DnD Campaign

Island name: Terratinelese

From Below: "Your arrival woke something up. Something that was never birthed and can therefore never die has turned its eyes up at the surface after millennia of boredom, and it finds you very entertaining. It will come above ground from the deepest places in the earth every time the sun sets and every night it will draw closer to finding your location. Where it steps the grass withers and trees rot from the inside, corpses line its path and it will continue until it finds you and takes you deep below the earth with it. Your only hope is to find something that will excite its interest even more than you do. One way or another you will entertain."

Man-eaters: "Seemingly ordinary trees like any of the thousands of trees on the island. The man-eaters grow at an astounding rate but are difficult to identify without coming close enough to stimulate their vine coiling reflex that instantly contracts and tightens around living creatures. Afterwards the man-eater will begin to drip and cover its vines in digestive juices that eats away at flesh and bone. Its vines can spread along the ground dozens of meters away from the main body."
Giant eels: "Swift and numerous predators that inhabit the open waters. They have a length of 10 meters and are as thick as the average human torso. While they usually stick to deeper waters it isn't strange for them to appear in places where your feet can still reach the sand. As a general rule it's never a good idea to wade deeper than where your chest is beneath the water. Panicking is a surefire way to get their interest, stay still and they might mistake you for a piece of driftwood."
Great ravens: "The only creature to rival the wyverns in terms of wingspan, the great ravens are opportunistic omnivores whose diet consists mostly of fish, foraged fruits, and carrion. Despite this the ravens are not above eating living flesh and hunt by crashing down from the sky with their sharp talons outstretched, instantly killing their prey by severing the spine. Great Ravens are known for their calm and inquisitive temperament and the haunting sound of their cries at sunset."
Island aurochs: "The last of the aurochs long extinct everywhere except on the island,. Staggeringly large by any standard, their large frames hide layers of thick woven muscle giving them the strength to survive the carnivorous cryptids of the island. Frighteningly aggressive, the aurochs live in large herds and spend the year slowly moving up and down the island's grasslands and lakes to keep their members well fed. The aurochs make for good hunting, if you can kill one."
*Wyverns: "The undisputed kings of the island. The wyverns hunt dire wolves as if they were mice, their claws snatch giant eels from the water with ease, their jaws can swallow a whole auroch in a single bite and their fangs rend titan crab shell asunder as if it were Papier-mâché. There is no creature on the island that does not in some way pay tribute to the wyverns that rule from the tops of mountains. The best plan of action for dealing with the wyverns is to make yourself look as small and unappetizing as you possibly can while in their presence. Your insignificance in their eyes might save you yet."

Great doggo: "Friendly, loving, caring, cuddly. All these words and many more describe just how great this doggo really is. He can lift your spirit at any time and is abnormally good at interpreting and carrying out any kind of command regardless of its complexity. Will gladly throw his life away in order to defend you and has a good nose for danger, especially sensitive to the presence of your nemesis and will lead you away from them whenever it's possible. No matter how great he might be, he's still just a dog though."
Punished Lizard: "A traitor to his people branded by a scar across his face that marks him for death on sight. He specializes in construction of defensive bases and can renovate your shelter to make it more resistant against the climate as well as construct traps to catch animals and ward off intruders. He is reluctant to do any direct fighting, but is willing get his hands dirty if necessary. Lizard language is hard to master, but doing so will grant you access to his vast knowledge regarding island traps."
*Wyvern egg: "You find an abandoned nest with an egg nearly cold to the touch. To hatch the egg must be incubated in a suitably warm environment for two years. Wyverns reach adulthood after twenty five years of steady growth. Frighteningly intelligent and useful. The wyvern is surprisingly social and can learn human language to an extent. The wyvern will outlive you by a magnitude of years."


Island Breakaway (+6 miscellaneous items): "The island is treacherous indeed, the ferocious tides push back all ships and whirlpools drag down those who can brave the waves, From the depths rock spires rise up to tear apart any vessel foolish enough to attempt the journey. Escape will come only to those who remain undaunted and unafraid in the face of overwhelming adversity."

Old Sea God's Altar: "Close to your shelter you come across what looks to be the ruined remains of a shrine to an ancient god long forgotten by its adherents. The Sea God is sympathetic in spirit and through the offering of a pile of fish scales he will grant you, his only follower, the entirety of his boon. The Sea God's blessing allows you to easily move through the ocean as if you were carried by the ocean currents themselves. Your eyes can now see uninhibited below the water and you can even filter saltwater through your kidneys. By accepting the sea god you renounce all freshwater and can no longer swim in bodies of freshwater."

Kukri Machete: "Good for clearing away the underbrush, chopping up small saplings, or defending yourself from wild beasts. Requires routine sharpening to stay sharp and effective."
Flare Gun: "The island has never known the sound of plane engines or the sight of tankers. In any case the flares work well to repel cryptids and beasts. Comes with fifteen flares."
Fishing Rob: "A modern fishing rod with a fishing reel full of nylon string strong enough to pull in the fish that inhabit the coral reefs and lakes of the island. Comes with ten metal hooks and a couple different weights and floaters."
Magnetic Compass: "The forests of the islands the unaccustomed. Even a walk can turn into a harrowing experience with a single misstep, and a reliable compass might prevent such unfortunate occurrences."
Treasure Chest: "You've barely taken your first step before slamming your toes against the uncovered top of a buried chest of priceless Spanish gold and jewels. If you ever get off the island you'll find yourself handsomely rewarded."
*Research Journal: "You discover an old book with one of the following titles 1. Behavioral habits of the Cryptids on the island, 2. Guide to foraging and identifying medicinal herbs, 3. A compilation of the lizardfolk's oral traditions."


