daughter relationship until the comet."

Carnan -The Khanum of Nature
"After her father, Alak-Hul sacrificed himself to bring her back. She was given the title of Khan and still is to this day."

Uredan - (dragon bird)

Tatii - The "Fallen Angel"

Dragon heritage/ranks
Khan/Khanum - The oldest and most powerful dragons created by the Gods (These are the 1st generation dragons) 
Czar/Czaritsa - The mates of Khans or Khanums
King/Queen or Emperor/Empress - The offspring of the Khans and are also the 2nd generation (Clans are often called Kingdoms or Empires depending on their title)
Prince/Princess - The King or Emperor’s offspring that are the 3rd generation
Tsar/Tsarina - The mates of Princes or Princesses 
Heir - The Prince’s offspring (the 4th generation)
(Note: The titles King/Queen and Emperor/Empress are the only titles that also to their mates)
(Note: lower ranks are 5th & 7th generation, but so this also applies to the offspring of heir)
General/Commander - The guards of the Princes & Princesses
Duke - A currently endangered rank from the aftermath of Durgon devouring most of the dragons 
Bishop - Are the (dragon) priest of the 4 main Gods
Knight- Used to work for Dukes 
Pawn - The lowest dragon rank (basically the "civilians")

Tier rankings (informal titles)
S ranks - Khan/Khanums & Czar/Czaritsas
A ranks - King/Queen(or Emperor/Empress) & Prince/Princess
B ranks - Heirs & General/Commander
C ranks - Dukes & Bishops
D ranks - Knights
E ranks - Pawns
F ranks - Dragons that have been "tamed" or are smaller than a dog are often this rank

Dragon tribe locations & colors
Fire: Red/Gold/Brass - Volcanic regions & rare deserts
Cold: White/Silver - Tundras & mountain tops
Lighting: Blue/Bronze - Dense jungles or anywhere with high humidity  
Acid: Black/Copper - Tar pits & graveyards
Poison: Green - Swamps or graveyards

Dragon population
Wrath - Sometimes is called the “God of Dragons”, but not by dragons ironically. 
Amura - Most of their work involves helping their offspring create new life. They did end up creating some dragons of their own free will. 
Sloth - Despite their laziness, they did end up making a few new species of dragons based on their appearance. 
Gluttony - Only ended up making a 100 (which later grew), but then stopped after realizing they’d probably eat up their food supplies in the future 
Pride - Created some in the past, but now they kinda regret it.

Quick notes (btw this info may change):

  • Wrath wasn't the only God to make dragons
  • Akatosh/Durgon isn’t the only Khan
  • Akatosh/Durgon is the most powerful and oldest Khan
  • Khans often don't have siblings 
  • Khans who do have 3 to 10 (biological) siblings
  • All Khans' bloodlines are pure meaning no inbreeding 
  • Dragon society is very patriarchal
  • Most Khans are female 
  • Females fight over males
  • Females are often the hunters & warriors
  • Males are always the leaders of tribes
  • Males are more colorful than females

The King-Killer Star origins: Wrath tricked his son, Alak-Hul into creating a comet that would advertently cause all dragons and dragon-blood creatures to promptly go into a blind rage. Unexpectedly, Alka-Hul succumbed to the comet's effect and inadvertently killed his beloved daughter, Carnan. After Alka-Hul had realized what he had done he decided to utilize all of his powers into bringing Carnan back. After accomplishing his goal Alka-Hul died and Carnan became the new Khan.

The King-Killer Star is a visible comet that comes around every 100 thousand years. It causes an unusual effect on dragons and dragon-blooded creatures. It instantly fills them with unending rage that inadvertently causes them into a battle frenzy and immediately attacks the person. This event will typically last for as long as 10 to 60 days. The 3 Khans aren't affected by the King-Killer Star, but over the generations, their bloodlines have promptly lost their immunity to the comet's effect. 

When a dragon of any ranking dies their child will naturally take that rank and then their children will obtain their rank and so forth. Therefore when Alka-Hul died, he generously bestowed the rank of Khan to his lovely daughter, Carnan. However, in most cases where a King or Queen has passed away their children will vigorously fight for the honorary title. Assuming one of their offspring hasn't already been assigned the rank of King or Queen.

They should all report to Akatosh whenever he calls but their usually all spread out, but their general area is on the mountain with Akatosh. So it's like pretty much spread out.
The Kings and Queens report to Akatosh since they’re his kids.
Amar used to be a warning race but now they live peacefully on the throat of the Mountain

Wrath and :( own a book with every dragon's name, birth & age. :( also can identify what a dragon's appearance is simply by its name. Note that it’s only their birth name is documented. So it would only be Cthulhu in the book and any other nickname or title of Cthulhu (like High Priest of the Great Old Ones) would be undocumented.

Dragons have an extremely high tolerance to spicy food. Thus why the chili pepper Dragon’s breath is named after them. Only dragons can ingest this pepper.