Stronghold, Cult/Devil-worshipping {discovery caused death}
An underground stronghold that’s the meeting of a Devil-worshipping cult that’s been cursed and shunned by the Gods. [Rank 1 - Class 4]
57Jungle, Lair, Cult/Earth cult {invaders}
A hidden lair in the jungle that was invaded by an “Earth” cult. [crazy Sloth cult]
De La Poer: A settlement that original created as a prison for prisoners from Laniakea, but was later repurposed.

12Beneath farmhouse, Temple or Shrine, Human [LE Fighter] {plague} 
A shrine beneath a farmhouse infested with a plague guarded by a fighter (lawful evil - human)
Stone Plantation: "Deeper inland beyond a stretch of jungle, nestled in the center of a pasture close to the edge of the forest you notice the structure of a grand stone farming house. The outside walls are in dire need of repair and maintenance but luckily the inside has stayed mostly dried and insulated. The plantation's fields have long been consumed by the island’s natural vegetation but remains populated by mango trees, wild strands of grain and corn just waiting to be harvested by the non-existent farmhands."

*90On the Islet islands, A lair on the 2nd Islet island, Hobgoblins raiders
Near Islet island is a lair controlled by hobgoblins. [In the lair is a portal to 4]
 !4 Avalanche, Lair, Giants {invaders}
frost giants that raided the lair
Islet Lighthouse: "From where you've landed on the island you can see the top of the shanty skeleton structure of the lighthouse. Spartan in terms of comfort and almost entirely exposed to the elements, the lighthouse has little to offer you other than a stretch of ocean between you and land-prowling beasts that would have you for dinner. You have a small wooden pier available for docking ships, though no seaworthy vessels remain. Tropical storms and violent tides will be a serious threat to your safety."

43 in forest, Mine, Dwarves {abandoned}
A forest not too far from the Station is abandoned and is taken over by dwarves.
*65 Swamp, Tomb, Lich {discovery caused death}
In the middle of a swamp is a tomb guarded by a Lich that discovered something horrid
 !16 Cthulhu’s island, Stronghold, Cult/Water cult {great miracle}
A stronghold on an unmapped island that’s home to infamous cult and there god
Satellite Station: "Following the path leading to higher ground you catch sight of the rust encumbered dish of a modern satellite station. Upon entry you find that the compound has long been abandoned by its creators, and though mostly compromised to the elements there are several rooms which remain sealed away. There is a variety of equipment here that might be used or repurposed; perhaps you could even send a message out to a sea-faring tanker or airplane with enough time and repairs."

14 Beneath graveyard, Treasure vault, Lich {cursed & shunned}
A large treasure vault hidden in graveyard guarded by a Lich that was shunned & cursed
24 Beneath ruins, Temple or Shrine, Cult/Evil deity {cursed & shunned}
Beneath the ruins is a temple created by a cult that’s been cursed & shunned by the gods
*75 Connected mesas, Lair, Human [CE Monk] {invaders}

A lair in connected mesas is guarded by a monk (chaotic evil - human)
 !5 Buried Sandstrom, Treasure vault, Yuan-ti {great miracle}
 In the middle of a sandstorm is a treasure vault of a great miracle guarded by a Yuan-ti
Ruined City: "A once magnificent city of stone carved into the side of a large valley. At one point this city housed thousands of inhabitants, though now only beasts prowl its streets. It seems the ancient residents of the city specialized in the creation of poultices and medicine, judging by the wide variety of glass containers, dried herb pouches, and woven materials for dressing wounds. There are a number of well-preserved dwellings amidst the beast infested ruins, and plenty to scavenge for those feeling brave."

Disaster Shelter - In the tunnels, abandoned, various
Bandits, goblins, giant rats, slime [6 incounters]

Disaster Shelter: "A series of tunnels and complexes built by an unknown group of architects. The tunnels are at times difficult to comprehend and the lowest levels have become a den for horrifyingly large rodents. Despite that the higher levels are useful for travelling large distances undisturbed and most known entrances are readily defendable. amidst its many passageways you might find supplies abandoned by laborers who seem to have left behind everything they owned in a hurry."

Lord Solith

Elio - Angels | Yang - Pure angels | Yin - Fallen angels | Ying - Angelic elves
Selene - Demons (Tieflings and other demonic things)
Lisa - Elves | Buddy - Humans
[The 4 seasons] Maia J. - Spring | Dax T. - Summer | Gaia Z. - Fall | Yas W. - Winter
:( - Dragons (and dragon-related/subspecies) | Askook - Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Tortle, etc.

Moradin - Dwarf | Gruumsh - Orcs | Skerrit - Satyr | The Travel - Changeling | Triton, 

Source: Island Survival